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4件中 1-4の結果を表示しています
  • 木村 光成, 李 晃伸, 川嶋 宏彰
    2019年 58 巻 11 号 873-877
    発行日: 2019/11/10
    公開日: 2019/11/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 杉村 健, 岩原 信九郎
    1957年 27 巻 6 号 395-402
    発行日: 1957年
    公開日: 2010/07/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    Maier and Ellen's rats were required to learn to respond to a particular card irrespective of its position (side) after position habits were well developed. The proportion of times that the previously rewarded response was rewarded and punished, was Varied : Group A, 80 : 20 ; Group B, 50 : 50 ; and Group C, 20 : 80. Main results were : (a) in terms of the number of rats giving up the old response and the number learning the new, Group A and C were similarly superior to Group B, (b) the number of trials required by the learners to abandon the old response was the largest in Group A, and Groups B and C followed, and (c) the learners in Group B need the least number of trials to criterion and the other groups were equally inferior in discrimination. All the points except the second, according to the authors, contradicted reinforcement theory, and a perceptual factor of consistency of effect was basic for explaining the results. Similar findings were obtained by Saji et al. and Akamatsu et al.
    Experiment I was conducted to repeat the Maier-Ellen design using children in a slightly different situation in that two boxes with different colors were' used with a candy as reward. The reward-punishment ratios in color discrimination were the same as Maier et al. The results showed the homogeneity of the three groups in position habits (Tables 1 through 4). Only one S in each of Groups B and C failed to learn discrimination in 90 trials although they abandoned position habits early in trials. This finding may be due to the relative easiness of the discrimination compared with Maier et al.'s.
    The median number of trials to criterion was the least for Group B and no slgnificant difference appeared between the other two (Tables 5 & 6), while Group A showed the largest number of trials to give up the old response, and Groups B and C followed in this order (Table 7). The two points agreed with Maier et al. New measures were observed in fhe present study. In terms of the percentage of response alternations, Group B was the highest and Groups A and C were similarly low (Table 8). It was indicLted that although Group C was earliest in giving up the old response, they were yet as slow as Group A in abandoning‘position habit’Per se, i. e. whether the persisted response was previously rewarded or not.
    In terms of the percentage of wrong responses, Group A and C were equally low relative to Group A. In this point, Muenzinger's finding (6) that discrimination was facilitated by punishment, was suggestive.
    Contrary to Maier's contention, the results may be explained in terms of reinforcement theory in that Group B was most favored in discrimiaated because only in this group the particular (red) box was rewarded irrespective of position (i. e. 50 : 50), while in the other two groups, the same box was reinforced not only with respect to color but also (partially) to position (80 : 20 or 20 : 80). This explanation was confirmed in Experiment II where no previous position learning was included (Table 10). The same results may also be interpreted in terms of‘set’in that Group A and C were similarly slow in abandoning their set of position habit as revealed by the analysis in terms of the percentage of response alternations and thus they were inferior in the new discrimination to Group B. The two interpretations were of course complementary. The weakness of Maier's position seemed to lie in that although it could explain the similarity of Groups A and C but failed to show why they were both inferior to Group B.
  • 全国算数・数学教育研究鳥取大会実行委員会
    2014年 96 巻 6 号 12-
    発行日: 2014年
    公開日: 2021/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 先行学習の訓練量の効果
    岩原 信九郎, 杉村 健
    1969年 6 巻 2 号 42-48,71
    発行日: 1969/10/15
    公開日: 2013/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experiment I was designed to find a functional relationship between the number of reinforced trials in terms of learning criteria and the easiness of shifting to a new discrimination learning in young children. Group 5 was required to learn a position discrimination until 5 successive correct responses, and Group 10 until 10 successive rights and Groups 15, 20 and 30were likewise required to learn the problem until corresponding numbers of successes. As soon as they met the criteria, the problem was shifted to color (white vs. red) discrimination with the same criteria of 10 successive correct responses for all groups. Group C10 was added, which was the reverse of Group 10: they were given position discrimination after color problem.
    The results indicated that Group 10 required the greatest number of trials for learning the second color discrimination, and along which a bi-directional gradient was demonstrated in terms of trials, although the overall group differences were not statistically significant (Table 1, Fig. 1). Number of perseverative errors from position learning was found to be positively related to difficulty of shifting to color discrimination. In Experiment II replicated Experiment I with slight modifications, in that the subjects used were a little older and although Group 5 was exactly the, same as Group 5 in the previous experiment, Groups 10, 20 and 40 were given additional 5, 15 and 35 trials over the criteria used in Group 5. Again a similar finding was obtained (Table 3, Fig. 1).
    These results failed to show an agreement with previous studies where the positive effects of the overlearning upon the easiness of shifts of post learning were reported.
    The presnt writers suggests two factors in explaining the results. The first is the response habit connected to a particular stimulus situation as is assumed by the orthodox S-R theorists. This habit evolves rapidly with trials and its strength is negatively related to the easiness of discrimination shiftings. The difference between Groups 5 and 10 is accounted for by this factor. The second factor of discrimination set, on the other hand, develops only after the habit is fairly established. As this factor is trans-situational, it makes shifts of learning easier.
    In addition, if Krechevsky's concept of hypothesis is true during the pre-solution perid, then this factor togeher with the two factrs previously mentioned can explain most part of discrimination learning (Fig. 2).