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クエリ検索: "熊本市立出水小学校"
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  • 小学校の南側廊下校舎に関する研究
    秋元 一秀
    2017年 82 巻 740 号 2511-2520
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     Most of elementary school buildings have a corridor in the north side. This form was established by government lead after the Meiji middle. It is indicated that Kumamoto prefecture insisted on the corridor on the south strongly against this current.
     In the Kumamoto prefectural government data, the document and drawing of the notification of an elementary school from Meiji 44 to Taisho 7 are left. And in the Kumamoto municipal assembly, the bill about elementary school construction was discussed at the same time.
     In this study, it is the aim to clarify the actual condition and the background of the elementary school building with a south-side corridor in Kumamoto prefecture from Meiji to the early stages of Showa. Therefore, the following four viewpoints were set up.
     1. The characteristic in the guideline of an elementary school building of Kumamoto prefecture: comparison of guideline of the government and Kumamoto prefecture of Meiji and Taisho period
     2. The characteristic in the arrangement composition, form, and corridor position of a school building: analysis of arrangement and plan in prefectural government data
     3. The characteristic of the elementary school building with a south-side corridor: construction process, and arrangement and plane composition in history of school
     4. The actual condition of the elementary school in Kumamoto city after the Taisho: guideline of city by municipal assembly data, and arrangement and plane composition in history of school
     The following results were obtained by analysis.
     1) As for the guideline of Kumamoto prefecture of the elementary school, the standard was shown about arrangement composition and school building form in Meiji 25 earlier than the government.
     2) About the arrangement composition of the school building, the type of school building on the north and playground on the south increased as time passes, and about the school building form, an one-line type indicated the high rate to be about 40 percent at any time, and the parallel type was increasing, so the tendency according to the guideline of the government and prefecture was seen.
     3) About the corridor position of the school building, although it is said that Kumamoto prefecture insisted on the south-side corridor in school buildings, numbers of that building were few and their rate of a north-side corridor increased with a time. However, since there were many school buildings with a south-side corridor at the southern prefecture area and centering on Kumamoto city, it is thought that there was regionality of corridor on the south.
     4) After the Meiji 40s, the Kumamoto prefecture changed to the guideline in which he leaves it to judgment of each corporation. Kumamoto city recommended the south-side corridor in Showa 3, and accordingly school building with a south-side corridor increased after that.