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クエリ検索: "馬見丘陵公園"
3件中 1-3の結果を表示しています
  • 奈良県広陵町における公民連携活動の実践記録
    近江 郁子, 中山 徹
    2020年 55 巻 3 号 330-337
    発行日: 2020/10/25
    公開日: 2020/10/25
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス

    郊外では農家が減少しています。 一方、郊外住宅地の住民は農業に関心を持っている人がいます。これらの市民を農業に参加させる方法を検討する必要があります。 そのためには、初期投資、栽培訓練、農地の状況、販売状況など、さまざまな要素を考慮しなくてはいけません。市民が一人で農業を始めるのは難しいことです。 そこで私たちは市民農業団体を設立しました。 5年間の経験と検証によって、さまざまな条件がわかってきました。 また、町役場や地元の農家との関係の持ち方もわかりました。 この組織の運営が安定すると、メンバーは独自の農業技術を発展させ始めました。 各メンバーは農業に関連して様々な目的を持っています。 このように私たちは市民農業団体のさまざまな役割や問題が明らかになりました。 これは、組織の活動の記録と成果です。

  • 北川 啓介, 中澤 真平
    2017年 82 巻 738 号 1925-1933
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     In experiencing spaces, we receive information through the five senses and make a value judgment. Particular spaces create particular emotions that later define our behavior towards the spaces. A feeling of ‘Tanoshisa’ is a such emotional association in spaces. Architects create spaces based on their own experiences, often emphasizing on the aspects of “Tanoshisa” in the spaces. However, when talking of ‘Tanoshisa’ the meaning of the word varied from people to people since the understanding of the word is different by individuals. As a result, polymorph naturally occurs in language as our ideas of the words mix with the ideas of others. This research aims to uncover hidden aspects of the word “Tanoshisa” and to derive a conceptual framework of the word by analyzing the polymorph of “Tanoshisa” in text description of buildings by architects.
     The flow of this research is as below:
     1. Extract sentences that contain words associated with the meaning of “Tanoshisa” used by architects to explain their design of architecture in the architectural magazine, Shinkenchiku during 1950 ? 2011.
     2. Extract Object, Subject and Character. Object is the word described as “Tanoshisa” or related to it. Subject is the one creates “Tanoshisa”. Character is an attribute of the object.
     3. Consider and analyze the relationships between Object and Subject, Subject and Character. After that, derive the tendencies of their relationships.
     4. Categorize the relationships by creating a matrix in which the vertical axis is the tendency of Object and Subject, and the horizon axis is of Subject and Character, and derive aspects of polymorph of “Tanoshisa”.

     As a result, four tendencies of the relationships between Object and Subject were found : ”Tanoshisa” of planning a creation, “Tanoshisa” of intervening with a human operation, “Tanoshisa” of having the link to nature and “Tanoshisa” of making architectural creativity. And three tendencies of the relationships between Subject and Character were found: Internalization of extroverting influence, Situations affected by others and Production of unconstrained spatial aspects.

     Through the investigation of the matrix, 23 different types of interpretations of polymorph of “Tanoshisa” were derived. At the same time, “Tanoshisa” is expressed with three major frameworks as below:
     1) The Natural: Nature itself brings us closer physically and emotionally.
     2) The Architectural: When composing an architecture as a whole, architects plan to leave extra spaces to allow users to create their own usages, on the other hand, when assembling a partial element of architecture, architects design in unique and creative ways.
     3) The Active: when architects encounter unexpected events or difficulties, they find them as opportunities of creativity.

     To summarize, architects reflect the idea of ‘Tanoshisa’ on to their architectural design considering the changes in uses of architecture throughout its life time and the frequent changes of users, and transforming building or mixing more than two different elements appropriate to the changes.
  • 水田 航平, 北川 啓介, 今枝 良輔
    2020年 85 巻 775 号 1897-1907
    発行日: 2020年
    公開日: 2020/09/30
    ジャーナル フリー

     Architectural space is, in general, designed beyond the value of merely empty volumes, for it is to receive activities and comprising elements within and without. The notion of beyondness is hard to grasp in building constructions; text descriptions by architects entail their design intensions in detail in remove of construction feasibility. This research will examine coincidental values that are beyond structural integrity in the form of building descriptions in which construction feasibility is transcended by design intentions.

     The flow of this research is as follows:

     1. Subject of this research is 1,701 samples from the text descriptions where architects refer to properties beyond structural integrity in architectural magazine, Shin-Kenchiku during 1950-2017.

     2. Extract the sentences that contain 3 kinds of key-elements: Structural Element, Operation, Gained Property. Structural Element is the word described as building components that resist weight and external forces. Operation is the word described as the act to structural element by the designer. Gained Property is the word described as an action caused by operation.

     3. The relationships between Structural Element & Operation and Operation & Gained Property are analyzed in correspondence.

     4. Based on the tendencies of correspondence analyses, frameworks of semantic contents are derived. By using them to make a matrix to identify aspects of coincidental values with building system and categorize them into types to provide insights and draw conclusions.

     Through the investigation of the matrix between Structural Element, Operation, and Gained Property, 27 different types of coincidental values with building system were identified. As a ingenuity to create added values with building system by designers, six main points are found; 1. multifaceted pursuit of structural integrity by designers, 2. satisfaction of user requests by structural element, 3. consideration of third party circumstances, 4. acquisition of material property by independent existence of structural element, 5. acquisition of synergistic property by existence of structural element as a contact point for existing environment, 6. occurrence of a phenomenon where there is no structural elements being considered.

     As a effect of coincidental values with building system, four main points are found; 1. elimination of surplus by avoidance of complexity, 2. omission of architectural component by structural element taking a role of functions, 3. adaptation to the surrounding events of the architecture, 4. expression of contradiction by structural element with mechanical limitations.

     Based on the above, the designers consider events such as construction, industry, existing environment, and own ideas as the basis of design, and adjust the symbiotic form with the outside of the design and nonstructural components target by three methods; independent existence, dependent existence, non-existence of structural element. In addition, the designers lead contradictory properties and impressions to the architecture by not only to pursue structural integrity from various perspectives, but also to consciously deny structural integrity. It is, thus, clarified that notional affirmation and denial of consistency were created as coincidental values with building system by designers' physical adjustment of symbiotic relationship.
