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  • わが近世封建制における二重封臣関係について
    林 董一
    1959年 1959 巻 9 号 183-211,VI
    発行日: 1959/03/30
    公開日: 2009/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    There were two families named Yamamura Jimbei and Chimura Heiemon among the followers of the feudal lord of Owari (present Nagoya), one of the three cadet families of the Tokugawa. These families, while they were the followers of the feudal lord of Owari, had also alleged service and loyalty directly towards the Tokugawa and were actually subject to both of them. Under, the feudal system in Japan, generally speaking, the follower was requested rigid loyalty to his lord alone as the maxim that "the loyal follower would never be subject to the other lord" shows., Therefore these cases of Yamamura and Chimura should be said the exceptional ones. Doppelvcasallität, though it existed, did not present so clear and perfect form as we see in that or Piuralvasallität of the medieval Germany. Their status was an imperfect form of Doppelvasallität and very much like the single relationship with the lord of Owari. The reason why these two families had acquired such a status as Doppelvasallität seems to me that the. lord of Owari, their lord, and the Tokugawa had been regarded as one, lord because the former was one of the branches of the latter.