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クエリ検索: "南飛騨馬瀬川温泉"
1件中 1-1の結果を表示しています
  • 山際 三郎, 城田 知訓, 山内 希美, 宮田 知幸, 児玉 直樹, 宮下 剛彦, 河合 寿一, 加藤 正夫
    2004年 67 巻 3 号 173-178
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    We investigated the influences of hot-spring bathing on the incidences of abortion and premature birth using questionnaires returned from 768 puerperal in-patients.
    These patients were classified into four groups: 24 taking a hot-spring bath daily (group 1), 134 taking a bath with additives (group 2), 178 taking a plain water bath daily (group 3), and 35 taking a shower daily (group 4).
    The incidence of threatened abortion among the ambulatory patients in each group was 4.2% for group 1, 11.9% for group 2, 9% for group 3, and 2.9% for group 4.
    The incidence of threatened abortion among the hospitalized patients in each group was 4.2% for group 1, 6.7% for group 2, 4.5% for group 3, and 8.6% for group 4.
    The incidence of threatened premature birth among the ambulatory patients in each group was 12.5% for group 1, 17.2% for group 2, 15.7% for group 3, and 14.3% for group 4.
    The incidence of threatened premature birth among the hospitalized patients in each group was 0% for group 1, 7.5% for group 2, 3.4% for group 3, and 2.9% for group 4.
    The incidence of vaginitis among the patients in each group was 50% for group 1, 43.4% for group 2, 46.6% for group 3, and 44.1% for group 4.
    The incidence of premature rupture of membrane (PROM) among the patients in each group was 4.2% for group 1, 21.1% for group 2, 12.9% for group 3, and 22.9% for group 4.
    The incidence of premature birth among the patients in each group was 0% for group 1, 3% for group 2, 2.8% for group 3, and 2.9% for group 4.
    Among the 42 multiparas experiencing single delivery and being treated for threatened abortion, those who for more than 10 minutes daily showed a significant difference from ambulatory patients being treated for threatened abortion that required hospitalization.
    Many of the 63 primiparas who did not use a labor accelerating medicine but bathed for more than 10 minutes daily delivered their babies within 1000 minutes.
    The above suggests that pregnant women may bathe in hot-springs without problem but bathing for less than 10 minutes is recommended during early stage of pregnancy.