Online ISSN : 2433-0019
Print ISSN : 0387-1177
ISSN-L : 0387-1177
8) 炭礦に於ける住生活の實態
新海 悟郎入澤 恒
ジャーナル フリー

1950 年 40 巻 p. 60-69


This report is the result that we took the census of dwelling houses and living conditions about 3,278 houses in Yamano-Coal Mine. The result is following: 1) On the age structure of residents, the rate of the old is less than, and the child and the middle age is more than the average rate in the whole country. 2) The member of households of staffs is on the average 5.50 persons per family and that of coalminers is 4.73 persons per family. 3) The scale of dwelling of coal-miners that was built in Meiji is very smaller than that of staffs, but after-War the difference of both is little. 4) Average density of residence is 8.90 jo per person about staffs and 1.99 jo per person about coalminers. 5) As dwelling houses of coal-miners have few rooms, they sleep very densely in small rooms. 6) In small houses of coal-miners, the genkan (hall) and tokonoma of the greater part of these is used for other purposes. 7) The living condition of coal-miners is rural and that of staffs is urban.

© 1950 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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