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4,232件中 1-20の結果を表示しています
  • Yoshihiro Matsuoka
    Breeding Science
    2005年 55 巻 4 号 383-390
    発行日: 2005年
    公開日: 2005/12/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The wild ancestry of maize has long been a puzzle. Maize shows extraordinary phenotypic and genetic diversity with no obvious morphological similarity to any of its wild relatives. Beadle’s teosinte hypothesis, which regards teosinte as the sole wild
    of maize, has become widely accepted as the most probable model of maize evolution based on taxonomic, genetic, and other types of evidence. Molecular studies have refined the teosinte hypothesis by identifying a particular form of teosinte, Zea mays ssp. parviglumis, as the direct
    of maize. Maize and teosinte therefore provide a typical case in which modern molecular genetic analyses, in the absence of obvious morphological similarity, have been critical for distinguishing the exact
    of a crop from other close wild relatives. Furthermore, a recent microsatellite-based study shows that all extant pre-Columbian maize landraces arose from Z. mays ssp. parviglumis roughly 9,000 years ago through a single domestication event in the central Balsas River drainage (southern Mexico). That model, showing that maize is a domesticated form of Z. mays ssp. parviglumis, provides a logical, practical framework for investigations of the genetic mechanisms that drove maize domestication and diversification. This points up the importance of knowing exact origins in studies that use crops and their wild relatives as models. An overview of the progress in genetic and evolutionary studies is presented herein to clarify the identity of the wild progenitor of maize. Implications of recent findings on the origin of maize diversity are discussed.
  • 過去のタンパク質を再現する
    山岸 明彦
    2003年 112 巻 2 号 197-207
    発行日: 2003/04/25
    公開日: 2009/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    The results of an experimental test for verifying the hypothesis that the common
    of all living organisms (universal
    , commonote) was a hyperthermophile (Miyazaki, et al., 2001), are explained. In the experiment, mutant enzymes with ancestral aminoacids were made using a gene engineering technique. The mutant enzymes were purified and tested for thermostability. The mutant enzymes with ancestral aminoacids showed higher thermostability than the contemporary hyperthermophile enzyme. The results suggest that the common
    of all living organisms was a hyperthermophile. The argument related to the hyperthermophilic common
    hypothesis was reviewed with respect to the experimental test.
  • 古典期オスマン朝における系譜意識の一側面
    小笠原 弘幸
    2008年 51 巻 1 号 1_110-1_139
    発行日: 2008/09/30
    公開日: 2012/02/21
    ジャーナル フリー
    Almost all the Ottoman historians of the 15th century claimed that the Ottoman dynasty stemmed from Japheth, the son of Noah. Japheth was generally regarded as the
    of the Turks in Muslim historiography. That is why the Ottoman historians accepted Japheth as their
    , although the descendents of Japheth were less respected than those of Shem, from whom the Prophets originated.
     In the second half of the 15th century, however, Oruç and Giese Anonymous quoted a hadith that “the descendents of Issac will conquer Constantinople” and mentioned that the Ottoman Sultans came from Issac, who was a descendent of Shem.
     In 1480's, Saltuk-nâme and Oxford Anonymous claimed Esau, who was a son of Issac and the brother of Jacob, to be the Ottoman
    . The authors of these books narrated that the sons of Esau would be a king because Issac prayed to God for Esau. It appears that this account was based on the former Muslim historians like Mas‘udi and also that Esau was more respected than Japheth. Besides, Esau was also regardeed as the
    of the kings of Rum. Though “Rum” originally signified Roma, the Ottoman Sultans were the kings of Rum at that time. That might have helped the Ottoman historians to accept Esau as the
    of the Ottoman dynasty.
     During the late reign of Bayezit II, three historians, Rûhî, Bitlîsî and Kemâlpasazâde strongly claimed that Esau was the
    of the Ottoman dynasty. Though they also briefly mentioned Japheth, they considered the Esau origin more important. The higher authority of Esau made the Ottoman historians of this period accept Esau as the
    . Nevertheless, after the reign of Bayezit II, the Ottoman historians accepted the Japheth origin again, because Japheth was “the authentic
    ” according to the Islamic tradition. The changes in the Biblical origin of the Ottoman dynasty might reflect the development in the identification and legitimizastion of the Ottomans.
  • -家、同族と祖先崇拝との関連を主として-
    米村 昭二
    1974年 25 巻 1 号 18-39,119
    発行日: 1974/07/30
    公開日: 2009/11/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been said that patrilineal descent system and patriarchal family structure is closely bound up with an ancestral cult. This holds true for Japan.
    worship is the key foundation of ie (household) and dozoku (a form of lineage). Ie and dozoku is in close contact with
    worship. The writer's main purpose is to analyze
    worship in the structural context of ie and dozoku. In order to make clear this, it is necessary for him to discuss ie and dozoku.
    In the first place, the theories of dozoku by both Prof. Ariga and Prof. Kitano are discussed together with patronage and kinship system in rural Japan. Through this discussion, dozoku is defined as follows : dozoku is a group of households which recognize mutually not only their genealogical relationship in terms of their origin and the branches derived from it, but also their respective statuses and roles ; it performs unitary functions as a corporation on the basis of their relationship.
    In the second place, ie is defined as a corporation and a durable unit, which is conceived as persisting through time by the succession of its members. Then
    worship is analyzed in the socio-cultural context of ie. Through this analysis, it is pointed out that
    worship is, in essence, the ritualization of filial piety and that
    in Japan, too, are not only benevolent but punitive, though not capricious.
    In the next article, it will be made clear through case analysis of dozokus in a mountain village in Okayama Prefecture that dozoku is a form of a corporate lineage and that
    worship solidifies the dozoku solidarity and serves as foci of dozoku.
  • 長戸 康郎, 稲永 忍, 鈴木 晴雄
    1988年 38 巻 4 号 414-422
    発行日: 1988/12/01
    公開日: 2008/05/16
    ジャーナル フリー
    作物の栽培化及びその後の改良において,作物(植物)自身の生産力がどのように変化してきたかは極めて興味深い問題であるが,ほとんど明らかになっていない.その理由の一つとして,野生(祖先)種の生産力が調べられていないことが考えられる.本研究は,野生祖先種及び近縁野生種の生産力を推定し,栽培化における生産力の意義を明らかにするとともに,野生種の中での祖先種の特徴を明らかにしようとしたものである. 利用器官の異なる4作物,イネ・ダイズ(種子),ナス(果実)及びタバコ(葉)を材料とし,その栽培種,野生祖先種(1~2種)及び近縁野生種(2種)を用い(Tab1e1),ポット栽培並びに圃場栽培を行い,収量及び関連形質を調査した。なお,栽培種としてはわが国の主要品種(1品種)を用いた.またイネ及びダイズの野生種は脱粒性を有するため,植物体を寒冷紗で囲み,全ての種子を収穫した.従って,本研究で用いる収量は,全ての生産物を収穫した時の収量である.ポット試験では,4作物のうち,イネとダイズで野生祖先種の収量が最も高かった.ナスでは栽培種の収量が最も高く,野生祖先種の収量は栽培種の40~60%であった.またタバコでは祖先種の一つであるNicotiana tomentosiformisの収量が最も高かったが,他の祖先種であるN.sylvestrisの収量は非常に低かった.このように,ポット栽培における収量は必ずしも栽培種が最も高いのではなく,野生祖先種と栽培種の間で収量に大きな差のないことが明らかになった(Tab1e3).また個々の収穫器官は栽培種が最も大きい.野生種の中では,祖先種の収量が最も高い場合が多く,収穫器官の大きさも祖先種で最も大きい. 圃場試験においても,ポット試験とほぼ同様の結果が得られた(Tab1e4).ダイズとナスでは栽培種の収量が祖先種よりも高かったが,イネ及びタバコでは祖先種の収量の方が高かった.また収穫指数も,イネとタバコでは栽培種よりも祖先種の方が高い値を示した. 以上の結果,イネ,ダイズ,ナス及びタバコの4作物に関しては,本実験条件では収穫器官の違いにかかわらず,栽培種と野生祖先種の間で収量に関して大きな差は認められず,祖先種の生産力はかなり高いことが明らかになった.しかし,個々の収穫牒官の大きさは栽培種の方が野生種よりも大きくなっている.また,野生種の中での祖先種の特徴は,収穫器官が大きく,生産力も高いことであると考えられる. このように栽培種の収量が祖先種に比べ必ずしも高くないことは,栽培化の過程で収量自体が直接選抜の対象にならなかったことを意味していると考えられる.むしろ,脱粒性の消失や収穫器官の大型化などによる作業効率の向上が栽培化過程での主要な問題であったと思われる、また,収穫指数に関しても,イネやタバコでは祖先種の方が栽培種よりも高い値を示しており,その重要性が認識されたのは比較的最近のことであったと考えられる.
  • 水久保 隆之, 皆川 望
    1985年 15 巻 14-25
    発行日: 1985/12/15
    公開日: 2011/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Coslenmhus属には広い形質変異が認められるため、その属性について系統発生の観点から検討した。主要12形質の形質転換系列に基づき推定した祖先状態を比較し、その結果、本属をAglenchus属と姉妹群関係を持つ単系統群であると結論した。また種の系統発生を分析した結果、本属に2系列にまとめられる4種群を認めたが、系列間に明確なギャップがないため本属は従来の範囲で有効であると考えた。さらに, 本属に近似したPaktylenchus属及びCosaglenmhus属を定義している, 陰門あるいは膣の形質を検討した。その結果, それらの形質は本属の1種群の形質転換系列の末端に位置付けられるごく新しく派生した形質及び種群問で, 平行的に派生した形質と考えられた。このことから上記2属をCoslenmhus属のシノニムにし、新しいコンビネーションを含めて種の検索表を付した。
  • 酒井 亮二, 玉城 悟, 金城 芳秀, 相川 章子
    1990年 56 巻 6 号 292-298
    発行日: 1990/11/30
    公開日: 2010/06/28
    ジャーナル フリー
    Okinawa prefecture is remote 500 km from southern tip of mainland Japan. The unique characteristics of the traditional culture in Okinawa are
    worship which includes various kinds of ceremonies, folk therapy, the "Yuta" (shairman and traditional healing practitioner) and the great burial tombs. In this study, to clarify how
    worship is related to the health/medical behavior of the people in the prefecture, a questionnaire survey was carried out on 176 mothers of students in 4 classes of 6th grade in 2 elementary schools in Urasoe city and in Yomitan village. The frequency of participation of each respondent in anniversaries concerning
    worship was used to indicate the magnitude of belief in
    worship. The mean of this frequency was higher for Yomitan village than for Urasoe city. The mean was also related to bio-social parameters such as family size, fertility, an extended family household, and the dependency on folk therapy such as the "Yuta". It was also revealed that people prefer thinking according to traditional beliefs about ancestors for solving various distress problems such as a serious illness.
  • Keiichi SAITO, Yukichi TAJI
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology
    1968年 5 巻 6 号 315-317
    発行日: 1968/06/25
    公開日: 2008/04/18
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 磯邊 猛, 井上 克巳
    人工知能学会研究会資料 人工知能基本問題研究会
    2023年 125 巻
    発行日: 2023/08/21
    公開日: 2023/08/21
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    1982年 52 巻 75-86
    発行日: 1982/06/29
    公開日: 2022/09/13
    ジャーナル フリー

      The moss family Mniaceae consists of 9 genera and 72 species. Most of the genera are circumpolar arctic to temperate in distribution. Only 5 species occur in Australasia, and 2 more species are present on Hawaii. The genus Orthomnion Wils. and Plagiomnium sect. Rostrata (Kindb.) T. Kop. have gone through a convergent evolution in Asia - Australasia. The characters which have evolved include the change of the sexual system, deterioration of the leaf border and the loss of the decurrent leaf base. Continental drift and subsequent evolution, convergent toward the northern hemisphere P. rostratum (Schrad.) T. Kop. are proposed to be the best explanation for the presence of synoecious P. novae-zealandiae (Col.) T. Kop. in Australia and New Zealand. This hypothesis is based on the Gondwanalandic origin of Plagiomnium sect. Rostrata.

    1982年 3 巻 54-59
    発行日: 1982年
    公開日: 2019/06/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    1981年 2 巻 18-23
    発行日: 1981年
    公開日: 2019/06/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 家族•市民社会•国家
    森 謙二
    2005年 2005 巻 62 号 87-98,193
    発行日: 2005/03/30
    公開日: 2011/04/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The concept of "cemetery" in Japanese law, the ground which build graves, has been affected by the idea of
    worship, because the Code Civil of Japan positioned the graves as a device for
    religious services, which are entrusted with his descendant, and the graves which
    buried are reburied as the unrelated grave, if the descendant disappear.
    In Europe, the burial laws have regulations about "burial compulsion" and "burial duty", but in Japan the decisions whether the dead should be buried, are referred with his family or his descendant.
    The current system of Japanese burial and cemetery is not be effective, because it is not possible to produce an Atotsugi (successor), the continuation of religious worship is threatened due to the changing family structure and a declining birth rate.
  • 岡崎 拓郎
    2016年 2016 巻 65 号 93-105
    発行日: 2016年
    公開日: 2023/03/29
    ジャーナル フリー

     This paper examines the effects of an inheritance tax on inequality between generations focusing on asset holding. The inheritance tax is taxation on transfer of assets and is likely to have influence on the correction of inequality in households' assets. It, however, cannot be so effective in the short run. On the other hand, it can have influence for long periods because inheritances are inherited from generation to generation.

     But, these effects are substantially affected by an

    motive for asset. In the life-cycle model, an
    tries to avoid severer burden of inheritance tax and willingly consumes his own assets after leaving office. In this case, the inequality in assets decreases both inter and intra generations. In contrast, in the Dynasty model, an
    is likely to try to increase his inheritance reacting against the inheritance tax. As a result, the inheritance tax does not necessarily reduce the inequality.

  • Ohmi OHNISHI
    1993年 68 巻 4 号 317-326
    発行日: 1993年
    公開日: 2004/12/03
    ジャーナル フリー
    By adding data on allozyme variability in 35 populations from southern and central China, I completed a worldwide survey of allozyme variability in common buckwheat. The following remarks were born out from the survey. (1) At all loci, allele frequency does not vary so much among the populations from a wide range of Asian countries. (2) Most of the evolutionary events which might occur during the spread of buckwheat cultivation are the losses of variant alleles by random drift. (3) Drastic changes of gene frequency have been observed only in marginal populations, in Kumaun, Garwhal hills and Kashmir in India and in southern Europe. (4) Cultivated buckwheat has more genetic variability than the natural populations of the wild
    . Large population size and complete panmixis of a population and enough migration between populations may be responsible for observation (1) and may also have led to the accumulation of variant alleles in cultivated populations, i.e. observation (4). Random drift, such as founder effect, took place only in marginal populations, accounting for observations (2) and (3). Buckwheat provides an example that contradicts Vavilov's assertion; it says that the center of genetic diversity of a cultivated plant is the place of its origin. Buckwheat is apparently monocentric, but the pattern of variation suggests domestication over a wide area, instead of progressive decline in diversity from the center of origin to the periphery. The structure of buckwheat populations and their mating system are mainly responsible for this unexpected result.
  • ―忌田を中心に―
    宮沢 千尋
    2016年 15 巻 2 号 208-233
    発行日: 2016/03/31
    公開日: 2016/04/20
    ジャーナル フリー
    While the property rights of men and women have been the cause of disputes in pre-modern Vietnam, many scholars have paid attention only to the quantity of land divided between men and women. Of the property for
    worship, scholars have paid attention only to ‘fire and incense’ (hương hỏa), a kind of property for
    worship inherited by mainly men. To better understand women’s status in Vietnamese society much, this article examines the inheritance of another kind of property for
    worship-anniversary rice fields (kỵ điền)-and women’s role in
    worship. In pre-modern Vietnam, daughters sometimes received equal rights of ownership or cultivation of anniversary rice fields as sons. In exchange for receiving anniversary rice fields, daughters had duties to worship their ancestors. Parents sometimes stipulated in testaments that both sons and daughters should fulfill the duty of
    worship equally and forever. Even after marrying out, daughters continued to fulfill their duties of worship with their husband and children or grand-children. In some cases, children and grand-children inherited their mother’s anniversary rice fields in order to continue to worship their mother’s ancestors, contrary to the Confucian patrilineal norm. From the anthropological point of view, this phenomenon also represents an
    -centered kinship idea similar to cognatic stock, rather than an ego-centered idea such as kindred.
  • Sangvorn KITTHAWEE, Visut BAIMAI
    1994年 69 巻 3 号 227-231
    発行日: 1994年
    公開日: 2004/08/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cytological investigations of salivary gland polytene chromosomes of the Drosophila kikkawai complex in Thailand have revealed an interesting pattern of species divergence. Drosophila bocki, D. leontia and D. kikkawai share chromosome arrangement 3LB. However, additional gene arrangements of 3LA and 3LC have been observed in D. kikkawai and D. leontia, respectively, while D. bocki remains polymorphic for inversion 3LB. Chromosomal evidence seems to suggest that D. bocki is similar to a common
    of the D. kikkawai complex.
  • Andrew J. Berger
    1982年 14 巻 2-3 号 81-85
    発行日: 1982/12/20
    公開日: 2008/11/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes and illustrates the feather tracts in three species of Hawaiian Honeycreepers: Nihoa Finch, Amakihi, and Apapane. The author believes, with others, that the
    for the honeycreepers was a cardueline finch, and that this
    probably reached the Hawaiian Islands from Asia, and not from North or Central America.
    The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology
    1996年 42 巻 1 号 17-26
    発行日: 1996年
    公開日: 2006/08/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    In an attempt to investigate the origin of the intracellular symbiont of the aphid (Buchnera), aphid gut aerobic bacteria were isolated, and their phylogenetic relations to other prokaryotes were examined based on nucleotide sequences of 16S rDNA. It turned out that there are seven aerobic bacterial groups which constitute major flora of the aphid's gut. As three of the isolated bacteria were identified as members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, and share the common
    with the intracellular symbiont, the nucleotide sequences of 16S rDNA were determined for 15 representative strains of the family Enterobacteriaceae. One of the gut microbes belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae was identified as Erwinia herbicola that is found mainly on plant surfaces. This fact may suggest that the intracellular symbiont of aphid is derived from a habitant of plant on which host insects feed.
  • Kenji Ikehara
    Viva Origino
    2003年 31 巻 3 号 201-214
    発行日: 2003年
    公開日: 2022/02/23
    ジャーナル フリー

    We have previously proposed a hypothesis on the origin of genes, suggesting that genes generally originated from nonstop frames on antisense strands of GC-rich genes (GC-NSF(a)s) under the universal genetic code [Ikehara, K., et al., Nucl. Acids Res., 24, 4249 (1996)]. To obtain evidence for the hypothesis, simulation of gene evolution was carried out under the six conditions for folding of polypeptide chains into appropriate three-dimensional structures using a Mycobacterium tuberculosis GC-NSF(a) (508 codons) as an

    gene. The results showed that the simulation well reproduces both the base compositions at three codon positions and the average amino acid compositions of extant proteins encoded by microbial genomes when a conserved region (200 codons) in simulated proteins was set at about 40%. Contrary to that, the guanine composition at the first codon position and the average amino acid compositions considerably deviated from those of extant genes and proteins when the simulation was carried out using a Borrelia burgdorferi AT-rich gene as an
    gene in the presence or the absence of about 40% conserved regions. These results apparently support the GC-NSF(a) hypothesis on the origin of genes which we have proposed.
