Online ISSN : 2424-2497
Print ISSN : 0917-771X
ISSN-L : 0917-771X
児童画水準の歴史的変化 : 児童画に対する要求意識の変化
向野 康江
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 25 巻 p. 181-202


This research refers to the transition of drawing and painting works of children in the art textbook. The demand of educators and adults is reflected in the style of the works. From this point of view, the standard of the figure works in the textbooks was examined, it had been published from the Meiji period to the present age. As the result, two kinds of "Intellect" in those works were found. First, the intellect of adult level supported by academism. The second one, the intellect of the school age level supported by developmental stage and characteristic. Through the historical change of dernands for children's paintings, those two kinds of intellect have vanished, especially after 1989. Nowadays, the expression style of "Manga" is increasing, but the ability of exact painting is not demanded. For this situation of characteristic,author called it "The mannerism of children's pictures".

© 2004 美術科教育学会
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