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クエリ検索: "ロバート・マニング"
2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 繁尾 久
    1993年 69 巻 2 号 353-357
    発行日: 1993/01/31
    公開日: 2017/04/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日米安保体制-持続と変容
    岩田 修一郎
    1997年 1997 巻 115 号 110-125,L14
    発行日: 1997/05/17
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the wake of the Cold War, the largest security challenges are dangers posed by regional powers, and dangers posed by proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. At this time of uncertainty, US leadership is essential for world peace.
    For the US, East Asia is a region of growing importance. The Pacific Rim countries are collectively America's largest trading partner. The confrontation and conflict that are recurrent reality in the region, however, make US military presence an essential element of regional stability. And for both regional security and US glogal interests, an alliance with Japan is necessary.
    The presence of US forces in Japan affords their rapid deployment to trouble spots in East Asia and as far as the Persian Gulf in the event of a variety of contingencies. Their stationing here is also cost-effective, thanks to Japanese financial support.
    The counterproliferation initiative of the Clinton Administration may have made Japan the most important ally of the US. The two countries must work in tandem to strengthen the present non-proliferation regime. Japan could make important contributions to the Theater Missile Defence project of the united States. The context for the Japan-US connection also includes North Korea's nuclear development and exports of missile technology to ‘rogue states’ in the Middle East, which are serious threat to Asian and global security.
    The bilateral alliance was reaffirmed with the Japan-US Joint Declaration on Security announced in April 1996. Close cooperation between the two countries, it was agreed by Prime Minister Hashimoto and President Clinton, is the most effective framework for the defense of Japan. The Declaration also clarified that Japan would not seek sutonomous defense capabilities. Further, the continued commitment to the alliance was reiterated at a time of debate over Okinawa, with Japan pledging its continued contribution for maintenance of US forces in Japan. The adjustment and realignment of US bases that is now underway will not result in any substantial change in overall US force structure.
    The redefined alliance includes one important change, being a review of the 1978 Guidelines for Defense Cooperation by both countries. The development of contingency plans for future military conflicts in East Asia is now a key security agenda in the bilateral cooperation. The controversial issue here is Japan's military support of US forces in regional crises. Japanese government policy has been one in which the Self Defense Forces might be used only in the event of a direct attack on Japan.