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クエリ検索: "岡山県総務部"
9件中 1-9の結果を表示しています
  • 木下 直幹
    1943年 55 巻 1 号 124-140
    発行日: 1943/01/31
    公開日: 2009/05/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    Das Ziel dieser Untersuchungen liegt darin, eine Grundlage für die Auswählung der geeignetsten Ausführungsbedingungen der Vorbeugungsinjektion gegenüber der Encephalitis epidemica in epidemischen Gegenden festzustellen, ein Ziel, welches geradezu das grösste Merkmal unserer Bestrebungen darstellt. Der Verf. hat nämlich bei den Kranken der Encephalitis epidemica, welche im Laufe von 15 Jahren seit 1927 bis zum Ende des Jahres 1941 (mit Ausnabme von dem einen Jahr 1939) in der Gegend Okayama-Ken auftrat, bezüglich epidemiologischer Verhältnisse statistische Beobachtungen angestellt. Die Ergebnisse waren wie folgt:
    1. Seit 1927 wurden insgesamt 1851 Personen von der Encephalitis epidemica befallen. In jedem zweiten oder dritten Jahre trat die Krankheit verhaltnismassig haufiger auf, am häufigsten im Jahre 1929. Der Ausbruch der Krankheit erfolgte meistens im August (besonders am Ende dieses Monatens; durchschnittlich 70, 6%), ihm folgte dann in der Häufigkeit der September. Im südlichen Teil von Okayama-Ken trat die Krankheit früher auf als im nördlichen.
    2. Unter 375 Städten und Dörfern in der Gegend Okayama-Ken finden sich 80 Städte und Dorfer, welche seit 1927 keinen einzigen Encephalitiskranken unter sich gesehen haben. Von der Krankendichtigkeit anf 10.000 Einwohnern betrachtet läuft die Begrenzungsgrundlinie der epidemischen Zone am sudlichen Ende der Stadt Okayama-Shi in der Richtung von Ost-Nord-Ost nach West-Süd-West in einem Neigungswinkel von ca. 15° vorbei. In der Zone, welche zwischen dieser Grundlinie und der von ihr parallel nördlich ca. 20km entfernten Linie liegt, bricht die Krankheit am haufigsten aus. Weniger häufig kommt die Krankheit in Betracht in den drei Zonen, welche sich entlang der drei Hauptflüsse yon Okayama-Ken, Yoshiigawa, Asahigawa und Takahashigawa, nordwärts von der genannten Zone verzweigen. Unter diesen drei Zonen weist die mittlere Zone des Stromungsgebietes von Asahigawa die grösste Dichtigkeit der Kranken auf. Alle diese Gegenden bieten eine geographische Lage dar, die fur die Entwicklung der Moskitoarten so sehr geeignet ist, dass man sich zur Annahme der Vermittlungstheorie durch Moskitoarten für die Erklärung der Ausbreitung der vorliegenden Krankheit gezwungen fuhlt. In Bezug auf die jahrliche Verschiebung der am häufigsten befallenen Gegend, die durch die Krankendichtigkeit auf 10.000 Einwohnern gezeigt wird, lässt sich regelmassige Beziehung zur Ausbreitung kaum feststellen.
    3. Die Encephalitis epidemica kommt hauptsachlich bei Männern vor (Verhältnis Männer zu Frauen wie 54, 1:45, 9). Hinsichtlich der Verteilung auf die verschiedenen Altersklassen zeigt sie zwei Maxima, das Kindesalter unter 10 Jahren und das höhere Lebensalter über 51 Jahre.
    4. Die Letalität beträgt in 14 Jahren durchschnittlich 65, 3%, und zwar höher bei Frauen, auf welche 67, 8% aller Todesfälle entfallen (auf Männer 62, 8%). Im allgemeinen steigt die Letalität mit dem fortschreitenden Alter an, sie beträgt bei den Individuen von mehr als 51 Jahren 70, 4% und daruber. Was die Krankheitsdauer vom Beginn bis zur Tode anbetrifft, sterben 66, 9% der gesamten Fälle in der ersten Krankheitswoche; die meisten der Todesfälle (16, 5%) entfallen auf den 4. Krankheitstag. Bei den Ausgeheilten beträgt die Krankheitsdauer vom Beginn bis zur Genesung in den meisten Fällen ca. 4 Wochen (2-6 Wochen).
  • 第3編 弗素の成長に及ぼす影響について
    進藤 貞義
    1959年 71 巻 9-1 号 5731-5740
    発行日: 1959/08/30
    公開日: 2009/05/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    By oral administration of various NaF solutions (drinking) to young rats and feeding them under the same conditions for 50 days, the author measured the tail length and body weight of these animals in different groups in order to see the influences of fluorine on their growth and investigated them experimentally; and obtained the following results. Along with this experiments the author also gave orally pills of cod-liver oil containg 0.2 mg NaF to kindergarten children repeatedly for one year with the purpose to prevent their tooth-decay and examined their height, body weight, and the percentage of incidence of tooth-decay.
    1. For the experimental animals young rats of about forty days old and weighing about 50 g were selected, and they were divided into four groups each consisting of five males and five females to the total of ten in each group. They were made to drink freely NaF apueous solution of various concentrations at 1000 ppm, 500 ppm, 100 ppm, 10 ppm, and 2 ppm. The duration of the drinking of NaF was for 50 days. Namely, observations were limited to the stage of the most active growth and changes were observed in that period.
    2. As for the drinking expeariment of fluorine with kindergarten children, sugarcoated cod-liver oil pillets containing 0.2 mg NaF, 0.02 g cod-liver oil, and 500 γ vitamin B1 were used. These pillets were given to the children on every school day for one year under a controlled supervision with exception of sundays, holidays, summer and winter vacation. Their height and body weight were measured once every month, and the rate of incidence of tooth-decay in these children was examined twice, namely, once before the start of NaF-administration and once immediately after the cessation of the administration.
    1. Although there can be recognized no great difference in the change of the tail length in the growing young rats given NaF aqueous solution by drinking at a low concentration as compared with the control, there is a slight accelerating tendency. In the group of rats given large amount of NaF solution by drinking in comparison with the control there can be recognized no marked difference up to 30 day after the start of taking fluorine compound, but thereafter the rate of tail growth tends to be retarded and by the fiftieth day the tail growth is diminished as compared with the control.
    2. In the groups of young growing rats given orally a low concentration of NaF solution their body weight increases normally. However, in the groups given orally a large amount of NaF solution, although no great change can be recognized up to the 30 th day after the start of the experiment, thereafter a decrease in the body weight can be recognized.
    3. In the case of the kindergarten children the oral administration of fluorine in the minimal amount shows a favorable effect on the increase in their height and body weight as compared with the control group without such a treatment.
    4. Judging from the rate of the incidence of tooth-decay in the kindergarten chileren as compared with that in the children of the control school where no such treatment was undertaken. the incidence of tooth-decay in these children is far lower than in the control school children. This fact indicates that the oral administration of fluorine compound is effective in preventing the tooth-decay in young children of the kindergarten age.
  • 竹田 和真, 李 婷, 武田 重昭, 加我 宏之, 増田 昇
    2015年 78 巻 5 号 545-548
    発行日: 2015年
    公開日: 2015/12/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, we conducted an investigation on administrators designated by local authorities for managing and maintaining public parks in the country to find the implementation system, their types of revenue sources and their use of revenue. Then, we identified challenges in creating park management and designated administration operation systems which enable administrators to offer high-quality maintenance and management with their business know-how, and lastly showed the direction for dealing with the challenges. The study revealed that the fact that their own revenue must be allocated to the expenses for managing and maintaining the park without enough the expenses only for the usage fees and designated administration fees is a big problem related to the foundation of the systems. The study also found important challenges that the re-investment should be evaluated in the annual evaluation of the administrators’ performance based on the situation that designated administrators of more than half have re-invested in the park maintenance. The study also found that, to obtain their own revenue sources, deepening the cooperation by utilizing the advantages of each, such as the advantage of getting revenue from businesses in profit organizations and the advantage of receiving contributions in non-profit organizations, is the effective direction.
  • 太田 健一, 人見 彰彦
    1994年 1 巻 104-86
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2018/11/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 古川 泰
    2004年 50 巻 1 号 39-52
    発行日: 2004/03/01
    公開日: 2017/08/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 三木 理史
    1995年 60 巻 6 号 781-806
    発行日: 1995/03/25
    公開日: 2017/09/28
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    In the early Showa era local railway companies were in difficulties because of the Showa economic depression and the development of bus transportation. Proposals for the reorganisation of transport systems were made and carried out in various parts of Japan. Since the reorganisation schemes were not coordinated on a national level, they have to be examined individually. In this paper the case of the Ryobi Railway is examined. (1) The Ryobi Railway and the Ikasa Railway were privately-owned branch lines of the Sanyo Line of Japan National Railways (JNR), The Ryobi Railway had two lines : the Fuchu Line, joining Fukuyama and Fuchu, which opened in 1914, and the Takaya Line, joining Kannabe and Takaya, which opened in 1922 and was transferred to the Shinko Railway in 1933. The Ikasa Railway opened between Kasaoka and Ibara in 1913 and was extended to join Ibara and Takaya in 1925. The two railways met at Takaya. (2) Because Fukuyama had been at the center of the regional economy since the Meiji era, the Ryobi Railway was more profitable than the Ikasa Railway. When bus transportation began to grow rapidly between the last years of the Taisho era and the early years of the Showa era, the Ryobi Railways strengthened the connection between the Fuchu Line and JNR. (3) The Ryobi Railways Fuchu Line was nationalized in 1933, and in 1935, its gauge was widened and its track relaid. The Takaya Line was not nationalised but taken over by the Shinko Railway instead. As the Shinko Railway was not competitive with bus transportation, it suffered great economic losses. (4) The Shinko Railway was going to close down, but through the intermediation of the Ministry of Transport and local community, it was absorbed by the Ikasa Railway. (5) After nationalisation, the Fuchu Line reduced its fares so that they agreed with the Ministry of Transport levels. Trains were able to run faster as a result of the gauge-widening and track-relaying carried out in 1935. In contrast, the Takaya Line could not keep to its timetable because of the need for passengers to change trains, and fares on the Shinko Railway were not competitive with those of the buses. (6) After nationalisation, the Fuchu Line became more closely connected with the Sanyo Line, and traffic grew as a result. When the Line was extended northwards, this contributed to the economic development of that area of Fukuyama.
  • 早瀬 武
    1972年 1972 巻 9 号 249-274
    発行日: 1972/05/15
    公開日: 2012/09/24
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 河合 晃一
    2019年 54 巻 85-104
    発行日: 2019年
    公開日: 2020/09/17
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 日本内科学会雑誌
    1943年 31 巻 4 号 207-290
    発行日: 1943/07/10
    公開日: 2010/12/10
    ジャーナル フリー