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クエリ検索: "京都留守居役"
12件中 1-12の結果を表示しています
  • 近世文藝
    2013年 98 巻 59-61
    発行日: 2013年
    公開日: 2017/04/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 丸山 俊明
    2008年 73 巻 624 号 415-420
    発行日: 2008/02/28
    公開日: 2008/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    A sheet was lying at full length on eaves of some town house “machiya” in Kyoto city under the Tokugawa regime.
    The name of this sheet is “Shoyakumenjofuda” or “Kishukumenkyofuda”. This paper aims to clarify the reason of this sheet hang out. The meaning of “Shoyakumenjofuda” is evidence board exemption from tax imposed on the machiya house.
    And so “Kishukumenkyofuda” is evidence board exemption from obligation to receive guesuts imposed on the machiya house.
    The Imperial court award town people who was in close connection, therefore feudal firemen hesitate to clime on this house roof, for scared the authority of Imperial court.
  • 神辺 靖光
    1988年 31 巻 4-18
    発行日: 1988/10/01
    公開日: 2017/06/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ‐江戸時代の京都の町並景観の研究(その4)‐
    丸山 俊明
    2011年 76 巻 669 号 2199-2204
    発行日: 2011/11/30
    公開日: 2012/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー
    As for this thesis, Kyoto at the latter term of Edo period and the townscape in Edo examined a different reason in relation to the city fire prevention policy. The policy of improving the city fire prevention ability in Kyoto was executed after conflagration in 1708.
    However, the Tokugawa Shogunate has already come to think about the improvement of the fire prevention ability of Kyoto enough in around 1710. Though the building type which had a high fire prevention ability in 1721 was compelled in Edo, and not compelled in Kyoto. Therefore, the conclusion is assumed that the townscape in Kyoto and Edo was different because of the difference of the city fire prevention policy. The main discourse examines the townscape in Kyoto of Edo period and the relation to the urban policy. It is thought that the epoch making converted to an urban policy different in Edo and Kyoto is a fire fighting of Kyoto according to the reformation in Kyoho-era by Tokugawa shogunate, and it became an immediate factor that the townscape in Edo and Kyoto becomes the different one.
  • 福田 千絵
    2004年 2004 巻 69 号 109-126,L10
    発行日: 2004/08/20
    公開日: 2010/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 丸山 俊明
    2003年 68 巻 573 号 133-139
    発行日: 2003/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    This work intends to disclose the ordering system for actual firefighting in Kyoto city under the Tokugawa regime (Tokugawa era). In this paper, it will be clarified who was acted as the command in chief in fire extinguishing performance at the firing location. In conclusion, the role of command in chief was used to be performed by Kyoto machibugyosho (magistrate of Kyoto) supported by Kyoto shoshidai (governor of Kyoto and its neighboring districts) for fire extinguishing team consisting of both of feudal lord group and citizen group.
  • 和田 一範
    2018年 62 巻 1 号 1-27
    発行日: 2018/04/01
    公開日: 2019/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー

    アミガサ事件(大正3年⟨1914年⟩9月15日)と有吉堤(大正5年⟨1916年⟩ 12月18日竣工)の一連の事件の中で,もっとも大きなクライマックスシーンは,神奈川県庁に押し寄せた数100人の大抗議集団の場面,および内務省からの再三の電報による中止命令と,対岸東京側からの連日100人にも及ぶ監視集団の怒号の中で,道路改良工事に名を借りた堤防工事を進めた地元住民の場面である。その後,内務省の調停を受けてこの一大事件は,一気にハッピーエンドの終息へと向かい,有吉忠一知事の譴責処分と,御幸堤防落成式の場での有吉堤の命名で,一大活劇はいったん幕を閉じる。続いて,2 年後の内務省多摩川直轄事業化に向けて大局は動いてゆく。 これら一連の流れには,時の為政者たちの大いなる政策シナリオがある。 この論文は,既報4件の続報である。これまでの論文で一貫して主張をしているのは,防災の主役,自助・共助と,公助との連携が重要であり,そのモデルが大正年間の多摩川で繰り広げられた,アミガサ事件と有吉堤,そして内務省直轄による抜本改修着工に至る一連の顛末にある,ということである。そこには,現代の防災に通ずる多くの教訓が詰まっている。 重要な視点は,一連の事件が,防災の主役,自助・共助から発信され,公助がこれに呼応するかたちで展開してきたことであり,自助・共助と,公助との連携,鉄の結束が生んだ大きな成果であることである。 そこにはヒーローはいない。 地元住民が自ら発信し,共助としての議員団を動かし,公助である様々な行政機関,村役場,郡役所,県庁の役人,県議会,そして神奈川県知事,さらに多摩川直轄化の流れにおいては,東京府側の議員,東京府の役人,東京府知事,そして内務省の役人たち,内務省次官,譴責処分書の発信者である総理大臣大隈重信までが居並ぶ,一連の連携プレーの勝利なのである。 この一連の大活劇の中で,唯一,悪者として登場して去って行くのは,石原健三知事である。しかしこの人は,そんなに治水に理解のない,災害弱者に冷たい小役人ではない。アミガサ事件直後の現地視察から,県議会での対応などに,アミガサ事件の事後処理のシナリオを垣間見ることができる。 有吉知事においても,良く知られた郡道改良事業着工と並行して,多摩川の直轄改修事業化に向けて様々な取り組みを展開しており,この人なりの有吉劇場とも言うべき,ダイナミックなシナリオが見える。 本論文は,アミガサ事件の勃発から,有吉堤着工までの空白の期間,内務省直轄化に向けて,どのようなシナリオが描かれ調整がなされたのか,論考を行ったものである。

  • 大名留守居を通じてみたる
    服藤 弘司
    1984年 1984 巻 34 号 47-77,en6
    発行日: 1985/03/30
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Edo Period State (Bakuhan System) was a feudal state based on the lord-vassal bond existing between the Shogun and Daimyos. In this system, the Tokugawa family was the acknowledged head of the warrior class, and exercised rights of national rule. However, within their own domains the Daimyos were allowed considerable "autonomy" (Jibun shioki-ken), giving the power structure of the Edo Period State a tiered, two-dimensional character. Also, besides the warrior class who held the actual power, the class of court aristocrats also continued to exist as a potentially legitimate claimant to wield real power. This situation resulted in introducing into the Edo Period State a complicated and potentially unstable element from its outset.
    The Daimyo's "Rusu'i" (Edo Representative; lit. "Caretaker") were the Han officials charged with staying on a permanent basis in Edo to maintain liaison and conduct negociations with the Bakufu, as part of the Daimyo's demonstration of their loyalty to the Bakufu. These Edo Representatives were familiar with the protocol and ceremonial of the Bakufu, and remained well-informed on its interal matters, so that the Daimyo's execution of their duties to the Bakufu was completely dependent on the advice and guidance of these Representatives, and the fate of each Han hang on the ability of its Edo Representatives. However, over and above this, the Edo Representatives, because of their unique role, were in a position to determine the fate of the Bakufu's own authority. That the Kyoto Court in the late Edo Period was able to gain the power exceeding that of the Bakufu was due in large to the efforts of these Representatives.
  • 守友 隆
    2010年 72 巻 25-53
    発行日: 2010/08/31
    公開日: 2017/10/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 史学雑誌
    2003年 112 巻 4 号 525-564
    発行日: 2003/04/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松田 清, 遠藤 正治, 益満 まを
    2016年 2 巻 101-191
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2020/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー

    This article will introduce Yamamoto Bōyō's handwritten directory of his students, correspondents and Kyoto-based hikyaku couriers, covering nearly 25 years from 1830 to around 1856. The manuscript is composed of 305 items and includes 132 students and exhibitors to the bussankai (naturalistic annual workshops) held in the Kyoto school or by related naturalist groups in Osaka, Ise and Nagasaki. The naturalistic activities of the Yamamoto School depended on the hikyaku courier system which facilitated nationwide scientifi communication and exchange of specimens with students and related scholars in 41 ancient countries from Ōshū to Satsuma. In this article, the human network of this school is analyzed and described using the directory, here transliterated, and new documents discovered in the Yamamoto family archives.

  • 松田 清
    2021年 4 巻 47-209
    発行日: 2021年
    公開日: 2021/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー

    The Yamamoto Dokushoshitsu, a private school of natural history and Chinese classics in Kyoto, continued its activities over a 120-year period 1784 to 1903. Yamamoto Bōyō (1778– 1859), a disciple of the naturalist Ono Ranzan, inherited the school from his father Yamamoto Hōzan (1742–1813). The school reached its peak during the Ansei period (1854–1859).Yamamoto Ayao (1827–1903), the third son of Bōyō, reopened the school in 1875 as a means to maintain the Confucian and educational traditions of the Yamamoto family until his death in 1903. In 1893 he wrote the Senjin Genkōroku as a life of his late father following Confucian ideas of filial duty, but ten years later, in 1903, he rewrote it as a memoir containing, not only anecdotes about his grandfather Hōzan and his father Bōyō, but also histories of students, brothers and relatives and his own autobiography. Here we present for the first time the 1903 manuscript of Senjin Genkōroku with an introduction and notes. The introduction analyzes the process of its transformation using the family’s biographical documents.
