Online ISSN : 2433-0000
Print ISSN : 0910-8025
ISSN-L : 0910-8025
ジョイントムーブメントにより生ずるシーリング材の応力およびその粘弾性的検討 : ムーブメントを生じているジョイントでのシーリング材の挙動(その2)
小池 迪夫田中 享二冨板 崇橋田 浩
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 373 巻 p. 34-42


This paper describes the visco-elastic behavior of polysulfide and silicone sealants obtained by cyclic tests and outdoor exposure tests. The two factors that affect to the behavior of them, period and temperature, were first studied by the cyclic tests with the joint movements following sine curves which cause 10 % -extension and contraction of the initial joint width. More detailed behavior against temperature, that is, change of temperature, were furthermore studied by the cyclic tests in which the joint width simultaneously varys with temperature. The behavior of sealants in outdoors were finally studied. Joint movements of joint moving apparatuses and stresses of the sealants induced by them were measured when clear days in four seasons in Yokohama, Japan. The method of calculation of the induced stress of a sealant was also discussed. The stresses of the sealants during the tests were calculated based on the mathematical models obtained in the previous paper. The validity of it was discussed by the comparison between the calculated stressses and observed ones.

© 1987 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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