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クエリ検索: "草津市立松原中学校"
2件中 1-2の結果を表示しています
  • 貴治 康夫, 沓掛 俊夫, 中野 聰志, 西村 貞浩, 澤田 一彦, 杉井 完治, 多賀 優, 竹本 健一, 天白 俊馬
    2008年 114 巻 2 号 53-69
    発行日: 2008/02/15
    公開日: 2009/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    東西6 km・南北7 km規模の比叡花崗岩体は,琵琶湖周辺の白亜紀末山陽帯花崗岩体のうちで,最も西寄りに位置する.これまで琵琶湖コールドロン形成に関係した琵琶湖南部環状花崗岩体の西端部の岩体と考えられてきた.比叡花崗岩体は,中心相と考えられる中粒斑状黒雲母花崗岩とそれを取り囲むように分布している中粒等粒状黒雲母花崗岩からなる.両者は漸移関係にあり,活動時期は100 Ma頃と推定される.比叡花崗岩は,年代値,岩相,化学的性質において琵琶湖南部の他の花崗岩類とは異なるので,およそ70 Maの琵琶湖コールドロン形成に直接関与した環状岩体を構成するものとしては考えられない.本岩体中には,岩体西縁部で南北方向に貫入している花崗斑岩脈と花崗閃緑斑岩脈のほかに,優白質微花崗岩,流紋岩,玄武岩,ランプロファイアの小岩脈が岩体全体に点在している.そのうちの花崗斑岩と花崗閃緑斑岩の岩脈は,琵琶湖コールドロンの外縁を画する環状岩脈の一部であると考えられる.
  • 菅原 久頌, 藤田 範子, 加登本 仁
    2019年 64 巻 2 号 807-823
    発行日: 2019/12/16
    公開日: 2019/12/20
    [早期公開] 公開日: 2019/09/06
    ジャーナル フリー
     The present case study was conducted to examine the learning outcomes of junior high school students given sprint running instruction focusing on kinesthesis. We analyzed changes in the 50-m running time, intermediate running speed, maximum running speed, rate of decrease in running speed, running movement score, and kinesthesis for 5 hours of classes given to junior high school second graders.
     The study clarified the following four points.
     1) The students showed significant improvements in their 50-m running time, intermediate running speed and maximum running speed, and significant decreases in the rate of decrease in their running speed throughout the 5-hour unit, which had been designed to configure learning activity by focusing on embodied knowledge of sprinting. With regard to running motion, all items excluding “arm swing direction” were significantly improved. In addition, it became clear that the students had pursued learning while grasping aspects of kinesthesis such as “switching legs”, “pushing the ground”, “stepping on the ground”, and “bouncing from the ground”.
     2) Students in the upper group were conscious of aspects such as “switching legs”, “pushing the ground”, “bouncing from the ground”, and “maintaining speed”. In addition, learning involved capturing not only strength and lightness, but also the rhythm of movement as kinesthesis.
     3) Students in the middle group were conscious of aspects such as “stepping on the ground”, “switching legs”, “pushing the ground”, and “bouncing from the ground”. In addition, in terms of kinesthesis, there was a tendency to express heavy movement and force in addition to lightness of movement. It was thought that the problem lay in being unable to capture well the rebound from the ground.
     4) Students in the lower group were conscious of aspects such as “stepping on the ground”, “switching legs”, and “bouncing from the ground”. In addition, there was no evidence of expression such as capturing the push or repulsion of the ground in terms of kinesthesis, and there was also a tendency for less expression of quickness and lightness of the leg change. It was considered that the main problems lay in accumulation of sufficient experience to improve movement of the lower limbs and to express various aspects of kinesthesis.