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クエリ検索: "仮面ライダーアギト"
6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 「仮面ライダーシリーズ」を事例として
    葛城 浩一
    2012年 18 巻 31-40
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2022/11/03
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 鈴木 正崇
    2008年 82 巻 3 号 789-794
    発行日: 2008/12/30
    公開日: 2017/07/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ―特撮ツーリズム研究の一環として―
    二重作 昌満
    2022年 37 巻
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/06/23
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    本研究では、50 年の歴史を有する特撮ヒーロー番組である、東映制作の『仮面ライダー(1971)』シリーズを誘致資源化した観光史に着目し、作品のテレビ放送と並行させながら、いかに当シリーズを通じた観光を半世紀以上継続させてきたかについて、観光歴史学的観点からその変遷を明らかにした。本研究では 3 つの時代に分けて、その観光史を概説した。その上で、当シリーズ観光史の特徴のひとつとして、誘致対象である観光者の年齢層の多様化が挙げられ、特撮ツーリズムの誘致対象は子どもまたは親子連れに限定されず、作品を幼少期に視聴してきた青年層を誘致対象とした催事も、約 40 年前より既に開催されていた。
  • ―空想世界の方法論からのアプローチ―
    出渕 裕
    2004年 22 巻 8 号 962-965
    発行日: 2004/11/15
    公開日: 2010/08/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • ――優れた日本映画の「組」はどのような社会ネットワークから生まれるのか?――
    山田 仁一郎, 山下 勝, 若林 直樹, 神吉 直人
    2007年 40 巻 3 号 41-54
    発行日: 2007/03/20
    公開日: 2022/08/19
    ジャーナル フリー


  • ――藤岡弘、対 庵野秀明――
    横山 孝一
    2023年 42 巻 29-48
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2024/04/03
    研究報告書・技術報告書 オープンアクセス
    On March 17, 2023, the long-awaited Shin Kamen Rider or Shin Masked Rider, directed by Hideaki ANNO (1960-), Japan's leading animator and filmmaker, was finally released. As a big fan of Kamen Rider as well as ANNO's legendary Evangelion series, I went to see the movie, only to find it disappointing. Contrary to my ideal Kamen Rider image, ANNO's new / true (which are the meanings of the Japanese word shin) Masked Rider turned out to be so feeble, just as the manly character of Susumu KODAI was changed into such a tearful weakling by Harutoshi FUKUI in the 21st century reboot version of Space Battleship Yamato. Their good intentions are clear: reviewing Japan's militarism during WWII, both ANNO and FUKUI tried re-creating the famous characters, eliminating the belligerent elements they firmly believed to be bad. Although their attitudes might be politically correct, the results would be boring with anticlimaxes, while the cinema audience really wanted to see the heroes' brave fights with great determination. Shotaro ISHINOMORI (1938-98), the late manga artist who designed the superhero, would have supported ANNO's Shin Kamen Rider, because he was possessed by the same pacific belief as a typical Japanese postwar democrat. Just like ANNO, I (1966-) was fortunate enough to enjoy the first Kamen Rider series, from the very first episode aired on April 3, 1971 to the last of Kamen Rider V3, which ended on February 9, 1974, when the true identity of Shocker and Deathtron's boss proved to be Satan himself. Which means Hideaki ANNO turned the Devil into a human being named Ichiro MIDORIKAWA, who only hoped to make the world a better place. Therefore it is natural that the fighting against SHOCKER tends to be not only anticlimactic but also melancholic in ANNO's new Rider film. The original TV series was written not by Shotaro ISHINOMORI, but mainly by Masaru IGAMI (1931-91), who was good at samurai dramas. It was IGAMI that created the strict father figure of Tobei TACHIBANA wonderfully played by Akiji KOBAYASHI (1930-96) and that wrote about the unforgettable Kamen Rider Kid Corps, which ANNO completely ignored. The true Masked Rider was played by Hiroshi FUJIOKA (1946-), one of the most masculine living Japanese actors, who continued to act Takeshi HONGO in Toei's 2021 authentic Rider movie at the age of 75. As he has discovered and embodied it in his career, I must say the very essence of Kamen Rider is the soul of a samurai.