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クエリ検索: "棍棒外交"
9件中 1-9の結果を表示しています
  • *宇都宮 陽二朗
    2017年 2017a 巻 305
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/10/26
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    初代から45代までの大統領のホ゜ートレートを通覧し、執務室に同一地球儀のないことや、それを傍にホ゜ース゛の政治家の存在を知った。Pobanz氏は地球儀を従えたHitlerの写真は皆無と答えている (Kimmelman, 2007)。ホ゜ートレートや報道写真の構図を、モテ゛ル数、相対位置、注目度、意義理解度等に着目し整理した。地球儀を伴う肖像が皆無や複数、単なるインテリアなど様々であるが、その中でTheodore Rooseveltは特異である。
    2. Teddyと地球儀
    LOC他のweb画像に大地球儀を従える立ち姿や椅子に腰掛けホ゜ース゛を決めたTeddyがいる。立ち姿では、地球儀を右脇にしたTeddy㋐と、左脇にしたTeddy㋑が正面を見据えている。その地平環と地平環支持枠接続部には四分円の補強飾りがある。Teddyの身長178cmから比例計算すると、地球儀の球径は80cm、高さは130~150cmとなる。画像㋐をトリミンク゛し、サイン入りでKansas City Starの一文の抜粋を加えた画像もある。 西海岸に達したこの国は19世紀後半、ハワイ、ハ゜ナマやフィリヒ゜ンを手中へと画策し、帝国主義国へ仲間入りを試みており、
     2) 椅子に腰掛けたTeddy
    腰掛けた彼の写真はLOCの横向きと書物を左手に正面を向くホ゜ース゛、さらにFine art の2枚及びphactual.comの1枚がある。撮影日は立ち姿と異なり、3本の曲がり脚と中央支柱に縦の筋が認められる。Fine art画像のTeddyは椅子に腰掛け、事務机に左肘を、肘受けに右腕を預け、カメラ/正面を見据える。後方の地球儀に子午環と地軸、地図模様が見え、四分円の補強飾から立ち姿のそれと同地球儀と推定される。他のphactual.comの写真ではTeddyは縫いぐるみの熊を抱いている。
    .  NY Police Commissioner時代
    spiritualpilgrim.netの写真はNY市警視総監時代(1895–1897)のOfficeで、Teddyの左手は机の引出しを掴む。事務机後方で半円が椅子の肘掛けに隠れるが、来客用椅子の背もたれ頂部飾り横材ではなく、Harvard大の回答で地球儀と確認できた。 机高、80cmとの比率から椅子の背横木の高さは121cm、背もたれの横木は114cmと算出さきる。地球儀の高さはこの横木に匹敵し、子午環の直径は52cm, 球体のそれは46cmと算出される。ただし、半円を暖炉のアーチ状焚口の枠とすれば、球体の直径は46cm以下となる。立ち姿の別写真では地球儀の高さは右肘付近にあり、身体比から、115cmとなる。これから、彼は、一地方都市のNY市警視総監職でも、相当の地球儀マニアで、執務室の肖像写真の原風景であろう。 大島大使、井上公使との総統執務室での会談やBerghofでのHelga Goebbelsや、数人と討議するHitler後方に大地球儀が写るが、筆者の捜索でも、Hitlerには地球儀を横にしたホ゜ース゛の写真はなく、地球儀を権威づけに用いなかったことが知られる。これに対し、四半世紀以上前にその意義を知り、活用したTeddyは地球儀に関する限り、メカ゛ロマニア)と見なせる。
     donsbarn.comのwebpageに副大統領公式オフィスのTheodore Rooseveltの地球儀の修復記事があった。画家のJ. L. G. Ferrisが1904年に、Teddyが、床置き地球儀球面のカリフ゛海からヘ゛ネス゛エラ付近を拡げた5本指で押さえながら、フ゜ロイセン国王に抗議する様を描いている。 彼の描く地球儀の架台部分は木工屋の修復地球儀に酷似し、脚の形はほぼ一致するが、これを従えたTeddyの写真はない。絵画中の地球儀の高さと直径は彼の身長から各々、109~115cm、75~79cmと算出される。

    米国歴代大頭領のホ゜ートレートを見ると、執務室の主人毎に地球儀が異なり、皆無や複数の存在も明らかとなった。その中で、Teddy Rooseveltの地球儀の意義を知悉したホ゜ース゛は他の誰にも見られない。チャッフ゜リンのThe Great Dictatorで洗脳された我らの常識にも拘わらず、彼はHitlerのお株を奪った、元祖メカ゛ロマニアと言えよう。(注:メカ゛ロマニアは意味を限定して使用)
  • 北 美幸
    2004年 47 巻 1 号 54-56
    発行日: 2004/10/30
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 足立 芳宏
    2004年 47 巻 1 号 52-54
    発行日: 2004/10/30
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新川 健三郎
    1977年 86 巻 9 号 1380-1386
    発行日: 1977/09/20
    公開日: 2017/10/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 森本 光
    2024年 111 巻 28-46
    発行日: 2024/02/25
    公開日: 2024/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー


  • 多国間主義の検証
    滝田 賢治
    2003年 2003 巻 133 号 11-27,L6
    発行日: 2003/08/29
    公開日: 2010/09/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Unilateralism has been widely considered a coordinate concept of multilateralism, mainly because an element of cooperation in multilateralism has been emphasized by John Ruggie who has influenced, to a great extent, the development of the study of multilateralism. However, the former represents an attitude or posture in conducting diplomacy and its coordinate concept is “cooperativism, ” while the latter express a number of players participating in a game of diplomacy and a framework for the game and its coordinate concept is bilateralism.
    David M. Malone and Yuen Foong Khong, editors of “Unilateralism & U. S. Foreign Policy, ” insist that unilateralism refers to a tendency to opt out of a multilateral framework or to act alone in addressing a particular global or regional challenge, rather than choosing to participate in collective actions. That states do so because they do not wish to subject themselves to “generalized principles of conduct” (John Ruggie) being negotiated or enforced, or they may find such principles inimical to their national interests.
    Therefore, when we attempt to analyze diplomatic approaches of a specific state, we have to take account of two dimensions: the dimension of diplomatic attitude (unilateralism/“cooperativism”) and the dimension of a number of diplomatic players (bilateralism/multilateralism).
    If these two dimensions are taken together, we can make up a coordinate axis. Approaches of U. S. departed from isolationism, vigorously engaged in intervention policy (bilateral unilateralism) especially in the area of the Caribbean Sea and Central America. After responding to World War I with multilateral unilateralism, which can be thought equal to Wilsonianism labeled “internationalism of crisis” (Frank Ninkovich), the U. S. conducted foreign policies of multilateral unilateralism “cooperativism” among great powers. The U. S., which hesitated to adopt Wilsonianism as “internationalism of crisis” in response to the Manchurian Incident caused by Japan, carefully came to introduce Wilsonianism after the outbreak of the Sino-Japan War (July of 1937) and World War II.
    The U. S. having led World War II by fully applying Wilsonianism made the utmost efforts to create a new world order on the basis of multilateralism cooperativism. he United Nations System and Bretton-Woods System symbolize the U. S. -led multilateralist cooperativism. But C. Hemmer and P. J. Katzenstein criticize the U. S. foreign policy of multilateralism (which naturally contains an element of cooperation according to Ruggie), saying that the U. S. applied these global principles differently in different regions, and projects its norms onto the global scene in a highly selective fashion that itself needs to be explained.
  • その試みと挫折
    西崎 文子
    1986年 1986 巻 20 号 184-203
    発行日: 1986/03/25
    公開日: 2010/10/28
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 馬場 宏二
    2004年 41 巻 3 号 14-24
    発行日: 2004/10/20
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー

    In this article we use the term "Imperialism" rather than the currently more popular term "Empire" to characterize of recent American power. Imperialism implies an aggressive expansion of a country's influence on other countries. On the contrary, the term "Empire" suggests a stable state like that of ancient Rome. America cannot establish herself as such a stable state as a fundamental characteristic of the United States is one of dynamic expansionism. A feature of America's history from her British colonial days until today has been one of continual expansion of her influence over others. American Imperialism is the biggest disaster to affect all of the people of earth, not only for non-Americans but for Americans themselves. It destroys them through every aspect of life: culturally, economically, politically, socially and militarily. In other words, American Imperialism is often referred to as globalization. Globalization is no more than global Americanization. For non-Americans, Americanization ruins their lifestyles, just like those of the Native American Indians. In this article, a few aspects relating to the destructive character of Americanization are analyzed and discussed. From an economic perspective, the original sin in American history was rapid economic growth, mass production and its dynamic and speculative nature. From 1820 to 1979, America's annual economic growth was 3.8%. For the same period, the average annual growth rate for all advanced countries, including the United States, was 2.5%. Accordingly, America's growth rate is 50% higher than that of the advanced countries average! The cause of this difference comes mainly from its population growth. American population growth rate was double that of advanced countries average growth rate due to immigration from European countries and the importation of Africans as slaves; although many Native American Indians were killed. However, per capita growth is only slightly higher than that of the advanced countries' average. This was achieved because of American fertile resources supported by large tracks of land taken from Native American Indians when they were killed. Usually, economic growth is thought to be good for the whole of society. But, by my theory of mass excessive enrichment, rapid economic growth is a path to ruin for mankind, because of the destruction of the ecological environment, by exhaustion of natural resources and by distortion of human nature caused by merchandization in the pursuit of monetary gain. So, America is the leader in ruining the whole world by economic activity. Economic speculation is an important feature of the American economy. Generally speaking, speculation can be conducted in every monetary economy, but the tendency to speculate is especially strong in America. This comes from farmer's habit to speculate using the value of their land which they obtained for a pittance. Of course the land was the property of Native American Indians killed by the settlers. Land speculation and securitization instead of bank credit gave the American economy an unusual speculative character. American people want to expand this character to the whole world to make monetary gains by merchandizing every business enterprise in the world. This is the essence of globalization. Mass production represented by frequent model changes in the automobile industry played an important role of America's economic success. But the question is "are they aware of the fact that this production methods requires large tracks of cheap land for production and storage of industrial waste was achieved by killing Native American Indians? The question is how can people living in densely populated areas maintain their standards of livings and lifestyles when American production methods which cause large amounts of industrial waste are introduced due to

    (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)

  • 柿崎 繁
    2013年 50 巻 2 号 6-18
    発行日: 2013/07/20
    公開日: 2017/04/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper discusses the rise and fall of the U. S. hegemony in relation to modern globalization. The struggling system of the cold war era ended in 1989-1991. The capitalism system in which the United States is the axis has also strengthened the nuclear and missile systems in the cold war era. The military inflation in the U. S was advancing and went sapping the foundations of the U. S. hegemony. That is, the competitiveness of the U. S. manufacturings was declining and the hollowing of the manufacturings in the U. S. was accelerated. There were big changes in the industrial structures in the U. S, which mean the financial and information services industries took the manufacturings'place and came to forefront. The U. S. also promoted to ease the regulations of the rest of the world to realize the growth of the U. S. financial and information services industries globally and strengthen the foundations of the U. S. financial capitalism's hegemony in the world. The world seemed to be stabilized by globalization under the U. S. hegemony, but the world became even more chaotic than before the Post-cold war era. The United States financed the funds from the world to make the U. S. hegemony stronger. But, it caused the asset bubbles and the excessive consumption in the U. S. The excessive consumption in the U. S made it possible for the world economy to export to U. S and grow. However, the financial crisis happened in 2008. Its aftermath is still followed in Europe. The chains of growth has been replaced by the chains of crisis. The competition for sharing the profit by the wealthy classes of the world has shifted the competition to impute the losses to the others. The gap between the rich and the poor has expanded tremendously. These have weakened the U. S. hegemony. So the United States are not forced to seek the cooperation of the G20. In these situations China has been on the rise. I think these will be the beginning of the decline of the U. S. hegemony and global liquidation of the cold war debt in the world.