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1件中 1-1の結果を表示しています
  • 島田 彌
    2012年 60 巻 3 号 3_15-3_20
    発行日: 2012年
    公開日: 2012/06/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Opportunity to deliberate mental attitude for one′s life, is necessary for engineering students and engineers at earlier stage of one′s life, in order to have more solid value and purpose of one′slife in unsteady and diverse era. In order to realize the above demands, the effective training system is proposed, in which two opportunities are effectively combined just as follows ; 1) opportunity to deliberate and to confirm both value and purpose of one′s life, at about 20 years old, when one′s basic personality is formed, and 2) opportunity to deliberate and to contemplate one′slife, at about 40 years old, when one reaches a half of one′s life. In order to improve the effect of the training system, not only 1) ‘Memo System′, to deepen one′s deliberation of life through making clear a latent part of a phenomenon, but also 2) ‘Assent-Dissent Discussion′, that creates a new concept through ‘Sublation-Aufheben′ of disagreement opinions between different fields, are very effective. Furthermore, opportunity of experience to social contribution at one′sown risk, together with this training system, will bring more practicable ability and will to the students and engineers.