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6件中 1-6の結果を表示しています
  • 東部中国地方の場合
    富岡 儀八
    1964年 37 巻 8 号 450-468
    発行日: 1964/08/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) 高瀬舟湖航限界線は100mの等高線にほぼ一致する.ただし旭川・高梁川・江川などの先行性河流は,その限界を遙かに越えている。傾斜度ではほぼ1/400勾配が限界である. (2) 溯航限界点と内陸都市経済中心地とが一致する. (3) 中国山地の地形に適合した馬背移送が,牛背移送に優先する. (4) 都市立地と内陸交通路との関連において,内陸都市を類型化すると次のようになる. (A) 陸路都市(生野・若桜)と (B) 水陸路結節都市(山崎・津山・勝山・新見)に分類される.さらに陰陽横断起点に当るものをOとすると, AO型は生野・若桜, BO 型は勝山, B型は山崎・津山・新見となる. (5) 陰陽横断路と内陸都市立地との関係を,都市機能および構造上から関連性を把握すると, (1) AO型の山陰都市生野は,幕府直轄領の銀山町という特殊性から,政策的に非交通都市化され,代行交通集落森垣村の発達を促した.森垣村は銀山町経済と山陽経済との結合地に経済中心地を形成した. (2) BO型の山陽都市勝山は,山陰からの横断終着点と山陽舟運の湖航限界点との結合地に経済中心地を形成し,対山陰交通が経済中心地形成の主体をなす. (3) B型の山陽都市新見は,横断終着点とは関係なく,都市経済と高梁川湖航限界点との結合地に経済中心地を形成し,単純内陸都市的性格を強く保持している。津山はさらにこの傾向が強い。 (6) 要するに,内陸都市の経済中心地は,山陰・陽の所属地域には関係なく,優勢経済圏に支配されて形成され,都市経済の指向性を表示している。 (7) 南北塩の経済圏問題は,東西瀬戸内塩のそれにおき換えられ,これは興味ある問題であるが,既報1)2)のためその論述はここでは省略する.
  • 大出 稔
    1912年 19 巻 222 号 152-162
    発行日: 1912/03/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 野村 耕造
    1980年 32 巻 2 号 55-63
    発行日: 1980年
    公開日: 2010/04/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    As studied previously, the dialectal expression [teru] used in the words such as [kiteru], [saiteru], meaning the state of either ‘finished’ or ‘continuing’ is generally used in East Japan, and [toru] used in such words as [kitoru], [saitoru], meaning the state of ‘finished'’ and [joru] in such words as [kijoru], [sakijoru], meaning ‘continuing’ state are are spoken in West Japan, where they use two expressions each in its proper way.
    In this paper, the writer reports on the distribution of [t∫oru] used in such words as [kit∫oru], [sait∫oru], another expression meaning the state of ‘finished’, in Chugoku and Shikoku, West Japan.
    The expression [t∫oru] is spoken in Central Sanin, Yamaguchi prefecture, Central Geinan and South Shikoku, that is to say, in the fringes of Chugoku and Shikoku except Central Geinan. Each line of demarcation between [t∫oru] and [toru] roughly runs along the watersheds, but circumstantially that has been affected by traffic routes and by marital relations since old times. The use of the expression [t∫oru] in those [t∫oru] areas generally tends to fall off slowly, and it is mingling more or less with [toru] in each [t∫oru] area. In Fig. I, I can say that [toru] has generally extended westward from east, for the reason that [t∫oru] areas persist in the fringes of west, north and south, excepting east. Besides, in Fig. II, I see that [toru] has extended dualistically in ‘Chugoku Shikoku’ and ‘Kyushu’, for the reason that [toru] areas in ‘Chugoku Shikoku’ are separated from [toru] areas in ‘Kyushu’.
  • 木野崎 吉郎
    1965年 7 巻 4 号 185-199
    発行日: 1965/07/30
    公開日: 2010/02/08
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三野 與吉
    1933年 9 巻 8 号 649-674
    発行日: 1933/08/01
    公開日: 2008/12/24
    ジャーナル フリー
    In an earlier paper the author described his quantative studies of the crustal movements, and the crustal deformations of the same district. But in doing so he had to make the following assumptions:
    a) This district wa eroded to a peneplain during older. Tertiary (pre-miocene); an assumption held by many geologists, although it had not been determined geomorphologically or geographically, that is to say the distribution, both horizontal and vertical.
    b) The miocene deposits which are scattered here and there, on the summit of the hills and at the bottom of the valleys of this district, had covered much wider area at that time than it does today.
    c) The peneplain., or eroded surface, , developed during a late stage in the geographical cycle and had truncated in much the same way the tops of the surfaces of the. miocene and pre-miocene strata, so that an intersected penepain was developed, that is two peneplains (pre-miocene and post-miocene) had intersected each .other at a small angle. In this paper he attempts to prove these assumptions, the method being as follows :
    I. He has drawn. a “Gipfelflur” map (Fig. 1) by the method of closed contour curves on morphological maps (scale 1:50000; contour interval 20m ), publshed by the Imperial Japanese Military Land Survey.
    Fig. I shows many long ranges of mountain summits in a direction NW-ES, together with another range in a EN-SW direction.
    II. He has classified the flat plains in Fig. I into I, II, and III, from the lower, to the higher.
    Flat plains I are distributed mainly in the south and the north-west parts of the district, the former being the Ihara-Hutyû, and the latter- the Syôhara flat plain.
    Flat plains II are distributed in the socalled up-lifted Tyûgoku peneplain, the altitude of the northern parts being about 600m, and that of the southern about 450m. The southern extremities, which assume. a zig-zag form, spread out into the flat plain II, while the northern, which assume the same shape as the southern., penetrate under flatplain III. For example, the region of the upper course of the Tôzyô river (flat plain II), about 7.km in width and rokm in length, penetrates flat plain III of Mt. Iiyama, and Mt. Sirataki in the west, and Mt. Ogamesituzi in the east.
    Flat plain III, which is distributed chiefly in the northern part, is shaped like a peninsula. The parts which are distributed from the center to the southern end of the district have the shape of an island. The altitude increases from 750m.
    III. He. drew another “die Gipfelflur” (Fig. 4), in which he adopted a closed curve as before, but in this, he joined together greater distances (about 3 km) than those shown in Fig. I, then classified flat plain Fig. 5, from Fig. 4. This classified figure largely resembles Fig. 2.
    IV. In order to test the correctness of the classification of the flat plains as well as to ascertain their general altitudes and also the ratio of height deviation, the author drew parallel lines, spaced I km apart, and after obtaining the frequency polygon of every closed. curve in each of these spaces, or sections, divided those of 20m and 40m into class I and those of 60m and 80m into class II. To smooth the frequency polygons of the same class, he averaged the same frequency polygons in every three adjoining sections, the result being Fig. 6 (note the row of polygons).
    By selecting a geomorphological region as a unit, Baulig(2)drew frequency polygons of closed curves for the Paris Basin and Brittany. They do not however indicate clearly the. distribution and the relations of each flat plain to one another in a region.
    To interpret -the frequency polygons in Fig. 6, it is necessary to assume the following fcr this region.
  • 史学雑誌
    1993年 102 巻 12 号 2190-2218
    発行日: 1993/12/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー