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3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 朝鮮半島西南地域と北部九州にみる交流史の視点から
    近藤 浩一
    2021年 1 巻 4 号 17-41
    発行日: 2021/12/15
    公開日: 2021/12/19
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 高橋 俊乘
    1947年 15 巻 2 号 44-58
    発行日: 1947年
    公開日: 2009/01/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 下向井 龍彦
    1991年 100 巻 6 号 1076-1102,1195-
    発行日: 1991/06/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper the author examines the process of forming the Risturyo Military system in Japan from the Taika-Kaisin (大化改新) in A.D.645 to the Taiho-Ritsuryo (大宝律令) in 701, in terms of the international relations of the Far East. The Ritsuryo military system-Gundan (軍団)-was formed through a series of reorganizations that institutionalized and homogenized the miscellaneous and uneven internal footing organization of the Kokuzo-gun (国造軍), which was mobilized by Kuni-no-miyatsuko (国造) in the former Taika era. At first the Taika military reorganization happened, namely constructing arms depots, Heiko (兵庫), in every Hyo (評; the regrouped Kuni-no-miyatsuko territory) and forming fifty household conscription units. This reorganization speeded up grouping in training, increased the number of enlistees, institutionalized the internal organization, and systematized the ranks and command in war. In this way, the Kokuzo-gun change over into the Hyozo-gun (評造軍). The second stage was the process of organizing the relief army for Kudara (百済). In this process the Tenchi (天智) government mobilized the army and drilled troops for the purpose of actual fighting under Soryo (総領)-Kokusai (国宰)-via the Hyo as the centralized military administrative organ, and organized the task force founded upon the mobilized army in the Soryo district. But, in the battle of Hakusukinoe (白村江), The broken fighting formation of the Japanese army was defeated by the superior Taug (唐) army. This defeat exposed the insufficient institutionalization of the Hyozogun's internal organization. In the third stage, during a cricis after the defeat, the Tenchi government took a posture of defense in the form of fortified Ki (城) day and night. The administrative organ of Soryo-Kokusai-Hyo was used as the organ of fortification. So it was reorganized into a military district for resistance, which was a copy of the Goho (五方) system in Kudara. Through these processes the local administrative organ was strengthed, and could firmly rule the People. The four stage was the military reorganization by the Tenmu-Jito (天武・持統) government. Its aim was to found an army able to maintain the compulsory tributary relation between Japan and Shiragi (新羅). The Government formed the Heiseikan (兵政官) as its military administrative organ to reform the existing army on the model of Taug army. The Government carried out this plan in stages. Its contents are as in the following. 1)Establishment of the honor guard system by armed officers, which was a stage setting for tributary etiquette and a supporting officer coros. 2)Establishiment of the system of common drill and censor according to a manual, whose aim was to institutionalize and homogenize the internal footing organization of the Hyozogun. 3) Establishiment of the system of the centralized state military, thus eleminating personal elements from the Hyozo-gun by placing such command instruments as drum, fife, and battle frag under government control, and starting conscription based upon family registers. Finally, when the Taiho-ritsuryo was promulgated, Gundan were established, to be commanded by Gunki (軍毅) with 1,000 military effectives. Gundan were not bound to Gun (郡) territories, however it was the ultimate aim the military footing organization be enbodied by Gundan, which would have a common internal organization, uniform scale, and homogeneous drill progrum.