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クエリ検索: "娘よ" 曲
16件中 1-16の結果を表示しています
  • 秋山 好一, 濱 裕光, 松田 稔
    2000年 56 巻 6 号 418-426
    発行日: 2000/06/01
    公開日: 2017/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    楽曲分析の一つとして, 旋律パターンを判別するための手法は旋律を比較する形で発展してきた。その多くの分析手法は目的毎に特異な分析形態をとっているのが普通である。本論文は, 日本の歌謡曲においては伝統的旋律の一つである演歌旋律パターンの類似関係について述べている。その類似関係の評価は旋律パターンのスペクトル傾度空間におけるファジィクラスタリングによって行われる。日本の歌謡曲531曲に適用したクラスタリングでは, 演歌と非演歌の二つのクラスタに大別できた。演歌が集群したクラスタ内の特徴ベクトルから演歌に共通する旋律パターンの特徴を類推する。更に, 旋律パターンのスペクトル傾度と旋律進行のお互いの関連についても議論する。
  • 林 允進, 乾 崇夫, 梶谷 尚, 土屋 好寛, 金井 誠
    1979年 172 巻
    発行日: 1979/03/30
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    An improvement of hull forms with less wave resistance is presented using Guilloton's transformation. The equivalent source distribution for a given conventional ship form is obtained in a mathematical flow field where the linear thin ship theory becomes applicable. Adding a small amount of source distribution, the optimization is carried out. The optimized total source is re-transformed to the real hull, that is, the modification of the given hull. The method is applied to the fore-body of a refined container ship and a very slightly modified hull is obtained. Two models, "the given hull" and "the modified hull by the present method" are resistance-tested and wave-analyzed. Results indicate that ; 1) the present method is efficient for improving conventional hull forms, and 2) the effectiveness of Guilloton's transformation is attributed mainly to the improvement of the linear free surface condition.
  • 柏木 正
    1984年 195 巻
    発行日: 1984/12/30
    公開日: 2018/03/30
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    As for the calculation of hydrodynamic derivatives for sway and yaw of high-speed ships, Chapman's theory is known as a powerful method. It is also recognized, however, that his method can not be applied to the usual ship-like body, because his numerical procedure is based on the finite difference method. Therefore it is necessary to consider an extension of Chapman's method to the usual ship-like body. In the previous paper, a new method using Fourier transform technique was described and computational results were also presented. Furthermore, the relations between the cross-sectional forms and the forward-speed effect on hydrodynamic forces were investigated. In this paper the author presents the integral equation method which is considered to be an extension of Chapman's method. The integral equation method is applicable to the usual ship-like body and coincides with Fourier transform method for the case of the uniform cylindrical body. These facts may be confirmed by the computational results. Through the comparison of theoretical calculations with experiments of a Wigley ship model, the usefulness of the integral equation method is discussed
  • 早瀬 達郎
    1964年 6 巻 30-34
    発行日: 1964/12/15
    公開日: 2017/05/31
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 庄野 直美, 宮地 良彦, 中井 浩
    1951年 3 巻 6 号 1-16
    発行日: 1951年
    公開日: 2017/10/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • *斎藤 惠美子, 斎藤 アンジュ玉藻
    2016年 44 巻 T5-3
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2022/01/10
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    空間快適性について脳への影響並びに感性の観点からの検証及び音楽の役割の考察 その変遷、未来への提案
  • 河野 敦子
    1991年 26 巻 17-32
    発行日: 1991/11/30
    公開日: 2018/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 河合 眞澄
    2004年 5 巻 6-24
    発行日: 2004/10/25
    公開日: 2023/10/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 安藤 精一
    1962年 65 巻 523 号 1130-1137
    発行日: 1962年
    公開日: 2017/06/21
    解説誌・一般情報誌 フリー
  • 酒井 佐芳, 白石 勇磨, 中村 慶久, 法橋 滋郎
    1978年 2 巻 5 号 27-47
    発行日: 1978年
    公開日: 2017/10/02
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 杉浦 健一
    1952年 16 巻 3-4 号 187-212
    発行日: 1952年
    公開日: 2018/03/27
    ジャーナル フリー

    1) The basic unit of the social life of the Saru Valley Ainu is the simple family with patrilocal residence. When a son gets married, he builds near his parent's house a new house of his own, where he takes his bride. When either of a married couple dies, the family is apt to break up. In case of a divorce, the sons follow the father and the daughters the mother. Formerly, therefore, not more than about five persons used to live in a single house. 2) The territorial group kotan, which is the center of their daily life, consists of a number of simple families. The male members of the kotan constitute one or more patrilineal kin groups, called ekashi ikir. While a male belongs to this localized patrilineal group of his father, a female belongs to the non-localized matrilineal group of her mother, called huchi ikir. The most interesting problem in the social systems of the Ainu is the structure and function of these two kin groups. 3) The relationship terms for "elder brother, " "younger brother, " "elder sister" and "younger sister" comprise not only (1) ego's own siblings, but also (2) ego's first parallel cousins, (3) ego's second parallel cousins, (4) spouses of ego's own siblings, (5) siblings of ego's spouse, and (6) spouses of the siblings of ego's spouses. The sibling relationships mean much to the kinship system of the Ainu. While siblings are called shine irwak (same siblings), there is a clear distinction between the kinships through the male shine irwak (brothers) and those through the female shine irwak (sisters). Brothers are called shine onaha epeka ir-utar (siblings to the same father), which relationship comprises not only ego's own brothers, but is extended to ego's male first and second parallel cousins on the paternal side. Male patrilineal descendants of a male ancestor, from the fourth generation downwards, are shine ekashi esap utar (kin descended from the same ancestor) to each other. On the other hand, sisters are called shine unuhu epeka ir-utar (siblings to the same mother). This relationship term comprises not only ego's own sisters, but also ego's female first and second parallel cousins on the maternal side. Female matrilineal descendants of a female ancestor, from the fourth generation downwards, are shine huchi esap utar (kin descended from the same female ancestor). 4) The socioogical blolod ties of the Saru Ainu are divided into (1) the patrilineal kin (ekashi ikir) of males descended from a common male ancestor and (2) the matrilineal kin (huchi ikir) of females descended from a common female ancestor. The former is symbolized by the same itokpa (ancestral crest) and the right to the same pase-onkami (principal worship of deities), both of which are transmitted from father to son. The latter is symbolized by the same form of the upshor (sash worn around the waist under the clothes, s. figs. on p.69), which is transmitted from mother to daughter. As the ekashi ikir consists of males only who have inherited the same itokpa and paseonkami, and excludes females, it is identical neither with a patrilineal clan nor patri-lineage. Similarly, the huchi ikir is not a matrilineal clan, as it consists of females only who have inherited the same form of upshor, excluding all male relatives. 5) With the Saru Ainu, patrilineal descent (ekashi santek) and matrilineal descent (huchi santek) are not combined in the same way as in the case of double descent. In other words, they are not assigned to the same individual simultaneously, but are applied to males and females respectively. The ekashi ikir does not consist of pure blood relatives only, as it may adopt a male of another lineage into one of its families. On the contrary, the hnchi ikir consists of probable blood relatives, as it very rarely adopts a female of another lineage. It consists only of the shine

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • 工藤 英三
    1978年 23 巻 3 号 201-214
    発行日: 1978/12/01
    公開日: 2017/09/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Akita-han (the feudal fief of Akita) founded hanko as an institution for educating its clansmen, and it continued to exist until 1872 (the fifth year of Meiji). This paper examines, drawing upon documents, at that time, what kind of place was assigned to martial arts in hanko education. The summary is as follows: 1. The object of founding hanko was nominally to encourage sons of samurai as the ruling class to be well up both in literary and military arts, but its real aim was to train them in administrative and other practical affairs. 2. Although most other hanko in those days provided both literary and martial lessons, only civil affairs only were taught, to the exclusion of military affairs. 3. The hanko was concerned in martial arts in that it had attached bugeisho (Martial Arts Hall) within the precinct of the school. But it seems that bugeisho which was built with the intention of encouraging and training martial arts did not play any significant role 4. In those days such a great variety of martial arts as gunnery, swordsmanship, archery, spearmanship, horsemanship, jujutsu (ancient style of judo), the art of war were practiced in Akita-han. The biggest martially-oriented official event of the Akita-han was the drill by gun guards, which was annually submitted to the inspection of the lord of the clan. Swordsmanship, archery, spearmanship and horsemanship in addition to literature were compulsory to the sons of samurai for being appointed to offices. But horsemanship was assigned only to those who obtained a grant of 70 koku (1 koku corresponds to 180.5 liters) of rice a year. The han appointed the bugei-todori, or the Chief of the Martial Arts, to supervise the martial arts education. He took charge of joran and naiken (official and unofficial inspections by the Lord), the exercises in bugeisho as well as occasional financial aids to masters of martial arts. 5. In 1864 the Akita-han founded the gunnery house (hojutsu-kan), but it served merely as a military organization rather than educational. organization. In the second year of Meiji hanko was reestablished under the name of the Emperor to promote the education of both literary and martial arts further, but the concrete curriculum of military training was not specitically directed.
  • 川崎 衿子
    1999年 64 巻 526 号 115-122
    発行日: 1999/12/30
    公開日: 2017/02/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    Willam Metrel Vories, a Christian missionary, who arrived in Japan from the United States as a teacher of English in 1905, two years later founded a Christian missionary group called the Omi Mission . In addition to their a Christian misionary work, the Omi Mission established an architectural design company to secure their financial bases. It also went into business importing general merchandise and selling furniture. During the Taisho and the beginning of the Showa Eras it was well known for its activities in various fields. This study reviews various educational enterprises started by the Omi Misson with particular focuses on the Seiyu-en Yochien (Kindergarten of Pure Friends), the Omi Kinro-Jogakko (Omi Work-study Girls School) and the Omi Kasei-juku (Omi School of Home Economics). It also examines the philosophy behind these schools and how they attempted to teach the western style of dwelling amid the waves of modernization and westernization in Japan at the time. The education based on Christian ethics emphasized the western style of dwelling and had an influence on the intellect of Japanese women to aspire after the modern western family as a model.
  • ―利用者中心のサービスへ―
    溝呂木 忠, 永井 将太, 辻本 好子, 酒井 桂太, 山崎 摩耶, 牧田 光代
    2002年 29 巻 8 号 291-301
    発行日: 2002/12/20
    公開日: 2018/09/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 柳橋 博之
    1984年 93 巻 9 号 1431-1472,1575-
    発行日: 1984/09/20
    公開日: 2017/11/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    La "maladie mortelle" (mard al-maut) est l'institution qui limite certains actes juridiques de celui atteint de la maladie qui fait craindre et qui entraine actuellement sa mort (la maladie mortelle) pour proteger les interets de ses creanciers et de ses heritiers. Pour nous borner aux dispositions regissant des rapports entre lui et ses heritiers, ses liberalites sont soumises aux limitations apportees au testament dont les plus caracteristiques sont les suivantes ; le total des legs ne peut exceder le tiers du patrimoine a moins que tous les heritiers n'y consentent et un heritier ne peut etre legataire a moins que tous les autres coheritiers n'y consentent. Quant a la repudiation, le mari atteint de la maladie mortelle ne peut pas desheriter sa femme par elle malgre la validite d'une telle repudiation. L'ancienne theorie avant la formation des ecoles juridiques au II^e H./VIII^e siecle considerait les restrictions susdites comme resultats de succession avant la mort du malade. Malik b. Anas (m. 179/795), qui est fidele a l'ancienne doctrine, regarde les droits des heritiers comme ceux sur "quote-part de succession" (mirath), et, bien qu'il n'admette pas positivement le partage de patrimoine avant la mort du de cujus, il lui constitue le tiers de ses biens et leur en les deux tiers comme leurs propres biens. C'est de la que les heritiers doivent vicier sa disposition qui empieterait sur leurs droits a l'instant meme. Il en resulte aussi qu'ils peuvent en recuperer la quote-part de l'objet auquel s'attachent leurs droits. L'ecole hanafite, fondee par Abu Hanifa (m. 150/767), est plus loin de l'ancienne theorie. En rigueur, on ne peut savoir si une maladie est la maladie mortelle qu'apres la mort du de cujus. C'est pourquoi les docteurs de cette ecole prescrivent que les droits des heritiers ne peuvent s'excercer qu'apres qu'il est mort. Dans ce cas, ils annulent retroactivement l'acte a titre gratuit qui viole leurs droits. Mais comme les docteurs le considerent comme une fois validement conclu, ils n'ont que la "creance" (dayn) sur son, beneficiaire direct et ne sont pas opposables a un tiers acquereur. Al-Shafi'i (m. 204/820) concile les deux positions. Il adopte l'opinion de l'ecole hanafite en ce qui concerne le moment de l'excerce des droits des heritiers, mais leur caractere ressemble plutot a ceux chez Malik ; leurs droits naissent au moment ou le de cujus contracte la maladie mortelle, n'etant confirmee qu'apres sa mort. Il en resulte qu'ils peuvent vicier retroactivement sa liberalite de la facon absolue.
  • 阿部 雄一
    2016年 15 巻 223-290
    発行日: 2016/03/01
    公開日: 2017/11/20
    ジャーナル フリー