Online ISSN : 2433-0000
Print ISSN : 0910-8025
ISSN-L : 0910-8025
鈴木 敏郎滝口 克己堀田 久人
ジャーナル フリー

1988 年 391 巻 p. 72-80


The structural system named [Steel]-[Hoop]-[Concrete] composite in this paper is the steel encased concrete (SRC) composite without longitudinal reinforcements proposed in the previous papers, e.g. Transactions of A.I.J., No.345, No.348, No.354. In this paper, some mechanical advantages of leaving out longitudinal reinforcements are discussed in [Steel]-[Hoop]-[Concrete] composite (SHC composite). The following two experiments were carried out. One was the experiment to examine the effects of the bond between longitudinal reinforcements and concrete. The common SRC specimens and the specimens in which the bond between longitudinal reinforcements and concrete was intentionally removed were tested, and restoring force characteristics of both specimens were compared. The loading condition was cyclic shear-bending under constant axial force. The other was the experiment to examine the differences between the characteristics of SRC members and of proposed SHC members. SRC specimens and SHC ones were designed to have the same bending strength under the axial force applied in this experiment. The loading condition was cyclic shear-bending under constant axial force. The following conclusions were obtained from the two experiments. (1) Many diagonal cracks arises in the common SRC member under shear-bending because of the bond between longitudinal reinforcements and concrete. They reduce the deformation capacity of SRC member. (2) The proposed [Steel]-[Hoop]-[Concrete] composite member has better restoring force characteristics than the common SRC member has under shear-bending.

© 1988 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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