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  • 小林 晏, 磯野 直史, 辻口 幸之助
    2014年 20 巻 1 号 46-49
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2014/05/07
    ジャーナル フリー
    The patient was a 43-year-old female who had been conscious of exophthalmos of her right eye ball for 4years. She admitted to Department of Neurosurgery of our hospital.The CT scan revealed remarkable thickening with abnormal and irregular, ground glass shadow of right sphenoid bone. Fibrous dysplasia was considered as diagnosis of the bone lesion in the first impression, although the CT scan showed neither apparent nidus nor typical feature to fibrous dysplasia. Then, the pathological right sphenoid bone was resected piecemeal on the operation. The cut surface of resected fragments appeared to be gritty like a sand-paper. As histopathologically, flat arrangement of small round cells including whorled pattern around capillaries was observed and the tumor cells were positive for EMA on the immunohistochemical study, histopathological diagnosis of meningothelial meningioma was made. As meningioma was not present in other areas than right sphenoid bone, the present case was diagnosed as a rare case of primary intra-osseous meningioma. Review of the CT scan films demonstrates “inward and outward fluff” in the periphery of right sphenoid bone that is characteristic feature to intra-osseous meningioma.