Online ISSN : 1881-817X
Print ISSN : 1348-0685
ISSN-L : 1348-0685
細井 里紗井上 隆高瀬 幸造菅原 清峻松木 義也山浦 賢小林 謙介
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 81 巻 730 号 p. 1155-1162


 Energy consumption in houses depends on the lifestyle of the residents. It is important to grasp the trend of each household and to propose the energy-saving method to each home. We have been studying the estimation method of each usage of energy consumption. In the method, we use the only three measured data of principal electric power, gas and water consumption logged at a certain time interval. By processing the acquired data, we can grasp the energy consumption of hot water, heating, and other usage within a certain level of accuracy. We hope that the useful information for energy-saving behavior fit for every households will be provided.
 In this study, we measured the principal electricity, gas and water consumption data in large-scale apartment housings in the metropolitan area. Electricity is mainly used for lighting, electric appliances, heating (air-conditioner and electric heater), cooling (air-conditioner). Gas is used for hot water, floor heating, bathroom heating (the heat source of hot water, floor heating and bathroom heating is only one hot water boiler in each house) and cooking. Using electricity and gas for these purpose in the house is very popular in Japan. By using the data logged in every 10 minutes in 249 households and the data logged in every minute in 16 households, we studied the estimation method of electricity and gas consumption in each usage. As a result, the difference of estimated energy consumption between using the data logged in every 10 minutes and the data logged in every minute was quite small. Therefore, we confirmed that the data logged in every 10 minutes was useful to analyze the amount of gas and electricity consumption in each usage in recent apartment houses.
 By using this method, it was proved that the hot water and heating energy consumption in each household were drastically varied in winter. The amount of gas and water consumption for hot water varied every month according to outside air temperature and supplied water temperature. Nevertheless, the total amount of water consumption in each households did not fluctuate throughout the year. This tendency was similar to the precise evaluation by the data logged in every second in the past paper. Therefore, the method using the data logged in every 10 minutes was quite reliable. In the heating energy consumption, it was shown that the more residents live in the house, the total heating energy consumption and the ratio of gas usage became higher.

© 2016 日本建築学会
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