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2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 吉村 博文, 清水 高治, 矢田 浩, 北島 一徳
    1979年 65 巻 6 号 681-686
    発行日: 1979/05/01
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to examine the applicability of high manganese-chromium austenitic steels to cryogenic use, Charpy impact test was made at liquid helium temperature. A steel with 25Mn-5Cr-1Ni as base composition exhibited good toughness in impact testing without any sign of martensite transformation induced by impact deformation.
    Niobium bearing steel, which was grain-refined, showed slightly lower impact energy. The cause for this was considered to be the local strain hardening in fine-grained steel, in which the mode of crack propagation was changed. Increment of nickel content to the material with base composition increased toughness. 15Mn-5Cr-5Ni steel exhibited good toughness even though the trace of martensite transformation caused by low stability of austenite was found. As the results above, it was shown that 25Mn-5Cr-1Ni austenitic steels have an applicability to cryogenic use.
  • 宇田川興齋の「ポトカラヒイ」との関連性ならびに, 小島柳蛙と江崎禮二のコラージュ写真を中心に
    宮川 俊夫, 白井 靖男, 森田 一朗, 森田 峰子, 北村 二朗, 遠藤 正治
    1990年 53 巻 3 号 219-225
    発行日: 1990/06/28
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the former paper, Miyagawa et al. reported on Kohsai Udagawa's writing on albumen-on-glass photography, entitled “Potokarahii”. Yokusai Ihnuma who lived in Mino was Kohsai Udagawa's real father, and was one of famous scientists in 19th Century. He and his followers tried photography. Among them, his nephew, Ryuh-a Kojima was a tallent photographic technician. He opened a photographic studio in Gifu-ken, which was the first one in this prefecture. In 1873, he made an interesting collage picture composed of his familie's and his own portraits. It could be the oldest one of such kind of pictures in Japan. Yoshihiro Kuze studied photography with Yokusai Ihnuma in the Chemical Institute of the Ohgaki Clan. Reiji Esaki opened his photographic studio in Tokyo. He studied, at first, wet-collodion process, subsequently, he tried to use imported dry plate to take picture of rapid moving objects. In addition to them, he developed collage picture making. He made a surprising one composed of 1700 babies' photographic portraits which were taken with dry plate, in 1893.