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クエリ検索: "高津" 土浦市
167件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • 奥田 泰雄, 喜々津 仁密
    2010年 35 巻 3 号 225-232
    発行日: 2010/07/31
    公開日: 2011/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 数値シミュレーションによる空地化が夏季熱環境と建物熱負荷量に及ぼす影響の解析
    梅干野 晁, 浅輪 貴史, 佐藤 理人, 河合 英徳, 中村 勉
    2010年 75 巻 656 号 899-905
    発行日: 2010/10/30
    公開日: 2011/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study evaluates the impact of the vacant lots on the outdoor thermal environment and building heat load in the summer in an historical urban district using the 3D CAD-based thermal environment simulator. In this study, The spatial geometry and material data in 1979 and 2009 are collected and the 3D CAD model of the site scaled 1:500 is completed. As a result of numerical simulation, Heat Island Potential, which is the evaluation index of the sensible heat flux to the atmosphere, of the site where the adjacent site became vacant lots in 2009 is 20°C at a maximum higher than that in 1979. Furthermore, the heat loads of the buildings adjacent to vacant lots is about 1.2-1.4 times as large as that of other buildings that have the equivalent total floor area and heat insulation capacity. Therefore, the increase of the vacant lots affects the changes of the outdoor thermal environment in the site and the heat load of the buildings adjacent to the vacant lots.
  • 土浦市での事例研究
    原科 幸彦, 飯倉 善和, 西岡 秀三
    1981年 16 巻 319-324
    発行日: 1981/10/25
    公開日: 2020/09/01
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
  • 藤井 伸二, 栗原 孝, 小幡 和男
    2016年 16 巻 2 号 197-201
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2017/01/16
    ジャーナル オープンアクセス
    Angelica dahurica (Umbelliferae) is distributed in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu Islands in Japan, and no recent records from Kanto District in Honshu Isl. Some populations, ca. 300 flowering plants in total, were found growing in the field at Sakura River in Kanto District. Here, we report the discovery of the populations and the results of specimen survey in the herbaria.
  • 及川 ひろみ
    2007年 13 巻 78-83
    発行日: 2007/10/31
    公開日: 2018/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小宮 孟
    1980年 19 巻 4 号 281-299
    発行日: 1980/12/25
    公開日: 2009/08/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study is concerned with the patterns of exploitation of aquatic resources of the prehistoric Jomon hunter-gatherers in Japan. The study has two objectives. First, it will examine the habits of the shell-midden people when collecting aquatic resources. Second, the analysis will be concerned with the identification of the aquatic species from the shell midden, which is the most fundamental data in the preparation of the shell-midden analysis.
    The material used for this study was collected from the Jomon shell midden at Kamitakatsu in Ibaraki Prefecture of the Kanto district. The midden was excavated several times, revealing the late Jomon deposit of ca. 4, 000 to 3, 000 B.P. The kinds and relative quantities of the aquatic species found at the midden deposit provided that the brackish-water environments were formed in the site territory during the Jomon period. The majority of the aquatic faunal remains were identified as species that the brackish-water environments of tidal to sublittoral zones in bays. In addition, some oceanic species were identified. Occurrence of these species, although the frequencies are very low, may give certain evidences that they might be caught incidentally on long trading journeys and so on, if the open sea lay beyond a reasonable walking or canoeing distance from the site.
  • 茨城県土浦市天川町における戸建住宅のアンケートとエネルギー消費量調査から
    中村 美和子, 中村 勉, 糸長 浩司
    2017年 82 巻 740 号 2673-2681
    発行日: 2017年
    公開日: 2017/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
     In recent years, Japanese Domestic carbon dioxide emission has been increased though the population has been decreasing. It is said that the reasons of the increase are the number of household has been growing, and lifestyle of people has changed and consume more energy by utilize many kinds of electronic devices.
     This paper analyzed Estimation of Population Projections and Domestic Energy Consumption according to family types. The survey was targeted especially elderly household in a suburban residential district in Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture as a model case. The area had developed for housing project in postwar of Japan and the population has been decreasing every year, as the other similar type of suburban residential district in the surrounding area and the other suburban cities in Japan have same problem. The issue was analyzed the following procedure.
     At first, Population Projection for 2050 in Suburban residential district were studied in order to analyze trend of depopulation and what type of family has inhabited in Tsuchiura city.
     Secondly, the estimation of number of Household of Amakawa residential district in 2050 was analyzed in order to predict the number of vacant lot in the area and make the future Issue clear in the same kinds of suburban area. It clarified that vacant lot of 2050 would be almost eight times of 2010.
     Finally, survey of the energy consumption and questionnaire were held in Amakawa residential district in 2010 to revealed the lifestyle of residents and their household CO2 emissions according to family types especially for the elderly resident's household.
     The result was clarified that the amount of CO2 Emissions elderly single households were indicated high score compared to the elderly couple and the other type of household. And it is expected to be the same kind of situation might happen gradually in the other residential districts in the Tsuchiura city in near future.
     It needs further investigation of their lifestyle and the domestic energy consumptions by more examples.
  • 鈴木 修, 小林 文明
    2010年 35 巻 3 号 192-196
    発行日: 2010/07/31
    公開日: 2011/04/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 臼井 良一, 宇賀神 源一, 長 茂, 早乙女 温三
    1985年 38 巻 2 号 115-117
    発行日: 1985/02/20
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    ニトロブルーテトラゾリウムテスト (NBT test) が牛および豚の疾病の検査に応用可能か否かを検討した. ヘパリン加末梢血液10滴と0.1%NBT溶液8滴とをプラスチックスピッツ管内で混和し, 牛は12分, 豚は14分間37℃ で反応させ塗抹染色 (Wright-Giemsa) 後, 好中球のホルマザン顆粒陽性率を顕微鏡下で算定した. その結果, 好中球の陽性率は牛伝染性鼻気管炎で低下し, Haemophilus somnus感染症およびその他の細菌感染症では15%以上に上昇した. また, 豚では豚コレラでは低下し, Pasteurella感染症およびHaemophilus感染症では15%以上に上昇した.
  • 及川 ひろみ
    2004年 34 巻 2 号 57-64
    発行日: 2004年
    公開日: 2019/01/07
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新井 峻, 中川 暁子
    2001年 94 巻 2 号 125-129
    発行日: 2001/02/01
    公開日: 2011/11/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A clinical study of 1206 patients with Japanese cedar pollinosis treated between January 1975 and December 1999 was performed and in addition, the amount of Japanese cedar and cypress pollen in the south of Ibaraki Prefecture was measured every spring from 1981 to 1999 (19 years).
    The following findings were observed.
    1) The age distribution of Japanese cedar pollinosis was highest in the 30-39-year-old group of females. In the younger age group (10 years or youger), pollinosis was more common in males than females.
    2) The skin test positive rate for house dust (HD) was 46.3%. The positive rate for pollens, orchard grass, short ragweed, lesser reedmace and Japanese hops, was 16.9, 20.2, 14.6 and 3.9%, respectively.
    3) The RAST positive rate for mites and HD was 46.3 and 21.3%, respectively. The positive rate for pollens, orchard grass, short ragweed and mugwort, was 19.9, 14.8 and 9.5%, respectively.
    4) The mean pollen count of Japanese cedar and cypress over the 19 year period was 4298.5/cm2. The highest pollen count was 16987/cm2 in 1995.
    5) A correlation was noted between the annual variations in the Japanese cedar and cypress pollen counts and the annual change in Japanese cedar pollinosis patient numbers. Since the peak in 1995, Japanese cedar pollinosis has tended to increase.
  • 大石 明, 渡部 玲子, 坂内 通宏, 青崎 登, 勝 正孝
    1995年 43 巻 Supplement4 号 262-264
    発行日: 1995/11/30
    公開日: 2011/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    新しく開発された注射用セファロスポリン系抗生物質cefluprenamについて臨床的検討を行い, その有用性を評価した。対象は呼吸器感染症患者7例で, 疾患の内訳は肺炎2例, 急性気管支炎1例, 慢性気管支炎3例, 感染を伴った肺線維症1例であった。本剤1回1.0gを1日2回点滴静注にて10~14日間投与した。臨床効果は7例すべて有効であった。細菌学的効果は2例で起炎菌が分離され, Haemophilus influenzaeは消失し, Staphylococcus aureusは存続した。副作用としては軟便と皮疹が各1例に認められた。臨床検査値の異常変動としては軽度の好酸球増多が3例に認められた。
  • 都市内自動車交通が沿道共同体に及ぼす社会的インパクトについての研究
    渡辺 聰子
    1983年 34 巻 1 号 54-65
    発行日: 1983/06/30
    公開日: 2009/10/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Noise, vibration and pollution caused by intensive automobile traffic not only lead to mental stress and physical suffering, but they also seem to change social life among street residents. This article analyzes the effect of traffic on social behavior and community sentiment of street residents. Major part of the data used in the study draws on interview which was taken with 400 housewives random-sampled from eight areas in Tsuchiura-city. The eight areas were chosen so as to represent different levels of traffic flow. Regression analysis was performed in order to see if there is significant correlation between traffic conditions and residents' social becavior and attitudes across these eight areas. Following are the variables used in the analysis. (1) Controlling variables ; Age, Income, Automobile-owning, and Automobileusage : (2) Traffic-conditions variables (to represent objective traffic condition and subjective evaluation of street environment by residents); Traffic-flow, Noise, Exhaust-gas, Vibration, Difficulty-in-crossing, and Difficulty-in-visiting : (3) Community variables (to represent residents' social behavior and attitudes); Outdoor-walking-hours, Neighboring, and Desire-to-settle.
    The result of the analysis shows that traffic interferes with residents' street crossing and makes visiting and neighboring difficult. This means that due to the traffic the residents have become less likely to visit neighbors and extend social contact. Also heavy traffic reduces residents' outdoor-walking-hours considerably, indicating that they are spending more time indoors and in cars. The consequence of this would be decrease in chances for people to meet on streets and exchange casual conversation. Moreover intensive traffic minimizes residents' desire to settle in the area, which will most possibly lead to lowering of their identity and sentiment as a member of community. In sum, the data indicate that traffic has negative effect on neighborhood cohesion and community integration. Particularly in Japanese cities where streets have played a special role in formation of city culture, it constitutes a critical problem that traffic has deprived of residents social life on streets.
  • *手計 太一, 林 義晃
    2009年 22 巻 P65
    発行日: 2009年
    公開日: 2009/12/25
    会議録・要旨集 フリー
    本稿では,気象庁と国土交通省河川局から公開されている雨量観測データを用いて,我が国の地上雨量観測所におけるデータの蓄積期間特性と大都市圏における地上雨量観測所の空間解析を行った.本研究で得られた主な知見を以下に示す. (1)地形標高と観測所標高の解析の結果,地形標高の度数分布に応じて観測所が配置されており,標高約2500m以上の地域では両観測機関とも地上雨量観測所がほとんど設置されていない. (2)時間,日及び年降水量における観測データの蓄積年数を調査した結果,観測所の約7割が30年分以下であった. (3)人口や資産が集中する大都市圏にて空間解析を行った結果,水平スケール10km程度の気象現象に対しては,十分対応できる観測体制である.
  • 土浦市内の道路周辺地域住民による会議実験
    原科 幸彦, 西岡 秀三
    1982年 13 巻 119-140
    発行日: 1983/12/31
    公開日: 2008/10/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The paper reports on the application of real time Delphi method to group social survey in the evaluation of residential environment -roadside areas with heavy traffic as a case.
    The performance of social survey methods is appraised with respect to those characteristics as representativity of samples, identifiability of the sampled people, stability of responses, accuracy in communicating the meaning of the questions, quickness of response and economy of execution. Subjectives' accessibility to objective facts and to other people's opinions are judged to be essential to secure the accurate communication and high stability of responses.
    A group survey method experimented here employed real time Delphi method where inquiries and answers were iterated along with the group's total opinion fedback to the participants. The effectiveness of this information exchange scheme process were examined in comparison with the results from personal interviews executed beforehand.
    In June 1981, four experimental conferences were held at the Evauation Laboratory of Man Environment Systems (ELMES) set up in NIES, with the aim of evaluating the environment of roadside areas. In those conferences, 17 to 24 citizens of Tuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture, selected randomly from the subjectives interviewed three months before, gave weights by rating method (the values vary from 0 to 100) to 7 items which represented characteristics of roadside areas' environment, such as noise, vibration, air pollution, dust, litter, pedestrian danger and difficulty in crossing the road. Electronic voting device, which accumulates the participants' votes immediately, indicated to them the average points scored by the group after every voting. This procedure were iterated three times with discussions among participants in between. After the weighting of indivisual items, participants are asked to assign grades in five steps to their nearby environment. This process were iterated twice with discussions in between.
    Conclusions conducted from those experimental conferences are as follows: 1) In examining the results from interview and conference, the scored values concerning the participants' nearby residential environment were not so stable. And the rating method was judged to be unstable for weighting in comparison to the pairwise rating method (the linear weighting method), based on large variation observed among participants' opinions. 2) Employment of real time Delphi in a group conferences leads to gradual stabilization of serial responses. 3) On the assumption that the comprehensive environmental evaluation of roadside areas were estimated by the linear combination form of the 7 items, the coincidence of the regression model with the participants' total evaluation on the environment were examined. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.949 estimated from the conference, in comparison to 0.753 from the personal interview, showed the effectiveness of real time Delphi method in evaluating the residential environment comprehensively.
    In addition to those results, discussions held in the conferences clearly showed the differences of the environmental perceptions among participants. And answers to the inquiries asked after the conferences indicated that the information exchange scheme employed to the conferences promoted participants' motivation to participate in this kind of group conferences.
  • 古代上野の瓦塔信仰と仏教
    小林 修
    2004年 11 巻 17 号 97-110
    発行日: 2004/05/20
    公開日: 2009/02/16
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 新地理
    1977年 25 巻 1 号 43-52
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2010/02/26
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 与斉 篤, 小島 克弘, 渡辺 定行, 飯倉 只之, 宮本 善夫, 平 詔亨
    1982年 35 巻 10 号 589-593
    発行日: 1982/10/20
    公開日: 2011/06/17
    ジャーナル フリー
    茨城県県南地域の約1/3の乳牛を診療・管理している, 土浦酪農農業協同組合管内の乳牛6, 051頭 (266戸) における, 肝蛭の寄生分布調査を1981年7・8月および9月に行った.7月 (調査1) には, 管内全体としての肝蛭の分布の概要を把握するため, 無作為抽出した100戸について検査したところ, 18戸の陽性農家が認められ, 出島村などが汚染町村と考えられた. また, 検査での最高値を示した牛は, EPG=61であった. 8月 (調査2) には, 陽性牛の多かった地域における細かな地区別分布を調べるため, 出島村を中心とした79戸を, 1戸当たり2頭検査したところ, 陽性率は19%であり, 新生第一地区などが重度汚染地区として摘発された. 9月 (調査3) には, 調査2において2頭とも陽性を示した農家を中心に, その農家で飼育するすべての牛71頭を検査したところ, EPG=10-36を示す個体が10頭認められ, 陽性率は72%であった. 以上の3つの調査によって, 管内における肝蛭の重度汚染地区および重度汚染農家が摘発された.
  • 金谷 弘, 片田 正人, 長原 美智子
    1998年 93 巻 3 号 71-82
    発行日: 1998年
    公開日: 2006/08/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Physical properties of 61 rock sample collected from 22 outcrops of the Miyamori ultramafic complex in the Kitakami Mountains are reported in this paper. Their density, P-wave velocity, magnetic susceptibility, Curie temperature, and natural remanent magnetization were newly measured and discussed based on the petrographic data. The western part of the Miyamori ultramafic complex was intruded by an early Cretaceous granite, which thermally affected one-third of this complex.
         The characteristics of data are summarized as follows. Rock density varies from 2.56 to 3.15 g/cm3 with an average of 2.76 g/cm3 (gabroic rocks are excluded). P-wave velocity varies from 4.26 to 6.76 km/s with an average of 5.83 km/s. Magnetic susceptibility varies from 1.2 to 14.4×10−3 (cgsemu) and the Köigsberger ratio varies widely from 0.3 to 4.9, with ratio less than 1.1 for most of the strongly metamorphosd rocks. Curie temperature is approximately 578°C in 65 percent of the rock samples, indicating the presence of magnetite, whereas many strongly metamorphosed rocks have two Curie temperatures for hematite, magnetite and titanomagnetite. One sample have three Curie temperatures for hematite, magnetite and titanomagnetite. The declination of natural remanent magnetization of the rocks are mostly plotted in the northwest and all the inclinations plot downward. The average of inclination and declination are 50°N and 35°W, respectively. In preliminary palaeomagnetic observations by AC demagnetizations, the mean direction of 18 outcrops show the results similar to that of natural remanent magnetization (51°N, 39°W). Significant difference was not recognized between the strongly metamorphosed and the less metamorphosed rocks.
         It is evident that the decreasing tendency of rock density and P-wave velocity with increasing magnetic susceptibility was caused by serpentinization. But it is not clear when serpentinization occurred before and/or after the tectonic emplacement to the shallower level or late stage tectonic disturbance (about 500°C; Shibata et al., 1992) of the Miyamori ultramafic complex.
  • 坂内 通宏, 勝 正孝, 青崎 登, 大石 明
    1995年 43 巻 Supplement5 号 202-205
    発行日: 1995/11/27
    公開日: 2011/08/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    呼吸器感染症13症例に対する本剤の臨床効果は, 著効2例, 有効9例およびやや有効2例で, 有効率は84.6%であった。副作用, 臨床検査値異常は全く認めなかった。