Online ISSN : 1881-817X
Print ISSN : 1348-0685
ISSN-L : 1348-0685
岩下 剛合原 妙美田辺 新一
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 71 巻 609 号 p. 71-77


The impact of the work motivation on the occupants' work performance of serial one-figure addition task and proofreading task was studied in two conditions, i.e., the condition A under cool condition (22℃) and the condition B under neutral condition (25℃). During the occupancy of 120 minutes under each condition, the subjects performed the above tasks with financially motivated situation and without motivated situation. The subjects also answered the questionnaire, which asked the indoor environmental quality and sick building syndrome symptoms during the conditions. It was found that there was significant difference in the performance of theses two tasks between the motivated situation and the non-motivated situation. Under the motivated situation, the performance curve of the addition task performed under condition A and that under condition B were alike in shape. The shape of the performance curve under condition A with non-motivated situation was similar to those with motivated situation. The performance of addition task was well correlated with the thermal acceptability vote for the motivated situation. On the other hand, the good correlation was not found between the performance and thermal acceptability for the non-motivated situation.

© 2006 日本建築学会
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