Online ISSN : 1881-817X
Print ISSN : 1348-0685
ISSN-L : 1348-0685
その2 合流排水試験法と管路網モデルの提案・検討
大塚 雅之鈴木 孝彦高橋 雄太
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 74 巻 641 号 p. 819-827


This study intends to propose a testing method for examining the influence of combined drainage in the house drain on the drainage performance of the stack drainage system which is used for housing complexes. The study also intends to propose a drainage performance prediction technique using the testing method, and subsequently discusses the effectiveness of the testing method and the prediction technique. Subsequent to the previous paper, this paper aims to clarify, using the drainage system with special fittings, the following three points: (1) the aeration property of components of the model, which was proposed in the previous paper for predicting the pressure in the house drain when combined drainage occurs, and evaluate the adaptability of the model, (2) using the model, the prediction of the drainage performance of the house drain which is connected to the stack drainage system and compare acquired values to the SHASE-S206 values, (3) the discussion on the vertical height of the horizontal fixture drain branch against combine drainage, i.e. the horizontal fixture drain branch installable at the lowest floor from the house drain. Based on the above points, this paper also looks at the characteristics of combined drainage in the house drain, which are different when the house drain is on the drainage system with special fittings and when it is on the drainage system with JIS-DT fittings.

© 2009 日本建築学会
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