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  • 山田 祥子
    2023年 32 巻 057-087
    発行日: 2023/03/24
    公開日: 2023/06/01
    研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー
    Prof. IKEGAMI Jirō (1920-2011 ; Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University) is a linguist who conducted extensive studies on northern languages from the 1940s to the 2000s. He made remarkable contributions especially to the study of the Tungusic languages. Many of his published works are descriptive studies on Manchu and Uilta (formerly known as Orok) among the Tungusic languages. Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples has a collection of Prof. IKEGAMI’s former library materials, donated by his bereaved family. This collection is called Ikegami Bunko. The present article provides a list of all 286 sound materials in the Ikegami Bunko that he used in his research and studies. This list is not intended to present the audio contents recorded on each medium, but rather the (often handwritten) entries on the cases and labels. When the contents seem to be related to Prof. IKEGAMI’s publications and/or his notebooks, some references have been added so that they can be checked against them. The list of all 158 notebooks in the Ikegami Bunko was provided by the present author as a report “Prof. IKEGAMI Jirō’s Notebooks in the Collection of Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples (a List with References)” (Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 31, pp.85-115. 2022).
  • 今井 徹, 中村 進治, 平原 達也, 伊福部 達
    1985年 41 巻 2 号 69-76
    発行日: 1985/02/01
    公開日: 2017/06/02
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cleft palate patients tend to nasalize non nasal phonemes. In order to evaluate their nasality, 5 Japanese vowels pronounced by 7 cleft lip and palate patients are investigated utilizing two spectrum analysis methods. The one is linear prediction analysis, and the other is homomorphic analysis. From the spectrum analysis of the vowel/i/, a distinct peak of spectral envelope is found invariably in the frequency range between the first formant and the second one, which will be refered to as "nasality component". Three parameters (Rn, Ln, Pn) are calculated from this component for the purpose of evaluating the nasality quantitatively. Values of the three parameters decrease or vanish when the speech aid is attached on the palate, and the two parameters (Rn and Pn) have high positive correlation with the perceived nasality level which is estimated by the hearing test. From above results, it is concluded that the "nasality components" extracted by the two spectrum analysis methods will provide a sound basis for clinical appraisal of the nasality in cleft palate speech.
  • ―舌癌60症例の検討―
    熊倉 勇美
    1985年 26 巻 3 号 224-235
    発行日: 1985/07/25
    公開日: 2010/06/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    舌癌術後の60症例に対し, 聴覚印象による明瞭度の評価ならびに修復後の舌の量とその可動性の直接的観察をおこない, 舌切除後の構音機能に関して以下のような結論を得た.
    (1) 舌の切除範囲が広くかつ大きくなるほど, 舌のボリュームは小さくなり, その可動性もまた制限され明瞭度は低下する. (2) いわゆる舌半側切除よりもさらに広範囲な切除になると, PM-MC flapによる再建の方が非再建例に比べて明瞭度は良好である. (3) 一般に術後に一度低下した明瞭度は6ヵ月までに回復し, その後はPlateauとなる.またPM-MC flapによる再建の場合には, 一度改善した明瞭度が, 再び舌容量の減少につれて低下する場合がある. (4) 構音障害の特徴に関しては舌尖や舌背後部による閉鎖が得られず, 構音様式では閉鎖音が摩擦音・破擦音に, 構音点では歯茎音や軟口蓋音が両唇音・声門音などに聞き取られる傾向を示す.その他, 咬合異常, 顔面神経の下顎枝のマヒ, 唾液の貯溜なども明瞭度を低下させる条件となる. (5) 明瞭度が70%以上では社会復帰が可能であるが, それ以下になると実用性は低くなる.