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  • 荒木 裕行
    2013年 122 巻 9 号 1568-1589
    発行日: 2013/09/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Whenever the Tokugawa Bakufu dispatched a newly appointed governor of Kyoto (Shoshidai 所司代) to administer the Kinai region, he would be accompanied by one of the Bakufu's senior councillors (roju 老中), a practice known a hikiwatashi jokyo 引渡上京 (lit. presentation at the capital). This practice found its roots in the original ceremony regarding shoshidai succession, which involved the presentation of a document sealed in vermillion by a senior councillor to the newly appointed governor. Originally, on the occasion of a change of appointee, the newly appointed shoshidai would arrive in Kyoto, while his predecessor was still in residence and go through a short period of transition. The practice of hikiwatashi jokyo then evolved along with a diminution in the power and authority of the office of shoshidai that occurred between the Tenna and Kyoho eras (1681-1736), and became the established precedent as the result of negotiations with the imperial court in 1717 and 1726. As hikiwatashi jokyo took root, it gradually developed into a merely formalized ritual, leading the Bakufu to ultimately decide that it was no longer necessary, resulting in its disappearance in 1806. However, the fact of senior councillors visiting Kyoto was still a practice deemed worthy by the Bakufu for such reasons as impressing upon the people of the Kinai the authority of the Shogunate in Edo. For example, the arrival of senior councillor Matsudaira Noriyasu in the capital during 1850 was met with a report presented to him by the Bakufu's Kyoto town functionary (machi bugyo 町奉行) containing information on the local economy and evaluations of the capital's aristocratic families, which the Bakufu utilized in its policy-making decisions. Moreover, the imperial court took the opportunity of Matsudaira's visit to press it views on the necessity of strengthening the country's coastal and maritime defences. It was in 1857 that the arrival of United States consul general Townsend Harris was announced to the imperial court by senior councillor Wakisaka Yasunori during a hikiwatashi mission. This last example demonstrates that during the last decades of Bakufu governance, characterized by increasing international tension and a rise in the importance of the imperial court, the practice of hikiwatashi jokyo was revived as a means of conducting negotiations with the Emperors.
  • 安藤 優一郎
    1999年 108 巻 12 号 2121-2145,2218-
    発行日: 1999/12/20
    公開日: 2017/11/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present article the author offers an interpretation of the Shogunate's diplomatic known as shuinjo 朱印状 (vermilion sealed affidavit of official recognition) in late premodern Japan, focusing on the little know aspect of shuin-aratame 朱印改, an act that was implemented by a representative of the shogun, and about which little is known to date. Then a case study of this act is presented concerning the Koma 高麗 Shrine of Nihori 新堀 Village, Koma District, Musashi 武蔵 Province from the viewpoint of the recipient of the document and various problems faced by the Shrine in the process. In order to receive a shuinjo, a temple or shrine had to appear before the shogunate in Edo and stay there for about a month until all the paperwork was completed. Needless to say, such a stay was expensive, including not only travel and entertainment expenses, but also the heavy gratuity which had to be paid to the issuing authority (furegashira 触頭). There are cases of much pomp and circumstance surrounding such visits, the expense of which was all borne by the temple or shrine recipient, ranging from one to several tens of ryo 両. The shogunate frowned upon such extravagance and even made attempts to prohibit any gratuities being paid to the furegashira, while at the same time taking the prerogative to order that such payments be made. Needless to say, the intention was unclear and insufficient, for the gratuity was necessary in order for any temple or shrine to ensure that the shuin aratame process go smoothly and successfully. Since the ceremonial solemnity of the shuin-aratame process was expressly to reconfirm the Shogun's authority, it was very difficult to attempt rationalizing or simplifying this process, which was indispensable for any temple or shrine for attaining the highest status of an institution officially recognized by the shogunate, thus the extravagance connected with it was accepted as a fact of life by potential rccipients of the vermilion seal. Because of the important significance of the shuinjo for beth the issuing authority in the shogunate and recipient temples and shrines, there were definite limits to what extent the process could be simplified or expenses cut. In other words, the process was the way in which the importance, seriousness and honor of the shuinjo was reconfirmed within Tokugawa period society.
  • 上田 哲也
    2022年 2022 巻 5 号 1-14
    発行日: 2022年
    公開日: 2023/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    本稿は近世大名家臣団の研究事例として本多家を取り上げ、この本多家が召し抱えた忍びについ て考察を行う事を目的とする。本多家は譜代大名として明治維新まで存続していたが、途中で断絶 しなかった事で多くの史料が残されている。本稿ではこれらの史料を用いて呼称、人員、職掌など に関する検討を行った。  呼称の考察からは、本多家には「忍同心」と「関東忍」と呼ばれる二つの忍びの組が存在してお り、本国と江戸に分かれて活動を行っていた事が判明した。家臣の考察では、最初に召し抱えられ た忍びが徳川家康から本多忠勝に与えられた兵の一人であった事が明らかになった。また、忍びの 役職だけで代々仕え続けられた家臣は少なく、途中で役替えとなった忍びが複数いた事が確認され た。  これらの忍びに与えられた職務には、探索、城の警備、城下町での事件調査、家中の調査などが あり、時代の推移と共に活動内容が変化した様子も明らかになった。
  • 佐藤 雄介
    2015年 124 巻 3 号 401-416
    発行日: 2015/03/20
    公開日: 2017/12/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 堀井 雅弘
    2017年 14 巻 65-80
    発行日: 2017/03/24
    公開日: 2024/04/19
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
  • 鈴木 尚
    1985年 93 巻 1 号 1-32
    発行日: 1985年
    公開日: 2008/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    1.遺伝 将軍夫人と大名夫人の間に認められる顔型の類似性は,250年以上にもわたって,江戸時代貴族と同類の顔面形質をもった女性が夫人に選ばれていたことを物語っている。もし幾世代にもわたって上記の形質をもつ女性が夫人として選ばれるならば,当然,これらの形質は将軍や大名となるべき子孫に高度に伝えられるはずである。
    2.環境 各将軍に見られた発育不全の上•下顎骨と老年者ですら咬耗のない歯をもっているという非庶民的な特殊性は,彼らの食生活を含む総ての生活様式が,伝統的に特殊なものであることを示す。これと同じ環境的因子は大名やその夫人にもそのまま適用されるであろう。