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クエリ検索: "沖縄交通"
1件中 1-1の結果を表示しています
  • 近世における交通を中心として
    上間 清
    1993年 13 巻 193-203
    発行日: 1993/06/01
    公開日: 2010/06/15
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has been engaged in a conprehensive historical study on the transportation in the region of Okinawa, the southern-most prefecture of Japan. The study has been done under five historical ages, namely.(1) prehistoric, (2) KO-RYUKYoUr the old Ryukyuan Kingdom, (3) early-modern.(4) modern, and (5) the present ages.
    So far the author read three papers related with the study, one on the historical fundamentals.the others on the problems under the age of KO-RYUKYU. and the forepart of present age.
    Discussed in this paper are the questions of early modern age including the historical image as a whole, Ryukyu-foreign country relations and traffic, and traffic conditions in the area.