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クエリ検索: "南方同胞援護会"
37件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 梶原 英一
    1969年 23 巻 51-61
    発行日: 1969/05/20
    公開日: 2022/11/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 軍用地転用による地域再開発へのアプローチ
    矢島 隆志
    1974年 9 巻 31-36
    発行日: 1974/10/25
    公開日: 2020/11/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • *菅原 至
    2023年 2023s 巻 402
    発行日: 2023年
    公開日: 2023/04/06
    会議録・要旨集 フリー


     日本は第二次大戦の敗戦により小笠原諸島の施政権を喪失した.米国施政権下(1945-1968)の小笠原諸島では先住者である欧米系・太平洋系世帯のみが居住を認められ,日系島民は施政権返還まで居住が許されなかった.施政権返還後の小笠原村民は,住民行政上「在来島民」「旧島民」「新島民」の3者に区分されるが,「在来島民」は米国施政権下の父島に居住していた人々を,「旧島民」は戦前に小笠原諸島に居住していた日系世帯を指す.「新島民」は返還以降に父島・母島に移住した人々である. 「在来島民」の歴史経験や「新島民」の移住に関する研究には一定の蓄積がみられ,戦後に難民化した「旧島民」の生活や帰島・補償運動については石原(2013; 2019)に詳しい.しかし「旧島民」の返還前後の活動や帰島後の生活については詳らかになっていない.そこで,本研究は故郷喪失を経て帰島し,島内に定住した「旧島民」の経験を明らかにすることを目的とする.手法としては,




    編 1966).帰島を待つなかで「旧島民」は経済的に困窮し,1953年の東京都による「小笠原島引揚民の生活状況調査」では全体の85%が困窮者とされている.いつ帰島が許可されるか見通しが立たない状況のため,現住地への資本の投下が困難であったことも困窮の要因となった(犬飼・橋本 1969).総理府が返還直前に全国の「旧島民」を対象に実施した悉皆調査では,帰島希望者は回答者全体の68%にのぼり,島別の内訳は父島2,276名,母島1,424名,硫黄島395名であった.


     戦前の小笠原諸島には, 5つの行政村(父島: 大村・扇村袋沢村,母島: 沖村・北村,硫黄島: 硫黄島村)が設置されていたが,米国施政権下では父島大村のみが居住地として利用され,その他の集落は放棄されていた.「旧島民」の帰島に際しては,住宅や上下水道,電気等のインフラ整備が喫緊の課題であった.そのため,小笠原返還をもって「旧島民」の帰島が実現したわけではなかった.特に米軍が駐留しなかった母島は,全島が亜熱帯の植物に覆われたため再開拓が求められ,定住には返還から5年の歳月を要した.


     返還後に帰島を果たした「旧島民」は,主に戦前の生活の記憶を持つ40代以上であり,少数の若者は親の意志に応えて随伴した島外育ちの戦後世代であった.帰島時期に着目すれば,同じ「旧島民」にも従事する職種により差異がみられた.例えば,漁業者は農業者よりも帰島・定住が早く,その要因としては以下の3点が指摘できる.第1に,米国施政権下の父島では,「在来島民」がグアムに冷凍魚を輸出していたため,最低限の港湾設備が整っていたこと.第2に,漁業者は,返還以前から返還後の漁協設立に向けて「在来島民」の漁業者と接触していたこと.第3に,戦前の農地が密林に戻っていたため,農業者としての定住を希望した人々は生業基盤の整備に時間が掛かったことである. これに対し,帰島が果たされなかった「旧島民」も存在する.一部の硫黄島出身者は父島・母島に移住し帰島を待ったが,現在まで帰島は実現していない.また,小笠原復興計画では,インフラ集約を目的として「一島一集落」が基本方針とされ,父島大村地区と母島沖村地区の優先整備が行われた.そのため,他集落出身者は帰島できても帰郷できない状況が続いた.本発表では,以上のような文書資料から得られた「旧島民」の帰島・定住の過程を,聞き取り調査の結果と照らし合わせることで,生きられた経験として論じる.


    石原 俊 2013.『〈群島〉の歴史社会学――小笠原諸島・硫黄島,日本・アメリカ,そして太平洋世界』弘文堂.

    石原 俊 2019.『硫黄島』中央公論新社.

    犬飼基義・橋本 健 1969.『小笠原――南海の孤島に生きる』日本放送出版協会.

    編 1966.『小笠原関係実態調査書元居住者名簿編』

    [付記] 本研究は「阿部英雄史学地理学科研究奨励金」および 「明治大学大学院生研究調査プログラム」の補助金を使用した.

  • 沖繩返還交渉の政治過程
    比嘉 幹郎
    1975年 1975 巻 52 号 5-26,L1
    発行日: 1975/05/10
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The main objective of this paper is to clarify the basic character of the reversion movement in Okinawa. To achieve this objective, the paper has first explored the patterns of orientations among Okinawan inhabitants towards the politics of reversion, then examined the attitudes of several influential Okinawan political groups towards the reversion problem, and finally analyzed some important reversion activities, especially in the period after 1965. As a result, it was found that the pattern of resistance or rejection, rather than that of easy accommodation, prevailed among the Okinawans under U. S. administration, that a wide range of differences in attitudes towards the reversion problem, particularly towards the issue of U. S. military bases, existed among the Okinawan groups, and that three closely related aspects or phases of the reversion movement, characterized respectively as the nationalistic, Constitution-oriented and antidiscrimination movement, were discernible.
  • 越智 正樹
    2011年 2011 巻 11 号 1-24
    発行日: 2011/03/20
    公開日: 2020/09/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previous studies of development policy for Okinawa under the U.S. Occupation have focused more on central Okinawa and less on peripheral areas. This paper presents details from a project called the “Iriomote Overall Development Project,” which was undertaken as a joint U.S.-Japan policy, but afterward was derailed in early 1960s. Through an analysis of historical sources, this paper reveals the prehistory and the grounds for the abortion of the project, which is largely unknown publically. Resettlement programs administrated by USCAR (United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands) and the GRI (Government of the Ryukyu Islands) are a main issue in the reviews of the history of Yaeyama district, where Iriomote island is located, under the Occupation. It is generally believed that the programs were executed as compensation for condemning of the military land on Okinawa’s main island, which triggered a resident-led struggle against the condemnation, and were finished when the struggle neared an end. A different story emerges in this paper, as the continuity between the programs and the overall development project is better substantiated. The project was much-ballyhooed when it first began, situated as a symbol of budding U.S.-Japan cooperation for Okinawa development. This has been well established among researchers on Okinawa, but the grounds of its collapse have never been deeply considered. The commonly-held reason of the project’s discontinuation was U.S. military’ fiscal difficulty, which, while true, is just circumstantial evidence. Using USCAR’s internal documents, a more detailed account of the situation is presented in this paper. Initially, after U.S.­Japan joint research on the island, there was a discrepancy of opinions between the two governments concerning harbor construction, which ended with the Japanese government’s suspension of funding in fiscal year 1962. The source of the discrepancy was general miscommunication and mistrust between the parties. Meanwhile, the High Commissioner of USCAR suspended some new resettlement programs for Iriomote island, budgeted at about a million dollars by the U.S. Department of the Army. Internal documents show that it was finally decided to return the entirety of the money in March of 1963, which must have been crucial to the implementation of the whole project. Beyond detailing the circumstances surrounding the virtual abortion of the development project, this paper also reveals adverse effects on regional agricultural policy resultant from the fact that USCAR had never formally declared the abortion. In particular, planned sites for the project remained after the project’s discontinuance, causing difficult land-use adjustments for local farmers. This paper adds to historical study on Yaeyama development policy, uncovers new ground on the insufficient development policies for settlers, and highlights the relationship between the governments during U.S. Occupation on Okinawa from the viewpoint of Okinawa’s periphery.
  • 伊藤 久雄
    1968年 1968 巻 41 号 1-8
    発行日: 1968/10/30
    公開日: 2012/08/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 米国統治下及び返還時の言語教育を中心として
    石井 和平
    1993年 1993 巻 6 号 179-190
    発行日: 1993/06/05
    公開日: 2010/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    One peculiarity in Ogasawara is the people who have lived since the histroy of Ogasawara began. They are not Japanese-Japanese (mainly Europeans or Americans) and have suffered from the World war. Not only the war itself but also the change of the ruler gives them their own history. In this paper, I intend to present a feature of their language and the education they have taken. I also try to describe how and why they took theer course under the circurmstance. In conclusion, for them, the maintaining peace and order to live together in a small island is the matter of supreme importance, and those who failed to adjust themself to new environments had to leave for the new country, which had given them the education in their childfood.
  • 上杉 和央
    2018年 70 巻 4 号 457-476
    発行日: 2018年
    公開日: 2018/12/31
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 沖繩返還交渉の政治過程
    渡辺 昭夫
    1975年 1975 巻 52 号 65-96,L2
    発行日: 1975/05/10
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Japanese policy formation on the Okinawa reversion was characterized by the prolongation of the issue as well as by the extent to which the matter attracted public sentiment and a wide range of group interests became activated. These characteristics seem to suggest that the politics of Okinawa reversion provides an excellent case for the group theory or the pressure-group approach to foreign policy-making in contemporary Japan.
    In this paper the author attempts to draw the contours of the Japanese foreign policy formation by examining the way in which various individuals and groups outside the government became activated and by assessing the effects that their activities had upon the final outcome of governmental decision on the reversion of Okinawa.
    The paper emphasizes the importance of the roles played by the various non-governmental and/or non-bureaucratic groups without, however, denying the fact that crucial decisions were taken by a small group of politicians aided by bureaucratic experts. It is argued that these facts —the excitement of the broad sectors of public and the elitist nature of decision-making within the government— make the case of Okinawa reversion fall into the category of ‘redistributive politics’ in Theodore J. Lowi's theoretical scheme.
  • 1950年代の国際政治
    梶浦 篤
    1994年 1994 巻 105 号 112-126,L12
    発行日: 1994/01/30
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    With the signing of the Treaty of Peace with Japan at San Francisco in 1951, the Amami Islands as well as the Ryukyu, Ogasawara, and some other islands were to remain in the control of the United States and thus to be separated from Japan. However, as early as 1953, the United States returned the Amami Islands to Japan. That action has often been explained as a means to compensate for the United States' retention of the Ryukyu Islands. Beyond that, the United States' action regarding the Amami Islands was developed in relation to the Soviet Union's control of the Northern Territories. This article intends to add a new explanation for the return of the Amami Islands, taking into account the relationship between the Japanese southern and northern territorial problems.
    The Japanese desire for the return of the Amami, Ryukyu, and Ogasawara Islands was strong. The United States recognized that Japan's territorial frustration toward the United States could not be rectified until the United States returned all of those islands. The United States concluded that some consessions to Japan were necessary. But the United States also felt a serious concern about the potential confrontation with the communist powers in East Asia. With such considerations, the United States decided to return only the Amami Islands, while merely improving the administration of the Ryukyu Islands. The United States considered that that series of actions was the maximum possible concession at that time.
    There is another aspect that should be emphasized. The United States was irritated that the Japanese felt any antipathy toward the United States for controlling the southern islands. Similarly, the Japanese also felt antipathy toward the Soviet Union for its occupation of the northern islands. The United States was afraid that the Soviet Union might forestall it by returning some of those islands. In that case, the Japanese frustration would then concentrate on the United States role with the southern islands. That scenario was one of the main reasons why the United States separated the strategically unimportant Amami Islands in the peace treaty and quickly returned them to Japan two years later. The above strategy was possibly brought by the Office of Far Eastern Affairs in the Department of State, especially by Hugh Borton, who was a specialist on Japan. It is highly probable that the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, knew the strategy.
    Ironically, even following the return of the Amami Islands, the Japanese frustration regarding the territorial problems turned toward the Ryukyu and Ogasawara Islands rather than to the Northern Territories. It was not before the total territorial settlement between the United States and Japan that the Northern Territories problem became the Japanese main interest among its territorial problems.
  • 沖繩返還交渉の政治過程
    福井 治弘
    1975年 1975 巻 52 号 97-124,L3
    発行日: 1975/05/10
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The article attempts to analyze and explain the decision process of Okinawa reversion in the Japanese government as a case of what the writer calls a model of “critical” decision making. The model and its general paradigmatic perspective are outlined in the first section, while the middle section discusses in terms of the model five selected events in the evolution of the reversion issue in the years 1964-69. The last section summarizes the major points of the discussion and suggests that the model used in the study deserves further elaboration and refinement as a potential additional tool of empirical research and theory building in foreign policy decision making, in the Japanese government and in general.
  • 吉本 秀子
    2016年 88 巻 177-194
    発行日: 2016/01/31
    公開日: 2017/10/06
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper examined the original text of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 to determine principles for United States public diplomacy and explored how the Smith-Mundt programs affected freedom of speech in Okinawa in the 1948-1952 period, critical decision years for the separation of Okinawa from mainland Japan. The Act authorized the Secretary of State, responsible for foreign information programs, and enabled the Secretary to use the national budget flexibly overseas, allowing the transfer of executive roles for international public relations to other federal agencies. Therefore, the Department of Army in charge of postwar Japan at the time was assigned as the executive agency of the Smith-Mundt programs for the Japanese. In Okinawa, the Civil Information and Education Department (CIE), under the Army administration established in 1948, launched information and education programs for the Okinawan people. The components of the CIE programs comprised "ECA information programs" financed by the Foreign Aid Appropriation Acts and coordinated by the Psychological Strategy Board of the Executive Branch. CIE conducted political campaigns for the 1950 Okinawa Gunto Governor election, attempting to acquire the people's support for the U.S. administration of Okinawa. CIE introduced American movies with Japanese subtitles, built five U.S. Information Centers, disseminated press releases, controlled incoming and outgoing news to the Okinawan media, and censored anti-American speech. As a result, the CIE campaigns temporally suppressed "Japanese reversion" speeches but social movements toward the reversion emerged as reactions to the CIE speech control. The Smith-Mundt Acts originally aimed to promote a better understanding of the United States on an international stage at the United Nations, and granted authorization to the Secretary of State responsible for the programs. However, the U.N.-centered ideal gradually changed during the latter half of the Truman administration as the Cold War began. This paper aims to clarify the process based on archival research.
  • 沖縄ろう学校生徒208名の調査結果
    永渕 正昭
    1968年 14 巻 4 号 256-263
    発行日: 1968/12/20
    公開日: 2013/05/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 1967 the author investigated 208 children of Okinawa School for the Deaf with respect to the causes of deafness and audiometric aspects.
    Two hundred and eight children consisted of 107 boys and 101 girls aged from 6 to 18 years.
    Familiar deafness is an important pre-natal cause of deafness among them, and it was found in 41 families (22%). Consanguineous marriages of their parents amounted to 15 families (8%). There were three predominant diseases as post-natal causes of deafness, that is, febrile diseases suffered before the age of 2 years amounted to 38 children (18%), otitis media to 25 (12%) and measles to 24 (11.5%). One hundred and eighty-one children were subjected to hearing tests based on the standard audiometry. Hearing losses of the children were found to be more than 50 dB. Audiogram of the residual type was found in 90 children (50%) and total deafness Caudiogram of the scale-out type) in 19 (10.5%). In comparison with the hearing test results conducted in 1965, 46 children (25%) had progressive hearing impairments.
  • 沖縄戦の「慰霊空間の中心」整備をめぐる地域の動向
    上杉 和央
    2009年 11 巻 47-72
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2024/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    近年、歴史研究のなかで、記憶と場所の関係が重要なテーマの一つとなっている。本稿もこの流れをふまえるものであるが、重視するのは集団ごとに場所の記憶は異なっているという点である。何らかの機会にある場所が記憶の場として形成されていく時、その場は複数の集団が関与するコンタクト・ゾーンとなる。そこには、支配的な記憶が単純に敷衍されるのではなく、集団相互間の抵抗・交渉 協調といった営為があり、必ずしも単一の記憶が構成され るわけではない。本稿では、戦後の沖縄県糸満市域を研究対象地とし、沖縄戦戦没者をめぐって琉球政府などが「慰霊空間の中心」を形成していくなかで、地域住民がどのような反応を示し、行動していったのかを具体的に検討することにより、この点を例証していく。
  • 服部 敦, 宮道 喜一, 小阪 亘
    2023年 88 巻 813 号 2988-2997
    発行日: 2023/11/01
    公開日: 2023/11/01
    ジャーナル フリー

    The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate regional plans in Okinawa designed by Atelier Zo. By analyzing how the distinctive concepts and methods of a series of regional plans were expressed in the design works of Atelier Zo, we re-evaluate a series of regional plans these works as having produced these outcomes, as well as the value of the design works of Atelier Zo as planning heritages of regional plans, thereby contributing to their preservation and utilization.

  • 小林 文人
    1998年 65 巻 4 号 354-362,422
    発行日: 1998/12/30
    公開日: 2007/12/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The main purpose of this paper is to clarify the process of how the Fundamental Law of Education was introduced to Postwar Okinawa, and how it took root there at a time when Okinawa was politically separated from Japan and was under the American occupation(1945-1972). Under the strict restrictions of the Occupational policies that had as their background American Far Eastern strategy, the Fundamental Law of Education and other educational laws were not realized in content as they really were intended in Japan proper, but rather were modified and changed within the framework established by the United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands. Furthermore, the Code of Education for the Ryukyus, 1952, was administered by the Americans similar to other legal ordinances, namely as a colonial law. Inspired resistance by people of Okinawa, a democratic movement led by the teachers association in Okinawa and represented by Choubyou Yara, tried to deal legally with the four educational laws(the Fundamental Law of Education, the School Education Law, the Board of Education Law, and the Social Education Law). Boldly opposing the Americans this protest movement succeeded in achieving the implementation of the enactment of the Four Educational Laws based on the principle of Japan's educational legal system, 1958. The educational legal system and administration of Okinawa under the American Occupation was characterized by adversarial relationship based on the two different system of occupational Force's Government and the Okinawa Government. Unlike the other area of Japan proper, the Okinawa's Fundamental Law of education was developed under such characteristics as the following:1)the stabilization process under the American Occupation;2)civilian movement for legislation against the Occupation's administration;3)the local history that was handed down and spread to each island of Okinawa;and 4)a gap between the principle of the Fundamental Law of Education and reality.
  • 嘉手苅 英子
    2011年 18 巻 35-38
    発行日: 2011/03/31
    公開日: 2017/10/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉岡 至
    2017年 91 巻 51-63
    発行日: 2017/07/31
    公開日: 2017/11/07
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper aims to consider the role of local journalism from the positionality

    of Okinawan newspapers concerning what is called “Okinawa Problem”

    (Okinawa-mondai,), especially problems related to the U.S. military base in


      When a U.S. military helicopter crashed over Okinawa International University

    in the summer of 2004, the accident was reported as a news event with

    important and contrasting differences between the articles of mainland media

    and Okinawan media. It can be considered that these differences were generated

    by their different standards of news values and the differences in the positionality

    of the event as news media.

     In this paper, I try to explain the positionality and the role of Okinawan

    local newspapers, namely Ryukyu Simpo and Okinawa Times, in taking up the

    news event of the rape and murder of a woman by a U.S. military contractor

    that occurred in the spring of 2016, and by analyzing the news reports, special

    features, and editorials relating to the Okinawa mass protest rallies on June 19

    against the vicious crime.

      Results of my research show that both newspapers are positioned not only

    as “agents” embodying and reflecting “the will of the people,” the sentiments

    and thoughts of Okinawan people who have been forced to bear the heavy burden

    of U.S. military bases, but also as “parties involved” standing on the same

    side as the Okinawan people or sitting close together, by always reporting baserelated

    problems like accidents, crimes, noise pollution, and environmental

    destruction that affect their living space.

  • 山本 誉士, 河野 裕美, 水谷 晃, 依田 憲
    2015年 46 巻 2 号 67-81
    発行日: 2015/03/20
    公開日: 2017/03/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    本研究では,西表島の南西15 kmに位置するオオミズナギドリCalonectris leucomelasの繁殖地である仲ノ神島において,本種の繁殖個体数の推定,および巣穴構造の調査をおこなった。オオミズナギドリの巣穴は調査域全域にみられたが,平地や緩斜面では高密度であった。巣穴密度は,高密度区で0.64±0.22巣/m2,ガジュマル区で0.19±0.15巣/m2,低密度区で0.10±0.10巣/m2であった。また,繁殖巣穴密度は,高密度区で0.13±0.10巣/m2,ガジュマル区で0.01±0.03巣/m2,低密度区で0.01±0.03巣/m2であった。各区画について,巣穴密度および営巣密度と面積を乗じて足し合わせた結果,仲ノ神島におけるオオミズナギドリの巣穴数および営巣数はそれぞれ18,853巣と2,783巣,そして繁殖個体数は5,566羽と推定された。仲ノ神島におけるオオミズナギドリの巣穴の採掘方向には一定の方向性が見られ,斜面にある巣では斜面下に向いており,平地では最も近い海側に向いていた。また,巣穴構造には「棒形」と「くの字型」がみられ,巣穴の長さは棒型で75±22 cm,くの字型で99±20 cmであった。

  • 市川 周佑
    2022年 73 巻 1 号 1_284-1_307
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/06/16
    ジャーナル フリー




