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クエリ検索: "井伊直弼と開国150年祭"
1件中 1-1の結果を表示しています
  • ―京都・滋賀の動きから―
    壽崎 かすみ
    2009年 32 巻 3 号 17-22
    発行日: 2009/08/15
    公開日: 2022/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this paper, a policy to be areas sustainable from the point of keeping population is observed. The historical areas of Kyoto and Shiga in Japan are considered and prove their special problem which is different form around Tokyo.

    For this purpose, the current landscape policy of Kyoto City is mainly investigated, and the several movements that emerged in Shiga prefecture are considered. A new landscape policy was enforced in Kyoto City in September 2007, and it featured landscape ordinance and design code of buildings. A design code was enforced not only on office buildings and mansions but also on the personal property of individuals. It was probably the first policy of its kind, and this led to confusion between construction companies and constructors. Although several groups have initiated movements concerning this policy and the problems related to it, this paper delves upon only one group. In Shiga prefecture, Hikone City is authorized by Rekisi-Machidukuri-Law, and several movements have emerged in Otsu City.

    Finally, similar problems observed in both Kyoto and Shiga are pointed out.
