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7件中 1-7の結果を表示しています
  • 和田 訓佳, 大竹 浩靖, 小泉 安郎
    2002年 2002.4 巻
    発行日: 2002/09/20
    公開日: 2017/08/01
    会議録・要旨集 認証あり
    The onset nucleate boiling and the point net vapor generation on subcooled flow boiling, focusing on liquid subcooling and liquid velocity were investigated experimentally and analytically. Experiments were conducted using a copper thin-film (35μm) and subcooled water in a range of the liquid velocity from 0.27 to 4.6m/s at 0.10MPa. The liquid subcoolings were 20,30 and 40K, respectively. Temperatures at the onset nucleate boiling obtained in the experiments increased with the liquid subcoolings and the liquid velocities. The increase in the temperature o* ONB was represented with the classical stability theory of preexisted nuclei. The measured results of the net vapor generation agreed well with the results of correlation by Saha and Zuber in the range of the present experiments. The temperature at the ONB decreased with increasing the size of surface roughness. The NVG was independent on the surface roughness.
  • 竹内 祐希, 東平 正志, 横田 友美, 山﨑 謙太朗, 三上 直子
    2023年 57 巻 2 号 152-156
    発行日: 2023/06/20
    公開日: 2023/06/20
    ジャーナル フリー


  • International Journal of Electrical Machining
    1997年 2 巻 19-24
    発行日: 1997年
    公開日: 2018/04/05
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 平田 圭甫, 間島 雄一, 坂倉 康夫, 三吉 康郎
    1984年 87 巻 4 号 473-480
    発行日: 1984/04/20
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 磁気振動球レオメーターにより微量(0.1ml)の試料で広い角振動数の範囲ω=1~200rad/sec(0.1~31Hz)の動的粘弾性の測定が可能であった.
    2. 粘膿性鼻汁の動的粘弾性は周波数1~20Ha,6.3~126rad/secでG',G"ともに周波数に対し増加の傾向を示した.
    3. 精密さ,再現性の点からみて磁気振動球レオメーターは粘液の動的粘弾性の測定手段として有用であると考えられた.
  • 対馬 史泰, 小野 修一, 清野 浩子, 森本 公平, 大畑 崇, 長畑 守雄, 三浦 弘行, 阿部 由直, 対馬 敬夫, 鎌田 義正
    2008年 59 巻 2-4 号 104-109
    発行日: 2008年
    公開日: 2021/08/31
    ジャーナル フリー
     肺癌診断に対して薄層CT (thin-slice CT) による胸膜播種の術前診断が可能となってきたが,胸膜の良性病変との鑑別が困難な症例が存在する.肺癌の胸膜播種の診断能向上目的に,術前CTにて胸膜に病的所見の見られる症例について原発巣胸膜浸潤所見を検討した.対象は 2003年1月より 2005年12月までに肺癌として手術が施行され,術前CT が施行された138例 (男性 84名,女性 54名,38~82歳,平均66歳) である.肺癌の術前CTを2名の放射線科医で評価した.葉間あるいは胸壁胸膜 (臓側 / 壁側) の病的所見 (不整な肥厚,小粒状影,結節影) の有無を検討した.胸膜に所見の見られた症例について,原発巣の進展,周囲浸潤を示す所見を検討した.肺癌 138例中,術中に播種の判明した例は6例 (4.3%) であった.6例全例に病理組織学的に原発巣の胸膜浸潤が見られた.術前CT では 31例 (22.5%) に胸膜に所見が見られ,実際に播種のあった6例中5例は葉間胸膜に小結節影を認めた.また,胸膜播種陽性例には術前の薄層CT にて全例に原発巣と胸膜との接触が認められ,特に原発巣の胸壁胸膜浸潤および肥厚所見は偽陽性例に対し胸膜播種例で高頻度であった.術前の薄層CT における播種陽性例と陰性例の原発巣胸膜所見に差を認めたことから,胸膜に病的所見が見られた場合,原発巣を詳細に評価することが肺癌術前の胸膜播種診断に有用と思われた.
  • 三宅 昭春, 吉村 健
    1992年 438 巻 39-48
    発行日: 1992/08/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study was made for investigating the mechanism of the onset of the aerodynamic excitation of suspended roof models mainly in a wind tunnel. It was observed in the experiment that the separated shear layer on stationary models rolled up in very faint vortices, and that the shear layer was greatly excited by the model motion in a range of wind speed centered around the onset wind speed of the excitation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the role for the occurrence of the excitation of models is played by ,the vortices that are formed originally on stationary models. and are greatly amplified by the model motion as the inverse of the obtained reduced frequency of vortex shedding equaled to the reduced onset wind speed.
  • 三宅 昭春, 吉村 健, 森下 正浩, 園田 東二
    1986年 367 巻 37-47
    発行日: 1986/09/30
    公開日: 2017/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Aerodynamic responses for elastic membranes are investigated for the. purpose of elucidating the mechanism of single-degree-of-freedom flutter of suspended roofs with walls (one-way-type). Elastic membranes and rigid plates, which form roofs and grounds of suspended roofs, respectively, are attached to the upper and the lower surfaces of each prismatic bar with 〓-section having width-to-height ratios, of 4, 5 and 8, in the experimental models. The model is mounted horizontally in the working section, and both sides of the model is fixed to the tunnel wall. The main results obtained are summarized in the followings. 1) The single-degree-of-freedom flutter for models without ground occurs in a restricted range of wind speed centered around the one at which the frequency of vortex shedding coincides with a natural frequency of each model. The characteristic responses, which are simillar in trend to those for spring-mounted rectangular prismatic bars with the same elongated cross-sections, indicate that the instability observed is occurred by the vortex excitation. 2) The responses for models with ground are also simillar in trend to those without ground. Therefore, it can be concluded that the instability observed in suspended roofs is caused by the vortex excitation. The vortex excitation of elongated bluff cross-sections is known as flutter coupled with the impinging-shear-layer instability. Elastic membranes comprising cavity floors are also susceptible to the same vortex excitation. The responses of elastic membranes of this cabity type obtained in the experiment are simillar in trend to those for suspended roofs, which is another evidence for the validity of the concluding remark 2). mentioned above.