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クエリ検索: "ラジオ歌謡"
5件中 1-5の結果を表示しています
  • 塚原 康子
    2011年 57 巻 1 号 71-72
    発行日: 2011/10/05
    公開日: 2017/04/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 「尾瀬の木道エコペーパー」の開発と活用について
    小暮 義隆
    2010年 1 巻 93-97
    発行日: 2010年
    公開日: 2019/04/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 秋山 隆志郎
    1980年 10 巻 67-86
    発行日: 1980/03/31
    公開日: 2017/07/18
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The Third Period (Sept. 1946-Dec. 1946) Teaching Japanese Geography and History to pupils at school was prohibited by the Allied Forces since the beginning of their occupation, but teaching Geography was permitted in June 1946. Accordingly in September that year, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) started a new school broadcasting program series called 'Travelling by Train' for the fifth and the sixth graders (11-12 year olds). A few years later the title of the series was changed into 'Travelling with Radio', and that series had been one of the most favorite radio school program series until 'Travel-ling with Television' took its place. In November 1946, NHK broadcast a radio program series on civic education, consisted with successive six programs for teachers. This was due to the fact that the Ministry of Education intended to make civic education a regular subject at elementary school, however civic eduation was not established a school subject after all. The Forth Period (Jan. 1947-March 1947) The ban on teaching Japanese history at school was also removed in October 1946. New national textbook of Japanese history for elementary schools were compiled and authorized by the Ministry of Education. NHK started two radio school broadcasting program series about Japanese history based on the new historical viewpoint: one for the pupils in elementary school, the other for teachers. Discussion programs were broadcast very often. For example, some of their topics were 'Democratization Of Our Class', 'Shortage Of Coal', and 'Shortage Of Paper'. The Fifth Period (April 1947-July 1947) The Constitution of Japan was put in force on May 3, 1947. NHK broadcast a lot of radio programs for introducing the new Constitution to farmers, pupils, women, and general audience. On introducing the new Constitution to the Japanese people, NHK put emphasis especially on school broadcasting, including programs for teachers. This is one of the examples to show how CIE (Civil Information and Education Section of the Allied Forces in Japan) put great importance on radio education to reform Japanese society. The Sixth Period (Sept. 1947-July 1948) The new School Law was enforced in April 1947, and three years of studying at junior high school were set to be compulsory. New radio program series were started for junior high pupils: one series for each grade. One of the distinctive characteristics of school broadcasting was that programs on the same subjects were broadcast for each grader from first graders of elementary school up to the third graders of junior high school. From September to December 1947, Social Studies programs were broadcast for nine graders: Science, from January to March 1948; Home Economics, from April to July 1948. Social Studies and Home Economics were taught for the first time at elementary school. Radio Played a role of a pioneer in the diffusion of new educational ideas, because, all through these years, it was quite difficult to publish new textbooks due to shortage of paper and lack of sufficient printing equipment.
  • 庄司 亜香音, 後藤 拓弥
    2019年 62 巻 6 号 99-118
    発行日: 2019/02/01
    公開日: 2020/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    尾瀬国立公園は1990年代頃から本格的な調査でニホンジカの生息が確認されはじめ,貴重な湿原植物の採食や湿原の裸地化が問題視されるようになった。 それらの問題に対して環境省では①行動生態の把握のための調査,②尾瀬内での捕獲及び③モニタリング調査という三本柱による対策を行っている。①については2008年より,GPS首輪によるシカの行動追跡調査を実施し,日光と尾瀬を行き来する個体群の存在が明らかになっている。②については2013年より,尾瀬内のくくりわな及び銃器を用いて尾瀬ヶ原を中心としたニホンジカの捕獲を実施し,2017年は合計43頭を捕獲した。また,秋よりも春,くくりわなよりも銃器の捕獲効率が高いことが分かっている。③については個体数変動,植生被害の把握,裸地の遷移状況の把握及び植生保護柵の効果検討を行い,5 月下旬から6月にニホンジカの湿原への出没が多いことや採食場所を変化させているといったことが分かっており,柵による植生被害防止について一定の効果が認められた。

  • 複数のラジオの時代の「参加型コミュニケーション」をめぐって
    小川 博司
    2009年 74 巻 31-44
    発行日: 2009/01/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー