Online ISSN : 2433-0000
Print ISSN : 0910-8025
ISSN-L : 0910-8025
市町村単位でみた地震時被災・復旧プロセスの要因分析 : 第1報 1982年浦河沖地震の被害
岡田 成幸太田 裕
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 361 巻 p. 41-48


A series of studies on earthquake disasters has been conducted from a standpoint that all the disasters from direct to indirect, immediate countermeasures and subsequent restoration are linked and mutually correlated phenomena and therefore both of damaging and restoring processes should be considered simultaneously. As a part of studies in this direction this paper describes a factor analysis on damages of residential and nonresidential houses, of commercial, industrial, and agricultural structures etc. and on functional deterioration of lifeline, traffic and other public systems due to the 1982 Urakawa-oki earthquake. The fundamental data used are obtained mostly by the questionnaire survey carried out for all the municipalities of city, town and village in Hokkaido district, Japan. The major results obtained are i ) Physical and direct damage to structures are strongly affected by the seismic intensity at the sites where they locate, and ii ) Functional deterioration of public facilities as water, gas, traffic and other systems are governed not only by the seismic intensity but also by the areal size characterized in terms of population. Namely, it was reconformed quantitatively that the earthquake disasters are much more complicated in city areas than in less populated town and village areas, even if the seismic input itself is identical.

© 1986 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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