Online ISSN : 2433-0000
Print ISSN : 0910-8025
ISSN-L : 0910-8025
安全性からみた階段のすべりの評価方法に関する基礎的考察 : 安全性からみた階段のすべりの評価方法に関する研究(その1)
小野 英哲須藤 拓三上 貴正
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 362 巻 p. 1-10


Slip resistance of stairway treads would be one of the most important physical factors which influence stairway safety. But it's quantitative evaluating method has not been established. The purpose of this paper is to investigate an effect of slip resistance of stairway treads objectively, and also to prove the possibility of establishing it's evaluating method. The outline of contents of this study is as follows. (1) Two kinds of model stairways are designed and produced for sensory test. One has highly safe riser/tread dimension, and another has extremely dangerous dimension. Treads of each stairways have various degrees of slip resistance. (2) Evaluating scales of slip resistance of stairway treads, namely, 'safety scales' are composed by means of sensory test. (3) Coefficients of slip resistance (C. S. R) of stairway treads, which would indicate proper degree of slip resistance of treads, are measured by using our originally developed slip tester (0-Y・PSM). (4) Correlations between safety scales and C. S. R are examined. After all, as the results of experiments stated above, following conclusions are obtained. (1) The influence of slip resistance of stairway treads on stairway safety is made clear objectively. (2) The method of composing safety scales is sufficiently available. (3) Applicability of 0-Y・PSM and C. S. R. is basically confirmed. (4) Establishment of quantitative evaluating method of slip resistance of stairway treads is proved to be possible.

© 1986 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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