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クエリ検索: "八島薬品"
1件中 1-1の結果を表示しています
  • 東 一也
    1963年 60 巻 3 号 183-212_1
    発行日: 1963/03/30
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    Various factors of ascites production and its absorption were studied in so-called Mckee's dogs of which vena cava inferior were constricted at the part of 2 or 3 cm above the diaphragm. Observations had been made on these dogs for four weeks after the procedure of the constriction. The following results were obtained:
    1) Portal venous pressure, abdominal and thoracic inferior vena cava pressure of Mckee's dogs with ascites (peritoneum closed) were considerably higher than that of the no ascites series (peritoneum opened). These pressure difference were mainly due to the results of accumulation of ascites.
    2) Total flow of liver lymph was remarkably increased (approx, 10 times) in ascitic dogs than that in normal dogs.
    3) Liver lymphgraphy revealed the existence of intrahepatic lymph duct and its dilatation in ascitic dogs.
    4) Increased permiability of liver capillary in ascitic dogs were proved by injected various kinds of dyes.
    5) The electrophoretic pattern for serum, liver lymph, and ascitic fluid were shown to be practically similar.
    6) These local facters indicated that the liver and liver capsel lymph can be accounted for the source of ascitic fluid.
    7) On the other hand, total protein, alubumin percentage, A/G ratio, and colloid osmotic pressure of serum were studied as general factors, They were decreased in their values. Sodium in serum increased. The factors were not primary for production of ascites, but secondary.
    8) Absorbability of peritoneal cavity were studied with dyes which were injected intraperitonealy under various conditions. The dye absorption through peritoneal cavity of Mckee's dog was found to be remarkably disturbed than that in normal dog.
    9) The mechanism of the accumulation of ascites would be understand as a result of unbalance between over producted liver lymph and disturbed absorption through peritoneal cavity.