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クエリ検索: "多摩ら・び"
3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 多摩信用金庫の事例を中心にして
    北島 彩子, 川原 晋
    2014年 49 巻 3 号 819-824
    発行日: 2014/10/25
    公開日: 2014/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 歴史的遺構としての武蔵野鉄道東久留米駅構外側線
    吉川 慎平
    2020年 5 巻 1 号 108-123
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/06/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    旧・中島航空金属田無製造所専用線(旧・武蔵野鉄道東久留米駅構外側線)は,武蔵野鉄道武蔵野線(現・西武鉄道池袋線)東久留米駅(貨物)側線から分岐し,中島航空金属株式会社田無製造所内に至る全長2.45 km(実質),軌間1,067 mm, 非電化の単線である.第二次世界大戦末期の1944(昭和19)年に工場への資材輸送等を目的に急造したものの,1945(昭和20)年8 月15日の終戦による工場の操業停止で事実上の廃線となった極めて短命な線路である.専用線跡は一部区間が東久留米市の緑地(緑道)として残されている他,所々に当時の痕跡を留めており,地域の土木遺産,戦争遺跡,鉄道廃線跡として後世に残すべき歴史的遺構といえる(一部が東久留米市の旧跡に指定).一方,専用線供用当時の実態については僅かな資料・証言が残るのみで,列車の写真等も発見されておらず,その実態についてよく分かっていないのが現状である.そこで本研究では,専用線跡の積極的な保存・活用に向けた提言をまとめることを念頭に,まずは当該専用線に関する事実関係をまとめることとした.具体的にはこれまでに専用線について記述された文献・資料の総合的なレビューを通じ既往研究の展開を整理するとともに,収集した資料・証言から読み取れる事柄を基に専用線について通史的にまとめた.またそこから不明点,疑問点等を挙げ,考察を加えるとともに今後の調査・研究課題として列挙した.なお,本稿では専用線の廃止(終戦)までを対象とし,その後の経過については続報としてまとめることとした.
  • 新井 智一
    2005年 114 巻 5 号 767-790
    発行日: 2005/12/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study examines the interaction between the politics in Fussa City and the Yokota Air Force Base, that is “the politics of place, ” from a range of political, economic, and cultural processes which maintain the existence of the base.
    Military bases are generally established for global geopolitical purposes. However, the establishment of a military base has cultural implications for the local communities where the base is located, i.e., increased concerns about crimes committed by seavicepersons and noise by aircrafts. Although these military bases have some serious impacts, especially in Japan, geographers have not yet examined the issues regarding a particular military base and the resultant politics in the city.
    On the contrary, since the 1980s, Anglo-American political geographers have paid more attention to “the politics of place” This refers to the local politics that occur due to the interaction between a structural constraint and the individuality of a particular place.
    Therefore, this study examines “the politics of place” on the Yokota Air Base in Fussa City, Tokyo, by using resources from the local newspapers, novels, magazine articles, and council proceedings.
    The results are as follows : (1) Owing to the independence between the U.S. Air Force and local political and economic actors, an urban structure and local economy that depended on the Yokota Air Force Base were constructed in Fussa Town after the establishment of the base in 1945; (2) because of this structure, the local economy became to depend on Air Force personnel as consumers; (3) however, due to a shift to the floating exchanging rate and a reduction in the population of the base in the first half of the 1970s, there was a decrease in the influence that Air Force personnel had on the local economy; (4) since the 1980s, an economic agent utilized the “atmosphere” and “image” adjacent to the base to revitalize the local economy; (5) furthermore, the mass media represented Fussa City as a “base town” and conducted a review of the city in the 1960s, thus contributing to its revitalization; (6) during the economic slump in the 1970s, some local political agents were against the existence of the base. However, successive mayors of Fussa City have accepted the existence of the base, and utilized the subsidies it receives from the national government in order to construct the urban infrastructure.