Online ISSN : 1881-817X
Print ISSN : 1348-0685
ISSN-L : 1348-0685
アヴァロネ ネト オラヴォ宗方 淳鄭 新源吉田 雄史
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 82 巻 737 号 p. 625-634


 This study investigates how changes in the amount of three elements commonly manipulated in public space design — trees, bushes and seats — affect users' perceptions, impressions and intended behavior on privately owned public open spaces — POPOS. The study uses simulated immersive virtual environments presented with a head-mounted display. Potential users evaluated several design variations of four different POPOS of Tokyo, Japan, using 21 different semantic differential and two rating scales.
 The effects of tree cover ratio, tree height, bushes ratio and seating ratio in five intended activities, nine impressions and six physical scales are described, as well as the relationship between different scales. The effects on willingness to pay and stay duration are also provided.
 The study's results exhibited a positive effect of seat and tree cover ratio across several scales. Bushes ratio and tree height had minor effects on some scales, as did the interactions between tree cover ratio and tree height and between tree and seating ratio. No interaction was found between tree height and seating ratio. Increasing seating ratio increased willingness to pay and stay duration. Differences among sites are discussed.

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