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3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • とりわけ都市計画審議会等の審議を中心として
    堀江 興
    1999年 34 巻 193-198
    発行日: 1999/10/25
    公開日: 2018/03/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    The outer-ring expressway in Tokyo has been researched by Ministry of Construction and Tokyo Metropolitan Government between 1961 and 1965. The Ministry of Construction asked the judgement about this outer-ring expressway plan to the president of City Planning Council of Tokyo. The many inhabitant opposed strongly to this expressway plan. These problems were discussed in the Constitution committee of the Diet. In June 1966, the Council approved this outer-ring expressway. The president of the Council replied the result of this plan to the Ministry of Construction. The Ministry of Construction carried this plan on the official gazette, then this outer-ring expressway was authorized.
  • —石垣島白保サンゴ礁を例に—
    長谷川 均
    2011年 31 巻 1 号 73-86
    発行日: 2011/01/31
    公開日: 2012/03/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The coral reef environment has turned worse on a global scale and reefs of the Okinawa islands are no exception. Although it is generally accepted that the main cause of coral degradation is related to rise and fluctuation of sea surface temperatures driven by the global warming, a coral reef ecosystem could also be disturbed by a variety of extremely local ecological and/or anthropogenic influences, resulting in coral bleaching and drastic population decrease. The aim of this study is to make clear the process of changes in the shallow-water coral reef environment with regard to land use alterations in the area of Shiraho on Ishigaki Island located in Okinawa, south west of Japan.
    Okinawa, a former Japanese territory under the U.S. administrative authority following the World War II, was returned to Japan in 1972. Thereafter, Okinawa was incorporated in the Japanese economy under the three Okinawa Development Plans in order to rapidly accomplish the social transformation. In Okinawa, several land improvement projects were performed under these development programs, followed by large-scale topographic changes accompanying extensive deforestation and sudden changes of land use practices. As a result, red soil outflow, overloaded runoffs from the farmlands, eutrophication, environmental perturbations of shallow-water reef ecosystems and quasi-extinction of hermatypic corals occurred. In this study, the impacts of the development process on the island ecosystem were assessed by examining the changes in the land use patterns on the island after 1972. Furthermore, using seven series of aerial photographs taken after 1972. I investigated the relevance of the changes on land areas to the deterioration of Shiraho coral reefs.
    The ratio of the sea grass bed colonizing the coral reef moat in 1972 was only 1.2%. After about 30 years (2004), the sea grass bed spread over 7.5% of the same area. The sea grass bed spread most extensively in the place adjacent to land improvement projects where large accumulation of red soil and nutrients took place. The combination of the impact of land improvement projects, the excrement of artificial manure and the runoff flow to the lagoon from the beef cattle breeding caused the spatial extension of the sea grass bed. Because the growth of sea grass is faster than that of hermatypic corals, the hermatypic corals lose their habitat as seaweeds spread.
  • ―独立青年同盟の結成と排撃―
    堀内 慎一郎
    2016年 67 巻 2 号 2_261-2_284
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2019/12/10
    ジャーナル フリー

    本稿では, 1949年に結成され, 当時の労働運動や日本社会党において激しい左右対立を引き起こした, 独立青年同盟の結成過程, 組織規模や組織論, イデオロギー等, その実態について調査分析を行った。その結果, 独青は, 当初目指された社青同結成が左右対立により頓挫したため, 総同盟右派や国鉄民同等の民同右派と社会党右派の青年が結成したものであったが, 社会党内での十分な協力関係構築に失敗したこともあって, 総同盟左派や産別民同主流, 社会党青年部によって排撃されたこと, 同時に 「左を叩いて, 右を切る」 という左派の労働戦線再編の戦略や, GHQ労働課の思惑もあって, 独青をめぐる対立が労働運動と社会党全体の左右対立に発展し, 左派優位の確立, 右派の主導権喪失の原因となったことが分かった。一方, 独青は短期間で排撃されたが, 独青に結集した青年の中から同盟指導者が多数輩出されており, 分析結果から, 独青の結成と排撃の過程で形成された組織間および人的関係性は, 今日も連合や民進党において解消されていない, 「総評―社会党ブロック」 と 「同盟―民社党ブロック」 という, ブロック対立の萌芽ともいえるものであったことが明らかになった。
