Online ISSN : 1881-8153
Print ISSN : 1340-4202
ISSN-L : 1340-4202
-E-ディフェンス振動台実験による免震構造物の終局時挙動の解明 その2-
永田 聖二矢花 修一金澤 健司平田 和太梅木 克彦稲葉 学佐野 剛志中村 嶽穴吹 拓也白井 和貴北村 誠司森下 正樹
ジャーナル フリー

2014 年 79 巻 700 号 p. 731-740


This paper presents damage and structural performance of lead rubber bearings which experienced shaking table tests on seismic isolation systems. During the shaking table tests, some of the bearings ruptured due to excessive shear deformation. After the tests, failure surfaces were observed to confirm that these failures started at not bond layers but rubber sheets. Static loading tests were conducted on bearings without rupturing to evaluate structural performance before and after the shaking table tests. Then these bearings were cut in the main loading direction to observe inner damage. In addition, test pieces were made from these bearings to perform shear material tests and peeling tests. It was found that, although inner damages of the rubber and steel were observed around lead plugs, fundamental performance of the bearings was less deteriorated even after the shake table tests.

© 2014 日本建築学会
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