Online ISSN : 1881-8153
Print ISSN : 1340-4202
ISSN-L : 1340-4202
神戸 渡高橋 清和伊藤 拓海青木 謙治
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 78 巻 684 号 p. 355-361


The thick plywood has been developed in recent years, a new application method for architecture or other area is expected. In our past study, the sandwich panel with plywood and steel member is proposed for a new structural member. Then, we studied the compressive performance of that whole member. For expansion of versatility, all mechanical characteristics of thick plywood should be cleared. The bending or shear stress is cleared and enough for designing of the architecture, but the other values aren't enough.
In this study, we analyzed the buckling strength of thick plywood. Then we conducted compression tests with some slenderness ratio, λ, and experimental results were compared with some estimation methods.
As a result, over the 100 in slenderness ratio, the buckling strength could be estimated with Southwell-method or yield-strain-criterion. And the compression stress behaviour is expressed by Euler equation. In the case of under 100 in slenderness ratio, yield-strain -criterion is useful for estimating the plastic buckling strength. And the compression stress of lower limit is expressed by Tetmajer-method.

© 2013 日本建築学会
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