Online ISSN : 2433-0000
Print ISSN : 0910-8025
ISSN-L : 0910-8025
安全性からみた浴室床および浴槽底のすべりの評価方法に関する研究 : その2 すべりの評価指標および評価方法の提示
小野 英哲三上 貴正大野 隆造横山 裕上野 静二高木 直
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 387 巻 p. 1-7


This paper, Part 2, presents the evaluationg method of slipperiness of bathroom floors and bathtub bottoms from a viewpoint of safety. The outline of this paper is as follows. First, in order to make the evaluating scales based on the subjective judgement of slipperiness, the sensory test was taken place on several samples of bathroom floors and bathtub bottoms, under the condition of bare feet and soapsuds on sample surfaces. The method of sensory test was 'the method of successive categories'. After the test, evaluating scales were obtained on typical actions in the bathroom, namely, on 'walk', 'turn back', 'sit and rise', 'trot', and 'come into and come out of bathtub'. Then, the Coefficient of Slip Resistance of Bathroom Floor (C. S. R・B) of sample surfaces, were measured by O-Y・Pull Slip Meter (O-Y・PSM), with the bare foot slider reported in former paper, Part 1. Next, it was found that there were clear relations between the evaluating scales and C. S. R・B, and these relations were presented as evaluating indexes on slipperiness of bathroom floors and bathtub bottoms. Finally, the evaluating method was presented, which is composed of the measuring method of slip resistance and the evaluating indexes.

© 1988 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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