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  • 朝鮮語方言調査報告 (III)
    大江 孝男
    1977年 1977 巻 71 号 1-20
    発行日: 1977/03/31
    公開日: 2010/11/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the Jinju dialect of Gyeongsang-Nam-do, one can find five typesof tone. Three of them-high, mid and low-are assigned to syllableswith a short vowel; the other two-rising and falling-to syllables witha long vowel.
    The three types of tone on syllables with a short vowel are distinguished from each other in one syllable words. Any tonal phrase consistingof more than one syllables has either a high tone or a low, butnot both. In other words, within a tonal phrase, the high tone and thelow exclude each other, while the mid tone can co-occur with either oneof the other two. By assuming the two distinctive tone features, [high] and [low], the mid tone can be defined as the unmarked tone in regardto both the features.
    By using a unit called “mora” which has a length equivalent to asyllable with a short vowel, accent patterns can be described as arrangementof morae with high, mid and low tones. The high tone can manifestitself in connection either with a single mora (type b) or with asequence of more than one morae (type a), but the placement of the lasthigh mora, that is, the “kernel” of a tonal phrase, is restricted to the first, second or the penultimate mora in words or phrases. The lowtone can occur only in the first mora of tonal phrases. Based on thedistribution of high morae, the accent patterns of Jinju dialect are distinguishedby, (1) the position of the “kernel” mora, (2) the tone of themora immediately preceding the “kernel”(distinction between types aand b), (3) the absence of a “kernel” and the occurrence of a low mora (type c), and (4) the number of constituent morae.
    The two types of tone in syllables with a long vowel are thus analyzedas different combinations of high and mid morae in respect totheir length and direction of tone movement: the rising tone as a sequenceof a mid mora followed by a high mora, the falling tone as asequence of a high mora followed by a mid mora.
    Analyzed in this way, the system of accent patterns in the Jinjudialect can be described in terms of tone-sequences composed of threetone heights made distinct by the two distinctive tone feature contrasts[± high] and [± low].