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クエリ検索: "日本産魚類図説"
20件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 辻本 滿丸
    1916年 19 巻 8 号 723-727
    発行日: 1916/08/05
    公開日: 2011/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 辻本 満丸
    1918年 21 巻 10 号 1015-1042
    発行日: 1918/10/05
    公開日: 2011/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山岸 國治
    1929年 4 巻 4 号 529-556_3
    発行日: 1929/07/10
    公開日: 2010/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 川田 伸一郎, 下稲葉 さやか, 平田 逸俊
    2022年 48 巻 2 号 97-118
    発行日: 2022/05/20
    公開日: 2022/05/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    Rokuro Nagasawa was a student in University of Tokyo under Professor Isao Ijima. He was involved in editing a zoological magazine named “Dobutsugaku Zasshi”, then the official journal of the Zoological Society of Tokyo, but his subsequent life is not well documented. We conducted bibliographic surveys to evaluate Nagasawa’s achievements. He entered the University of Tokyo in 1907 and was in charge of editing “Dobutsugaku Zasshi” from 1911 to 1917. After that, he suddenly disappeared from the Zoological Society of Tokyo and moved to Vancouver, where he worked as an editor-in-chief of Japanese newspapers. He wrote many newspaper articles under the pen name of “Nanbokusei”. Prior to moving to Canada, he also wrote under the pen name of “N.S. Sei”. He returned to Japan before World War II, and worked as a high school teacher in Kyoto. He then moved to Hyogo prefecture and wrote and edited the local history of the area.

  • 成長について
    伊佐 良信
    1960年 26 巻 1 号 1-8
    発行日: 1960/01/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the Seto Inland Sea the conger eel, Astroconger myriaster (Brevoort) is a commercially important species to be caught by small sized trawlers. In the present work, growth of the fish has been studied on the basis of morphometric surveys conducted during 1952-56 for 1, 960 individuals from fishing grounds off Marugame and 1, 892 off Takuma (Table 1 and Fig. 1).
    1) Frequency distribution of the anal length composition and seasonal changes in the modes (Figs. 2 and 3) have suggested that the fish under study consist of two major age groups: the young exploited during August to December and the older staying in the areas over the year. The field data indicated the average growth from summer to summer to be about 50mm.
    2) Relation between total length (L) and anal length (l) of 400 specimens collected in 1956 may be expressed as
    From the anal length composition obtained at Marugame during 1952-56, the mean anal length of the young and the older groups was separately computed for the coordinate months of the years (Table 3). The results revealed that the annual growth averages 50mm. in a close agreement with the one determined from the field data. However, the young group from Marugame was found a little different in the growth trend from that of Takuma (Fig. 4). The difference may be partly attributable to the particular topography of Takuma area where the tidal currents from the outer sea join each other and receed to different directions. According to the least square method, the growth of the conger eel in these areas may be formulated as follows:
    For the young group occurring during August to December
    l=73.143+2.150a (Marugame),
    logl=1.8327+0.1288logl (Takuma);
    For the older group occurring in early months of the following year
    l=110.464+1.484a (Marugame),
    l=105.133+1.851a (Takuma),
    where l is anal length and a is age by ten day period.
    3) In the conger eel under report, relation between body weight (w) and anal length (l) is indicated as in Fig. 5 and by a formula
    log w=-5.8326+3.614 log l.
    Assuming that the fish complete their metamorphosis in a year after hatching, it is inferable that the conger eel in the areas are composed of the two-year-old and the three-year-old groups.
  • 本邦魚類ニ於ケル異性抗原ノ分布ニ就テ
    高橋 義行, 井上 門司
    1926年 20 巻 12 号 2887-2923
    発行日: 1926/09/01
    公開日: 2009/09/03
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 本間 義治
    1955年 4 巻 4-6 号 212-217
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2011/07/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this note the present author has annotated on twelve unrecorded species of fishes with brief descriptions, to be included into the ichthyofauna of Echigo and Sado, Japan, and two species which are thought to be omitted from the ichthyofauna of this region.
    1. Among the fishes to be added herein, there are two kinds of remarkable and rare subtropical fishes, which are young Diproprion bifasciatus and medium sized Therapon theraps. It should be mentionel that Sado and its neighbouring region are northern limit for their occurrence. The counts and measurements of the specimens of these two species are as follows: -
    (1) Diploprion bifasciatus KUHR et VAN HASSELT
    Total length 39.8mm, body length 30.5. Head 2.5 in body length; depth 2.3; snout 2.7 in head; eye 3.6. D. VIII, 15; V I, 5 and A II, 12. Second and third dorsal spines remarkably filamentous, whose length 38 and 63mm as measured to tip of filament respectively. Body strongly compressed laterally, color generally yellowish white (Fig.1).
    (2) Therapon theraps CUVIER et VALENCIENNES
    Total length 132, body length 108. Head 3.2 in body length; depth 2.3; snout 3.5 in head; eye 3.6. D. XII, 10; V. I, 5 and A. III, 8; with a strong opercular spine. Four straight longitudinal dark bands running lateral body, and a blackish blotch lying from third to seventh dorsal spines. Lower jaw protrude somewhat beyond upper jaw. This species is unrecorded form from the western coast of Honshu, Japan Sea (Fig.2).
    2. Two rare boreal or deep-sea fishes of central Japan, which are referable to the families Cottidae and Zoarcidae respectively, were found in the Sado Channel. These were reported as new species from Toyama Bay by MATSUBARA (formerly SAKAMOTO) and KATAYAMA respectively. They are: -
    (1) Marukawichthys amburator SAKAMOTO, 1931
    Two specimens, body length about 160, collected by the Japan Sea Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.
    (2) Petroschmidtia toyamensis KATAYAMA, 1941
    One specimen, total length 313, collected by the Japan Sea Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory.
    3. A scorpaenoid fish, Sebastes matsubarai HILGENDORF and an ophidioid fish, Lycogramma zesta (JORDAN et FOWLER) are thought to be excluded from his former list.
  • 明仁親王
    1967年 14 巻 4-6 号 135-166
    発行日: 1967/12/31
    公開日: 2011/07/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    There are four species of Eleotris found in Japan: E. oxycsephala TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL, E. melanosoma BLEEKER, E. acanthopomus BLEEKER and E. fusca BLOCH & SCHNEIDER. Specimens of these four species and E. mauritianus BENNETT and E. sandwicensis VAILLANT & SALTVAGE which resemble them were compared in detail. The specimens counted and observed in this study are listed in table 1. Besides these, BLEEKER'S specimens from Rijksmuseum van Natuurli jke Historie were examined, and they are listed in table 14 with the results of the observation dealt with separately from the results of the observation in this study.
    The fin counts and the characteristics of scales which show certain degrees of difference are shown in tables 2-9.
    The characteristics of the gill rakers are clearly distinguishable among the species. The shapes of the outer gill rakers on the 1st arch of E. oxycephala are very distinct, being short pedestals covered with spines (fig. 14), while the outer gill rakers of others are rods with spines on their inner side (fig. 15). The number of outer gill rakers, the ratio between the length of the portion without gill rakers in the ceratobranchial against its length and the position of outer gill rakers in relation to inner gill rakers are different among the species (figs. 16-17, table 10-12). Together with these, the sizes of the membranes between the 1st gill arch and the pharynx are also different among them (figs. 18-21). The difference between E. melanosoma and E. acanthopomus which is not distinguishable on the scale counts is very conspicuous here. The patterns of pit organs on the head are the most distinguishable characteristics (figs. 1-12 and 22-25). The pit organs of E. oxycephala are very different from those of other species, having longitudinal rows of pit organs from the chin to the lower margin of the preopercle (fig. 9), instead of having transverse lines (fig. 10). And also E. oxycephala has a longitudinal line of pit organs immediately behind the eye (line 13 in fig. 5), instead of a transverse line (line 8 in figs. 6 and 7, and line 10 in fig. 8). E. melanosoma differs from the others in having more prominent lines of pit organs (fig. 23). The characteristic patterns of pit organs in the infraocular region of each species are shown in figures 5-8. In E. oxycephala, lines 3, 4 and 5 do not cross line 11 (fig. 5); in E. melanosoma, only line 5 does not cross line 13 (fig. 6); in E. acanthopomus, E. mauritianus and E. sandwicensis line 3 and 5 do not cross line 13 (fig. 7); in E.. fusca lines 3, 5 and 7 do not cross line 15 (fig. 8). Anomalous arrangements of pit organs are not found on both sides of any specimen examined except on a specimen of E. fusca which has seven lines instead of eight. The transverse lines of pit organs along the preopercle differ, too, among the species as shown in table 13. Pit organs on the opercle are of two types (figs. 11-12): the one in which line 1 and line 2 do, not meet is that of E. oxycephala, E. acanthopmus, E. mauritianus and E. sandwicensis; the other in which line 1 and line 2 meet and line 2 does not cross line 1 is that of E. melanosoma and E. fusca. The anal papilla of the female of E. oxycephala is also different from that of the others in that it has fringes on the posteriormargin (fig. 26), while the others have no fringes (fig. 27). E. oxycephala is different from the others in coloration, too, having two dark lines backward and downward from the eye, while the others have three, although it is often difficult to observe these lines. In most of the specimens of E. melanosoma these lines could not be seen. The clear difference in the characteristics of gill rakers and pit organs separating E. mauritianus and E. sandwicensis
  • 木村 祐貴, 松井 彰子
    Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan
    2023年 36 巻 25-28
    発行日: 2023/09/29
    公開日: 2023/09/30
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 畑 晴陵, 本村 浩之
    Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan
    2020年 1 巻 11-14
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/10/12
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • Rhodeus lanceolataニ寄生スル吸蟲類被嚢幼蟲ノ季節的消長ニ就テ
    阿部 高知
    1941年 53 巻 5 号 956-1038
    発行日: 1941/05/31
    公開日: 2009/05/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    Auf Antrafen von Dr. M. Suzuki bat Verfasser seit 1934 die Untersuchungen uüber enzystierten Zerkarien von Trematoden in Rhodeus lanceolata in Provinz Okayama durchgeführt und von 5, Januar 1936 bis 20 Dezember 1936 hat Verfasser ein ganzes Jahr hindurch die oben gannante Untersuchung auch unter der Freundlichsten Leitung von Dr. M. Suzuki nachgeforscht.
    Die Gesammtzahl von Rhodeus lanceolata krumeus und R. 1. moriokae, die Verfasser im Flues für Bewässerung der Reisfelder im Okita-son, Jodo-gun, Okayama-ken, zwei- oder dreimal monatlich und jedesmal je 10 Fische (jeder Fisch etw. 5, 75-3, 2cm lang) ansammelten, beträgt 250.
    Jeder Fisch wurde, in 9 Partien verteilt, untersucht -d. h. Kopfeteil, Muskel am Rumpf, Kiemen und Kiemenplatte, Schüppen, Rückenflosse, Brustflossen, Bauchflossen, Gesässflossen und Schwanzflosse. Die drei Ersten wurden mit die vom Verfasser modifizierten Künstlichen Magensaft (Pepsin 0, 3. HCl 0, 4, Aq. dest. 100, 0) verdant und dann untersucht, aber die anderen Partien wurden roh untersucht.
    Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung wurden folgenderweise zusammengefasst. 1) In 250 Rhodeus lanceolata wurden sammt 54796 Metazerkarien aufgefunden, die in 14 folgenden Arten eingeteilt wurden, d.h.
    1. Sog. Hasegawa'sche neue Art von Stammnosma.
    2. Stanunuosoma armatum.
    3. Exorchis oviformis.
    4. Exorchis (Pseudexorchis) major.
    5. Clonorchis sinensis.
    6. Metagonimus takahashii.
    7. Echinochasmus japonicus.
    8. Echinochasmus perfoliatus.
    9. sog. Hasegawa'sches unklares Distomum a.
    10. Sog. Hasegawa'sches unklares Distomum b.
    11. Sog. Hasegawa'sches unklares Distomum c.
    12. Cyatocotyle b Hasegawa.
    13. Cyatocotyle c Hasegawa.
    14. Asymphylodora tincae.
    Die Infektionsköffizienten waren im Allgemeinen kleiner zwischen Januar und Juni, während vom Juli bis Oktober sehr gross, besonders im September am grössten, und dann wieder kleiner in den nachfolgenden 2 Monaten.
    Über das Sterblichkeitsverhältnis von Metazerkarien fand der Verfasser- am kleinsten in der Mitte des Septembers und am grossten in 2 Monaten vom Ende Oktober bis Dezember.
    Die neu entwickelten Metazerkarien werden meist zwischen Juli und August gefun-den.
    2) Jede art zeigt ihre jahrzeittiche Schwankungen von Infektionskoeffizfent der Metazerkarien, insbesonders die der Stammosoma Arten, so wie die Sterblichkeit, sehr eigentümlich ist, nämlich ihren lebenden Metazerkarien vermehren ganz plötzlich im August und September (am grössten im Ende September) und dann wieder schnell vermindern, während die Zahl der gestorbenen Metazerkarien ausserordentlich gross fast ein ganzes Jahr hindurch, besonders kurz vor und nach der Vermehrung der lebenden Metazerkarien sind.
    3) Der Infektionskoeffizient von Clonorchis sinensis ist gross zwischen dem Ende August und Oktober, sondern dagegen klein in den nachfolgenden 2 Monaten und vom Januar bis Juli.
    4) Die übrigen Arten zeigen nicht so starken Schwankungen, aber auch vermehren meist im Sommern, und vermindern im Winter.
    5) Es ist weiter erschlossen worden, dass für jahrzeitliche Schwankungen von Infektionskoeffizient der Metazerkarien die Sonnenlichtstrahlung und Wassertemperatur die gross Rolle spielt haben.
  • 荒山 和則, 松崎 慎一郎, 増子 勝男, 萩原 富司, 諸澤 崇裕, 加納 光樹, 渡辺 勝敏
    2012年 59 巻 2 号 141-146
    発行日: 2012/11/05
    公開日: 2014/12/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Eight specimens (28.2–170.2 mm SL) of the non-indigenous bagrid catfish Pseudobagrus fulvidraco were collected from the Lake Kasumigaura system, Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan, during December 2008 and November 2011. Three juvenile specimens of this invasive species indicated successful reproductive activity in the lake system. The species is known to have similar morphological and food habits to channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, which has also invaded Lake Kasumiguara, causing damage to the ecosystem and problems for local fisheries. The establishment and future habitat expansion of P. fulvidraco would also cause serious ecological and economic problems.
  • 向井 貴彦, 西田 睦
    2003年 50 巻 1 号 71-76
    発行日: 2003/05/23
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Phylogenetic relationships among 4 major geographic population groups (San-in-Biwa-Ise, East Seto, West Seto and West Kyushu) of Japanese freshwater goby Odontobutis obscura (Perciformes: Gobioidei: Odontobutidae) and related species O. hikimius were inferred from partial nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. The resultant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny was consistent with that based on the previous allozyme analysis. This phylogeny showed that specimens from the Sagami River system in Kanagawa Prefecture, Kanto District, were extremely close to fish from the West Seto group, suggesting the formers to have been descended from individuals artifi-cially introduced from the range of the latters. Judging from the fact that about 40 individuals of the goby were easily collected by a person in 2 hrs, the Kanto popu-lation did not seem to be small, and thus might be disturbing the native fauna in the river system.
  • 明仁親王, 目黒 勝介
    1979年 26 巻 2 号 192-202
    発行日: 1979/09/15
    公開日: 2011/07/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The genus Sicydium was established by Valenciennes (1837) with Gobius plumieri Bloch as its type species. Sicyopterus was first established by Gill (1861) as a subgenus of the genus Sicydium with Sicydium stimpsoni Gill as its type species, and later raised to a generic level by Bleeker (1874).Since then the two generic names, Sicydium and Sicyopterus have been used for the type species of the genus Sicyopterus.
    Sicydium and Sicyopterus were insufficiently diagnosed by Gill (1861), Bleeker (1874 and 1876).and Koumans (1931), so that the characteristics given by them do not agree.
    Our comprehensive study of the type species of the two genera, Sicydium cocoensis (Heller et Snodgrass), Sicyopterus japonicus (Tanaka), Sicyopterus macrostetholepis (Bleeker), Sicyopterus parvei (Bleeker), and Sicyopterus pugnans (Grant) revealed that the characteristic differences of these species are divided into three levels as follows.The two species of the genus Sicydium and the five species of the genus Sicyopterus are distinguishable at level I.The characteristic differences between them are shown as A and B in Table 3.At level II on the one hand the two species of the genus Sicydium are distinguishable in that their characteristic differences are the presence or absence of a median cleft in the upper lip, of a fleshy tubercle behind the cleft, of the middle pore N of the preopercular canal, and of the ctenoid scales, which are expressed as C and D in Table 2.On the other hand Sicyopterus pugnans and the four other species of the genus Sicyopterus are distinguishable by the presence or absence of a median cleft in the upper lip, of the projections lining the edge of the upper lip, of a fleshy tubercle behind the cleft, of the ridge with protuberances inside the upper lip, by the tips of the teeth in the upper jaw being divided into two or three, by the presence or absence of the flapped lateral lower lip, and by the row of labial teeth being extended or not beyond the last tooth of the upper jaw, which are expressed as E and F in Table 2.At level III the four species of the genus Sicyopterus are distinguishable by the widely or closely set papillae between the band of papillae on the lower lip and the labial teeth, and the differences of fin ray and scale counts, which are expressed as G, H, I, and J in Table 2.Since the differences at level I are sufficiently remarkable to be of generic level, the genus Sicyopterus should be separated from the genus Sicydium, so that A and B in Table 3 become the diagnostic characters of the two genera.However, some of the characteristic differences shown in Table 3 might have to be omitted when more species of the two genera are examined.
  • 吉野 啓三
    1940年 52 巻 6 号 1355-1390
    発行日: 1940/06/30
    公開日: 2009/05/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石田 奈那, 長谷川 雅美, 尾崎 真澄
    2020年 14 巻 91-102
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/08/20
    ジャーナル フリー

    東アジア原産のコウライギギTachysurus fulvidraco は2008 年に日本で初めて発見され, 2016 年に特定外来生物に指定された.本種による生態系や社会経済への影響が懸念されているが,その実態はいまだ明らかではない.そこで,本種の侵入が確認された印旛沼を対象に,その生息状況と水産業への影響について調査した.本研究では2018 年5 月から12 月に採捕された試料の生殖腺指数や体サイズの変動から,繁殖期が少なくとも5 月から7 月頃であると推定された.さらに漁業で混獲される個体の多くは,食品への混入リスクが高い当歳魚であることがわかった.また本種による水産業への被害の有無を明らかにするため,アンケート調査を行った.その結果,本種の鋭い棘条によって漁業者や水産加工業者が怪我をするほか,加工原料となる小魚に混入し仕分け作業が増加するといった被害が明らかになった.

  • 畑 晴陵, 本村 浩之
    Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan
    2020年 3 巻 10-15
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/12/05
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • スズキ亜目
    水戸 敏
    1963年 11 巻 1-2 号 39-64_17
    発行日: 1963/12/15
    公開日: 2011/07/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper, the third of the series of the pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters, contains the figures and descriptions of the egg and larval development of 35 species, and the matured ovarian eggs of 4 species belonging to the suborder Percina.
    These eggs, so far as known from Japanese waters, are spherical in shape, measuring 0.6-1.6 mm in diameter, with a single oil globule measuring 0.1-0.5 mm in diameter. The egg membrane is smooth, without any conspicuous structure, the perivitelline space narrow. The yolk is segmented in Oplegnathus fasciatus (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL), O. punctatus (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL) ?, Mullidae Nos. 1 and 2, Acropoma japonicum GÜNTER, Sillago japonica TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL, S. parvisquamis GILL ?, Gerres japonicus BLEEKER and Parapristipoma trilineatum (THUNBERG), but not segmented in Acanthocepola krusensterni (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL), Lateolabrax japonicus (CUVIER), Epinephelus fario (THUNBERG), Pseudosciaena crocea (RICHARDSON), P. manchurica (JORDAN et THOMPSON), Collichthys lucidus (RICHARDSON), C. niveatus JORDAN et STARKS, Argyrosomus japonicus (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL), A. argentatus (HOUTTUYN), Nibea sp., Girella punctata GRAY, Girella sp., Evynnis japonica TANAKA, Rhabdosargus sarba (FORSKÅL), Mylio macrocephalus (BASILEWSKY), M. latus (HOUT-TUYN), Chrysophrys major TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL, Sparidae-type Nos. 1-7, Lethrinus nematacanthus BLEEKER, Nemipterus virgatus (HOUTTUYN), Taius tumifrons (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL) Leptoscolopsis nagasakiensis TANAKA, Goniistius sp.type 1 and 2.
    In most species the melanophores and xanthophores appear on the embryonal body, yolk, oil globule and rarely on the marginal fin during the egg development, but in some species lack the both or one of these pigment-cells on the yolk or oil globule. In Mullidae Nos. 1 and 2 only the melanophores appear, and in G. punctata and G. sp.no pigment-cell appears in the egg.
    The oil globule of the newly hatched larva is situated in the anterior part of the yolk in O. fasciatus, O. punctatus?, Mullidae Nos. 1 and 2, L. japonicus, G. japo-nicus, R. sarba, L. nematacanthus, Goniistius sp.type 1 and 2, and it is situated in the posterior part in P. crocea, P. manchurica, C. lucidus, C. niveatus, A. argentatus, N. sp., S. japonica, G. punctata, G. sp., E. japonica, M. macrocephalus, M. latus, C. major, Sparidae-type Nos. 1-7, N. virgatus, T. tumifrons, P. trilineatum and L. nagasakiensis.
    The species grouped under the name of “Sparidae-type” are not only similar to each other in their developmental course but also closely resembling to known species belonging to the family Sparidae. They are discriminated from other systematic groups by the following characteristics: (1) Newly hatched larvae have a rather large xanthophore immediately before and behind the eye, behind the ear vesicle and on the middle of the tail. In some species small pigment spots, other than above described ones, scatter all over the body, (2) during the course of the egg development no pigment appears on the yolk surface (rarely a few xanthophores appear on the surrounding area of the oil globule) and (3) the myotome number of the hatched larva is 25-28.
  • 中村 潤平, 本村 浩之
    Ichthy, Natural History of Fishes of Japan
    2022年 19 巻 26-43
    発行日: 2022/04/16
    公開日: 2022/04/17
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 辻本 満丸
    1917年 20 巻 9 号 953-1017
    発行日: 1917/09/05
    公開日: 2011/09/02
    ジャーナル フリー