Annals of Business Administrative Science
Online ISSN : 1347-4456
Print ISSN : 1347-4464
ISSN-L : 1347-4456

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Transition of the concept of total optimization in Japanese companies
Mitsuhiro Fukuzawa
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JOURNAL OPEN ACCESS Advance online publication

Article ID: 0211118a


In recent years, there have been many efforts in technology development, supply chain management, and digital transformation aimed at total optimization. This paper analyzes the context in which the terms total optimization and partial optimization have been used in Japanese companies, based on the frequency of their mentions and their trends in newspaper articles. The issue of total optimization has been covered by newspapers since the late 1980s and has been discussed for many years along with its solutions such as supply chain management (SCM), business process reengineering (BPR), and information and communication technology (ICT). The fact that the total optimization issue has continued to attract attention suggests that formal organization has not yet been established. While there has been a focus on promoting communication such as cross functional collaboration and integration, and the introduction and utilization of information technology, there has not yet been enough focus on what optimization is for in the first place, and the establishment requirements for formal organization still have not been sufficiently fulfilled.

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