Online ISSN : 2189-7212
Print ISSN : 0366-6611
冨田 克敏
ジャーナル オープンアクセス

1982 年 36 巻 2 号 p. 56-61


Recent progress in the studies on rock-forming minerals are reviewed from methodological viewpoints. One of the greatest progress in the studies on rock-forming minerals is the promoting of a better understanding of the solid solutions which is one of the essential properties of the minerals formed in the multi-component system. The progress depends on the methodologies which were established about the research on the solid solutions in the 1960s. They are mainly the thermodynamical approach to the complicated solid solutions, the improvement in the method of phase equilibrium experiments under high pressure and high temperature and also the development of analytical method on the fmetexture or microtexture which are frequently observed in rock-forming minerals. The progress mentioned above is beginning to lead to the study of the mineral behaviour, which is useful for understanding of the geological process that the minerals have undergone. It is necessary to consider the following tasks as further subjects in studies on rock-forming minerals; i. e., to find out new finetexture or microtexture in the rock-forming minerals, to characterize the minerals formed under several geochemical processes and also to systematize them with the object of the discovering historical law of the earth governing the formation of the minerals.

© 1982 地学団体研究会
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