Annals of Business Administrative Science
Online ISSN : 1347-4456
Print ISSN : 1347-4464
ISSN-L : 1347-4456

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Getting things done by middle manager
Kaoru TsudaHidenori Sato
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JOURNAL OPEN ACCESS Advance online publication

Article ID: 0200901a


Much research has been conducted on the role of the middle manager; however, most of the studies in research on this topic have focused on the middle manager's managerial work. However, upon surveying 2,183 managers at Japanese firms, we found that 87% of managers were actually engaged in nonmanagerial work. Furthermore, in extreme cases where middle managers responded that there was either not enough or too much non-managerial work, team performance was poor, while in cases where middle managers did an appropriate amount of nonmanagerial work, team performance was good.

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© 2020 Kaoru Tsuda and Hidenori Sato. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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