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2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 鈴川 博
    飯田市美術博物館 研究紀要
    2012年 22 巻 59-96
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2017/09/29
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
  • 戸森 麻衣子
    2001年 110 巻 3 号 435-462
    発行日: 2001/03/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present paper, the author attempts to clarify the social situation of civil servants working in Bakufu daikan 代官 (deputy executive) offices in order to link together the research on central Bakufu policy concerning its proprietorships and the work that treats those fiefs from a regional standpoint. To begin with, the author investigates the lowest ranking members of the daikan office staff, the katte-makanai 勝手賄, ashigaru 足軽, and chugen 中間. In many cases, these staff members were hired by the top ranking officials (tetsuke 手付 and tedai 手代) to accompany the latter to their appointed proprietorships. Therefore, these three positions were similar in function and social position to servants (hokonin 奉公人) of samurai families. The author concludes that these three posts were clearly separated in both treatment and social background from the tetsuke and tedai, who actually administered Bakufu fiefs. Next, the author investigates the aspect of succession and inheritance among tetsuke and tedai. There were two kinds of tetsuke : one who had risen from the clerical/law enforcement position of kumi-doshin 組同心, the other who was connected to Bakufu ministers. Because the position of tetsuke could be bought and sold, there were also such persons of tedai and commoner origins who were able to acquire the position of tetsuke. During the latter half of the Tokugawa period, many tedai positions became kinshiporiented, being handed down from father to son, and thus came to be monopolized by certain family lines. The social position of tedai was not very clear, but during the period in question they tended to identify themselves strongly with the samurai class. Both tetsuke and tedai were frequently moved or "lent" (moraiuke 貰い請け) from one daikan office to another, resulting and smooth working relations within offices throughout the realm. It was believed that such lending woud contribute to the improvement of tedai job skills, and specialization was encouraged among those who had inherited the position from a kinsman. It was in this way that tedai developed strong camaraderie among themselves and formed groups. Under the influence of such tedai group formation, tetsuki of both varieties formed bonds with the tedai bureaucrat class and formed what can be called "daikan civil servant groups."Such group formation facilitated the reproduction of tetsuki-tedai relationships and became firmly imbedded within the daikan organization in the form of a very influential group capable of effecting the decisions of the daikan himself.