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クエリ検索: "葛西治"
7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 西郷 慶悦, 加賀谷 保, 辻村 昌子, 葛西 治千代, 鈴木 貢
    1991年 4 巻 2 号 160-163
    発行日: 1991/09/30
    公開日: 2019/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Synthetic apatites differ in forms and compositions due to the different sintering method, and precipitation of nitrogenous species is often noted.In this study, we make further investigations on the precipitation of nitrogenous species in commercial synthetic apatite using diffuse reflectional spectrophotometry to determine IR absorptions for the analization of spectral difference, etc.
    The result is that the absorption of nitrogenous species which is considered as CN22-, OCN- shown at 2,010 cm-1 and 2,200 cm-1 of all samples except CO3-Ap and the recognization of these IR absorption in synthetic apatites of different types suggests the neccesity of further detailed investigations on the biocompatibility of synthetic apatite.
  • 西郷 慶悦, 加賀谷 保, 辻村 昌子, 葛西 治千代, 鈴木 貢
    1991年 4 巻 2 号 170-175
    発行日: 1991/09/30
    公開日: 2019/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Hydroxyapatite is the main component of inorganic materials of bone and tooth, and has been many reported for basic examination and clinical application as medical materials. But commercial synthetic apatite component differ between companies because of its sintering or synthetic method, and its components differ from biological apatite at that.
    Then, we compared apatite compositions in order to test differences between bone apatite and commercial synthetic apatite or not. The analysis of composition examined by Infrared Fourier Transform spectrometer 7000 type (made by Japan Spectroscopic Co.,Ltd.) and measured spectra subtracted from commercial synthetic apatite (Bonetite, Apaceram)to bone apatite.
    As the results, 1)The composition differs from synthetic and bone apatite. 2)Furthermore, there was different compositions of commercial synthetic apatites with each other.
    Accordingly, it became necessary that we should consider the differences of apatite composition in living tissue.
  • 西郷 慶悦, 加賀谷 保, 辻村 昌子, 葛西 治千代, 鈴木 貢
    1991年 4 巻 2 号 164-169
    発行日: 1991/09/30
    公開日: 2019/02/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Due to the research from many angles, dental implants have been widely used in practice.
    From the aspect of material science, they are generally categorized as metallic implants and ceramic implants. Among them, implants utilizing pure titanium or hydroxyapatite have gained a high reputation for their superior biocompatibility and comparable stability in bones when applied in practice. Taking advantage of these characteristics, endosseous implants of titanium blade which are coated with HAP alumina by plasma sprayed technique, have been developed.
    This study, through biological testing, aims to compare changes and reactions of bone in case of pure titanium blade and HAP alumina coated blade-vent implants.
    We made the implant material free standing and adjusted the implants head in order to avoid occlusal stress and other functional pressures inside the mouth. One month after the blade insert,the bone in contact with the blade was cut out and analyzed by diffuse reflectional infrared spectrophotometry using on FT/IR-7000 infrared spectrophotometer (Japan Spectroscopic, Co.,Ltd.). The study results including spectral differences with the osseous bone are described in this paper.
  • 田中 美絵子, 本川 渉, 林田 宏紹, 尾上 隆光, 吉田 穰
    1989年 27 巻 3 号 672-677
    発行日: 1989/09/25
    公開日: 2013/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    著者らは6 歳6 カ月の男児の上顎前歯部に3 歯の埋伏過剰歯を有する症例に遭遇した。X線所見からこれらが永久歯胚の位置異常の原因となっていることがわかった。また,これら過剰歯はすべて埋伏しており,方向は1歯が順生,他は逆生であった。順生歯の概形は,いわゆる正中歯の形をとっていた。歯冠の型は,順生は渡辺の分類の四錐型,逆生歯は,犬歯型であった。歯根はすべて未完成であったが,逆生歯において未熟度が特に大であった。また,患児の同胞(兄)にも過去に埋伏過剰歯抜去の既往があった
  • ―SEMおよびEPMAによる観察―
    石井 良明, 中出 修, 荒井 滋朗, 吉村 治範, 永山 正人, 松沢 耕介, 賀来 亨
    1996年 9 巻 2 号 298-305
    発行日: 1996/09/30
    公開日: 2017/11/05
    ジャーナル フリー
    Hydroxylapatite (HA)-coated implants have been the subject of great interest since the mid 1980s. Various clinical studies have shown that HA coatings lead to good clinical results over a time period of about five years.
    A case of a removed HA-coated blade implant due to breakdown thereof was reported. Bone loss with a radiolucent appearance around the implant by the peri-implant inflammation was observed. A removed HA-coated titanium blade-form implant was examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe X-ray microanalyzer (EPMA) for analysis of the main constructive elements.
    The results were as follows:
    1. Macroscopically and microscopically, the removed implant demonstrated loss of the HA-coating with the presence of the smooth titanium substrate.
    2. For the EPMA data, the implant material mainly consisted of titanium with loss of the HA-coated layer. The remaining HA-coated layer was chiefly consisted of calcium and phosphate.
    3. Analyses by EPMA indicated almost complete loss of mineral (HA) from the surfaces of the failed implant.
    From the above results, it was considered that there may be significant depression of pH and the production of proteolytic enzymes along with bone loss and massive granulation tissue that results from the inflammatory process. Such an environment might be one of the causes for removal of the implants. The most important factor for preventing late complications with implant-prosthetic treatment is the peri-implant osseous and soft tissue conditions. A check of the implant-borne suprastructures and a thorough cleaning of the implants and any remaining natural teeth of patients who receive implant-prosthetic treatment are necessary.
  • 坂部 潤, 中島 一郎, 本田 和也, 中川 正治, 伊藤 みや子, 篠田 宏司, 赤坂 守人
    2002年 40 巻 5 号 790-796
    発行日: 2002/12/25
    公開日: 2013/01/18
    ジャーナル フリー
    歯科用小照射野エックス線CTの実用機である3 DX Multi Image Micro CT®(3 DX)のコンピューター画像上で,歯の大きさを計測することを着想し,測定者間における計測値の再現性とその信頼性について検討した。試料は,抜去された上顎前歯部過剰埋伏歯1本とし,測定項目は,幅径および全長とした。3DX画像は,試料単体で撮影したもの(条件1)と,計測点に造影性を示す指標を貼布したもの(条件2)を用いた。計測は5名の歯科医師によって5回繰り返し,条件1の計測値について測定者間で分散分析を行い,再現性の検討を行った。さらに測定項目別に,変動係数を条件1,条件2およびノギス計測問で比較し,計測値の信頼性について検討した。その結果,条件1では測定者間に計測値の有意差は認められなかった。また,3DX画像上の幅径の計測での変動係数は,ノギス計測に対し,条件1と条件2ともに有意に大きかったが,条件1に比べ,条件2では小さくなる傾向が認められた。全長の計測で,条件1と条件2における変動係数は,ノギス計測に対し,有意な差は認められなかった。以上より,3DX画像において,歯の幅径と全長の計測の測定者間での再現性が示された。また,全長の計測では,ノギス計測と同様の信頼性が示された。一方,幅径の計測では計測を繰り返し行い,計測の信頼性を高める必要性が示唆された。
  • 加藤 栄一, 大内 義昭
    1971年 43 巻 2 号 116-123
    発行日: 1971/02/25
    公開日: 2012/09/26
    ジャーナル フリー
      The effect of hydrogen content of iron melt on pinholing in calcium-treated iron castings cast in green sand moulds has been investigated.
      The melt from a cupola was transferred into a ladle, where the melt was desulfurized by calcium carbide and sodium flouride. After inoculation and calcium treatment in a hand shark, the melt was poured into a test mould.
      In the mould, a disk and a riser were connected to a symmetrical gating system. The disk was 100mm in diameter and 6mm thick and was used as a pinhole test specimen. Samples for hydrogen determination were taken from the melt in the riser. Three types of test moulds were used. Each had a different shape of gating system and were designated as mould No.1, mould No.2, and mould No.3, respectively. The design of mould No.2 and mould No.3 were modeled after mould No.1. The gating system of mould No. 2 was designed to restrain the turbulence of the stream of the melt as much as possible. On the other hand, the gating system of mould No. 3 was designed to bring out the turbulence. When either mould No.1 or mould No.2 was used, the number of pinholes increased with the increase in the hydrogen content of the melt as shown in Fig. 1. In particular, an almost linear relation between the number of pinholes and the hydrogen content was obtained when mould No.2 was used. A large number of pinholes and blowholes were observed regardless of the hydrogen content when mould No.3 was used.
      The change in the hydrogen content of the melt during the previously mentioned treatment was examined, and the hydrogen content was found to increase by the addition of the desulferizer almost up to the same values as those in the riser.