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2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 今岡 真和, 中村 美砂, 田崎 史江, 中尾 英俊, 生水 智子, 肥田 光正, 武田 雅俊, 樋口 由美
    2020年 35 巻 4 号 551-556
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/08/20
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    [目的]本研究の目的は地域在住者を対象にプレフレイル該当者の生活習慣,就労,運動,認知機能などから関連要因を明らかにすることである.[対象と方法]対象はフレイル該当者を除く地域在住60歳以上の男女201名,平均年齢73.1 ± 6.5歳であった.測定および質問紙を用いてプレフレイルを判定し,健常群と2群比較を行った.測定および質問紙にて生活状況,生活習慣,就労,運動機能,認知機能を調査した.[結果]プレフレイル群は就労している者が有意に多く,年齢性を調整しても就労していることはプレフレイルの独立関連因子(オッズ比2.3)であった.[結語]就労していることはプレフレイルと関連することが示唆された.

  • —松本市と貝塚市の比較検討を通して—
    村田 和子, 矢久保 学
    2023年 20 巻 38-48
    発行日: 2023/11/30
    公開日: 2024/03/28
    ジャーナル フリー

    Our team has embarked on a joint research project on kominkan project theory in order to identify the theoretical achievements that have been reached and the challenges that remain for members of this academic society. This paper is an interim summary of the findings.

    Bearing in mind that kominkan and social education programs are being conducted within the parameters of the current trends of "administrative reform," "decentralization," and "local government strategies," trends which have led to a "’industrialization’ of public services." It is therefore important to demonstrate empirically that community center projects are faced with the challenge of creating an opposing-axis to administrative evaluations that are based on cost-effectiveness that prioritize principles of economic efficiency.

    This paper examines kominkan "projects" in Matsumoto City (Nagano Prefecture) and Kaizuka City (Osaka Prefecture) that were undertaken under the theme of "What has been created by kominkan projects?" A comparative approach of the kominkan in the two cities was considered to be valid because of similarities in their historical development; previous studies were available for both cities and both had their own staffing systems.

    This comparative study was able to confirm that, in these two cities, kominkan deal with issues that affect the community and the daily lives of local residents, organize learning programs, create connections between people, and teach and guide sovereign individuals who are striving to improve their own lives, their region, and society in general, with the aim of building a sustainable, symbiotic society. This totality is what kominkan projects and activities are all about.
